an equine & cervidae rpg
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08-06-2022, 08:08 PM




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Slender and long-legged, Lorcan is on the taller side with a near lanky appearance. Though his muscles are defined they lack heavy bulk. Instead, he’s built to be nimble and quick. His head is chiseled, and sitting upon the bridge of his nose are two well-formed horns. The pair are surrounded by a thick black base before sprouting upwards in a rich silver hue. While both are sharp with an almost blade-like quality, the horn sitting closer to his forehead extends farther in height.

With a dark, off-purple base, Lorcan is decorated in a subtle galaxy across his neck, midsection, and legs. Soft hints of green, blue, and purple mark his body in sunlight. Atop of those are a speckling of pale violet ‘stars’. These markings cluster together and are most notable along his chest, neck, and legs. Adding to these false galaxies are sharper, more solid scales of iron. Though these small plates appear upon his body in little clusters along his shoulders, hip, and in clusters along his back legs, and cheek. Upon his front legs are two sharper, much larger forms of these scales.

Both his mane and tail are a solid black in color. Much of his mane is kept long - with his forelock a near excessive length. He keeps two hurried braids within his hair - one behind his ear, and the other at the base of his neck. Lorcan’s tail follows suit with a long length, and two braids weaved within.

Darker, black blood flows through his veins, leading to the more fleshy portions of his body to take on a grayish hue. The insides of his mouth are ashen - his gums pale dust, and his tongue a more charcoal color. Because of this Lorcan does all he can to avoid bleeding. He remains a firm believer - as it was in his homelands - that his blood is a curse.

Though his accessories often differ from time to time, his most common outfit is a simple black hood and a black sash draped around his hips. His left ear is pierced four times with silver hoops, and upon his left leg are two silver bands. Blue cloth is strapped around his left thigh and a belt lashed around that. Lastly kept under his hood are two simple black threads of leather that crisscross one another.

There is a weakness to Lorcan that he tried not to acknowledge. A bloodline curse brought on by the magic of his homeland that had begun to seep into his bones. There are times when he needs to pause to catch his breath because day-to-day activities are taxing on his not-yet-recovered body, or his limbs will shake after a trip to the market. Unknown to him, however, because of his distance from his homelands the curse has eased within Novus. In time he will recover some of his strength the farther he is from his childhood gods.



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mono (PM Player)


tkcanine    //   



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