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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus
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Located between Susurro Fields and Praistigia Cliffs, the capitol of the Dusk Court enjoys quite a view. With rolling green fields on one side and grandiose, ocean-side bluffs on the other, it is difficult to resist taking few moments to simply take in the surrounding lands. The citadel itself is also an impressive sight; a single tower looms over the rest of the area, tall and mighty and seemingly untouched by the wear of time. Inside, one may usually find the halls to be adorned with decor of all different kinds, but like most nations, carry depictions of their beloved deity and the district she has built for them.

Heavy is the Crown [P] by Uzuri
63 threads / 233 posts
While it may not have majestic mountain peaks or sparkling bodies of water, Susurro Fields holds a unique beauty all its own. The grasses are a dense, luscious shade of green unmatched by any other territory found in Novus. It is as though Vespera weaved each blade into a plush blanket and set it neatly atop the soil for those of her Court to cherish - and cherish they do, for the land is often bustling with life and activity among the citizens. Even large groups of wildlife can be found roaming the vastness of Susurro Fields. It truly is the meeting-place of the Dusk Court, if there ever was one.
Where the air is thick with humidity and every step produces a saturated squelch, one must certainly know they have reached Tinea Swamp. This territory of Terrastella is eternally dreary with its muted colours and the gentle murmurs of sound it produces. To some, it is an eerily peaceful place, a refuge from the clamour of everyday life. There are no winds to cry into travelers’ ears and no rushing rivers to crash through the calm, but instead it is the euphonic stirring of leaves and subtle movement of quiet waters that whisper on the air. Be it ominous or tranquil, no being can deny the mystique of Tinea Swamp.

Changes and Challenges by Below Zero
16 threads / 55 posts
Rising from the ocean stand the mighty crags of Terrastella. The Praistigia Cliffs are vastly different from the gentle curves of the neighbouring Susurro Fields. Every line on the horizon is cut sharp and blunt, making any excursion potentially dangerous with one wrong move. As it seems to be in life, however, effort will be rewarded. In some areas, the highlands become flatter and easier to travel, giving those with just enough persistence the unbeatable and magnificent view of the ocean crashing far below. For many horses of the Dusk Court, such a sight is well worth the risk.
At the heart of the Tinea Swamp, where the trees grow thick and tall, lies a secret hub central to Vespera's teaching. Staircases crafted from the trunks of the trees themselves wind high up into the canopy, where the branches twine together thickly to form solid floors and walls. Dozens of the most ancient of swamp trees form dozens more rooms, the wood worn smooth from the many horses that have come before. It is here that Terrastella's hospital is concealed, protected fiercely by both the swamp's natural defenses and Vespera's people.

Cursed to dream .:Dune:. by Dune
3 threads / 8 posts
All completed threads from within Terrastella's borders will be archived here. If you need a thread re-opened, please submit an unarchive request. If a thread has an IC closure, all characters involved may redeem signos for completing it. The thread will be automatically locked and archived.

Relief of darkness by Valan
562 threads / 3,074 posts


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