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Thoroughbred Mix


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12-01-2022, 11:18 PM




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“Oh, Starless One,”
While Sirius’ bloodline is a decent mix of breeds, he takes on the more thoroughbred-like appearance. Long-legged with defined muscles, he is built lean. He has something of an expressive face, with bright violet eyes.

His coat is an inky sort of black, with the faintest undertones of a rich navy in some lighting. Spattered across his body are small silvery flecks that leave him with a night-sky appearance. They vary in size, but all have a starlight shimmer to them. They don’t quite glow, but should there even be the faintest of light around they seem to brighten. These flecks seem to gather most around his legs, shoulders, rumb, the back of his neck, and where his wings meet his body — however, they appear in small clusters elsewhere as well. Across his face are larger markings with the same color and starlight appearance as these flecked. Blue-ish silver streaks wrap around his eyes and extend down towards his nose. They also line his cheek bones in sharper, joined lines. There is a very faint marking leading up to a point on his forehead. These markings are symmetrical on either side of his face, and have a small speckling surrounding them.

Sirius also sports a rather well defined rabicano pattern under his stomach. It’s much crisper in its coloration than his other markings, making it stand out brilliantly against the dark coloration of his coat.

As is the case with many pegasus, his wings are a sight to behold. The black feathers on his shoulder begin to lighten the farther out his wings they go. There is a sort of blue-ashy hue to them before brightening to an off-light steel blue. His wings are strong, decently sized, and kept in a well preened state. There isn’t a feather out of place. It’s clear that they are a point of pride for Sirius, and he can be rather animated with them at times — using his wings to make an assortment of gestures.

Overall Sirius doesn’t allow himself to look anything less than his best. Even his mane and tail — both rather long in length — are kept knot free. The strands begin a rich black but quickly lighten through a shade of blue until they are nearly white in color.

“How he only looked to the stars and demanded more,”
Vain . Selfish . Arrogant . Cruel . Lonely . Unforgiving . Manipulative

Sirius isn’t one with very many redeeming qualities. He was lonely as a child, neglected, and taught that while he was inferior to his guardians he was superior to everyone else. This instilled him with a sense of arrogance while retaining a deep self-loathing. He is his own worst enemy. He hates easier than he loves, but with love comes opportunity. Whether he is truly capable of caring for someone beyond their potential worth has yet to be seen. He hasn’t known a loving touch, and in kind hasn’t been able to reciprocate such things. Everyone has something to offer him, even if they don’t quite know it yet — and he has no need for useless things.

His manipulations can be subtle. Allowing himself to show some vulnerability is something that he has learned will often lend some sympathies from those around him. Sirius will admit to certain things if he believes it’ll earn him a better standing with someone. However there are parts of him that he keeps guarded and will viciously defend should he be asked.

“He would consume the world, and he would never waver,”
He was a child that was never meant to be, born of a forbidden relationship and thrown into the midst of betrayal. By the rights of their lands and laws he could have — should have — been killed the moment he drew his first breath. Instead he felt the warmth of familial love for just a touch of a second before it was ripped away from him. He was placed under the care of another, someone who would raise him but would not love him.

He wasn’t given a name in those first months of his life. Instead he was called child, rat, and boy. He was told he didn’t deserve a name because he was born starless, born with no hope or light to his existence. It was cruel words to be sent the way of a child, and it hardened his heart. For much of his young life all he knew were the stone walls of the grand stronghold that confined him. They were cold walls, lifeless and a place only of pain and loneliness. He would be dragged to lessons where he was taught the bare minimum — how to speak, how to read, and how to obey.

It was through these lessons that he would find himself delving into the great books of the strongholds library. He would tiptoe away and hide himself in a corner where he would spend hours upon hours reading the wondrous tales of their lands. He would learn of the stars, of the constellations they were born under. He would learn of the magics so intricately intertwined with every living being. And he would learn of a master of the stars, a legend by the name of Sirius.

Having no name of his own, the child decided he would name himself. He would take something for his own and he would no longer be just a rat or a boy.

He would be Sirius. Starless and forbidden as he was, he would name himself after the beloved star in the hopes that he, too, might one day become more than just the walls that caged him.

There was little in Sirius’ life that would have instilled a knowledge of love. Despite the circumstances of his birth, his tormentor had picked out one aspect of the boy that he liked — magic. Sirius had a talent for it, and picked up wielding the land's lifeblood with an ease that surprised his mentors. Because of this he was taught that he was below his masters, but above everyone else. He would be greater than the common folk, and even though his birth was forbidden he would rise above it.

What that entailed, exactly, he did not know at the time. He would learn soon enough that his captor was Lael, an immortal grand mage that fancied himself a god. —

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