an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus
Dusk Court Youth
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6 [Year 505 Winter]








Holsteiner x Clydesdale X


18 hh







Last Visit:

07-19-2022, 02:01 PM




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Jiri is a delicate little creature, no where near as heavily built as her sire. She is also a touch shorter, standing at a mature height of 18 hands. When she gets to that height.

Jiri is a golden dun under her striking white paint markings, with hints of the dun markings visible in select places. Her hooves are a rich orange gold hue, at odds with the usual tones when hooves are connected to such striking moon kissed fur. The tresses of her mane and tail are completely white, pure and vibrant as the snow that was around when she was born. Bright, happy seafoam eyes take in the world around her, and soft voice echoes the questions in her mind.

Reference by Chaosy with lineart by Anonymous Shrew.

Jiri, when in water, changes her form completely. She becomes a hippocampus with heavy influence from a lionfish. She has markings that are vastly different from her land form. - Design by Dyzzie <3

Positive - enthusiastic, honest, imaginative, optimistic, helpful, polite, energetic, insightful, determined, caring, positive, cheerful

Negative - gullible, compulsive, impatient, impulsive, picky, stubborn, clingy, indecisive, irresponsible, naive, can be shy, strong willed

Jiri, while young and still learning about the world and herself, is headstrong and determined to learn. She is curious and imaginative, while positive and insightful. All of the best parts of a young creature that is learning about her world. She has yet to feel the pains of the world, yet to become cynical and cold. She is happy and excited to just live and thrive with her father and those she loves. Her father has instilled a politeness and caring sense of self. She is well behaved, though definitely more energetic than many are used to. This sweet little creature is the light of her father's life and has the behavior to match.

While she is a positive and happy filly, she is prone to her faults. She is naive and gullible, not knowing enough of the world and those around her to be cautious. Jiri can be impulsive and impatient, wanting answers or to explore with or without her father's approval. The little filly can be stubborn and strong willed, something that will likely continue to grow as she does. She can be clingy and shy, particularly with new beings. Being a foal, she is indecisive and irresponsible at best. She is fickle and prone to changing her mind as well as compulsive to those that she knows she has wrapped around her little hooves. This is reserved primarily for her father, though who knows what the future will bring.

-Born Winter of 506-

Mother is unknown, father is Sol Bestiam. She is result of blessing from Oriens.

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Played by:

Chaosy (PM Player)


SimplyChaos    //   



Staff Log

Saved incentives/prizes: None.

04/05/21 - Application accepted. Dawn Court Youth +20 signos for a visual reference. -LULLIVY
07/18/21 +6EXP for Chaosy's 1 and 2 year anniversaries (05-16-19). -INKBONE
02/01/22 Member requested rank change from Dawn to Dusk Court Youth, TID6820. -INKBONE
04/12/22 Moved to inactive from Dusk Court Youth per member req. -INKBONE
05/11/22 Moved from inactive to Dusk Court Youth per member request - LULLIVY
06/03/22 +3EXP for Chaosy' 3 year anniversary 5/16/19. -INKBONE
06/03/22 Age advanced to 2 years at member req. -INKBONE