an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 30 — Threads: 11
Signos: 25
Dusk Court Merchant
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 19  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

A s t a
do you believe in reinarnation?
'cause i thought i saw your soul
I wasn't used to the taste of freedom.
Or perhaps, I merely wasn't used to it in this life.

I've felt it before.

A long, long time ago.
The feel of the wind brushing fingers through my mane. The taste of success coating my mouth. I remember it all so freeingly. With no hesitation, no letdowns. Just me against the world, and it was exhilarating. 

I'm starting to regain some of that sense as well. It's in the ability to wake up and leave my room freely. To be able to explore the world without having to sneak out of my parents' home. Freedom to see the world, taste the spirits (quite literally, thank you very much), and once more let that wild energy in my blood sing. But I also know, at least for the time being, as much as I want to let it all go, feel that sense of adventure once more, there is still a part of me that hesitates.

It's that same part of me that keeps me at this cliff. The waters crashing below me, trying to carve out the rock wall to get at me, to pull me into their embrace. I remember it so freely, in a time long, long ago. To run wild on those very waves. The salty air zapped the breath out of me on chilly nights. The lulling of a ship on peaceful waters. But I also remembered the storms, the thrill of death coming for you as you raced from one end of the ship to the next, securing sails, trying to keep things on board, trying to ride out those storms that could come out of nowhere, and throw your entire travel for a loop.

I remember the fighting, the zing of blades through the air, the crossing of swords, and the demented grins we wore as our flags were raised. With the taste of freedom I'm slowly being given, these memories come soaring back, and I miss it. The thrill of adventure, the dashing, daring attempts to make a name for yourself, a fortune. Somewhere, so long ago; that Asta had buried such treasures on an uncharted island, and I wonder briefly if it was still there if I could regain the crown I once held in the southern seas, traveling those dangerous routes, fighting against fellow pirates for my cut, my fraction of delicious coin, and jewels.

I remember trapezing across rooftops, I remember running from those 'saintly' naval officers who didn't believe in my attempts to make a living. Stealing from the rich to feed me. I remember those lifetimes with such fondness, that it's almost an ache in my chest as I keep my distance from the shore, from the water so far below me. Instead, I lay down, my tail dangling off the edge, as I watch the waters, the waves. The tantalizing call of the sea, to taste that special freedom again. I wonder if being out at sea, living a pirate's life, would give Liam more gray hairs - or less. A sneaky grin crosses my muzzle, but I know I'm nowhere near being able to journey the oceans again. 

I'd need a ship.

Perhaps I should start keeping an eye out for the next one to come ashore.

What's a pirate, if they don't 'borrow' things every once in a while?

And I was once a very good pirate.

Open to Anyone
Notes:: <3 Figured I'd start this out with a little Asta action :)
flashing and dancing on the horizon
shades of jade and emerald
Artist Credit to Bingo

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Faith is made stronger by facing doubt, untested, it is nothing.

The sea air was cool and crisp, the salty tang dancing in the bull’s nares. This was a new way to travel the sea, a way to see the above while exploring the below. The ship under his hooves was nothing special, but it was sturdy and well made. Perhaps in time, he could make improvements to make the ship more impressive. That was a goal at least. 

Finding where the sea dropped into ebony depths, Trey dropped his anchor just on the shallow side of the drop off and disappeared into the captain’s cabin. "Captain Trevelyan… That has a nice ring to it." He murmured to himself as he closed the doors and began to organize the room. It was still furnished by the previous owner’s belongings… Not that he would ever speak of how he came to own a ship of his own. Pol would never approve of his antics. 

Shaking his head, he began sorting through the maps that were in a chest under the large window. Pulling out one of Novus, he began to study the waters and lands, finding this way of learning his new realm fascinating. The bull had never thought about living as a pirate, but there was a draw that he couldn’t ignore.

Notes: Figured I would throw him in and we can see how things go lol

CREDIT to Akatsukislilwolf (offsite)

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 30 — Threads: 11
Signos: 25
Dusk Court Merchant
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 19  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

A s t a
do you believe in reinarnation?
'cause i thought i saw your soul
There was a speck in the distance. I hardly cared at first.

But then I saw the beauty for real. Not just a mere glance, but no - it came closer and as it did my attention was stuck hard.

The subtle curves, the billowing of fabric. Oh how she shined in the light, reflecting off that gorgeous body. I couldn't help but stare. It'd been a while since I'd seen anything so lovely, and this ship cut a fine figure in deed. So, I did what any former pirate would do - I headed down for a closer look. Standing, I followed the weaving path along the edges of these cliffs to get closer to where the ship would be, to where it was coming to dock.

I grin slowly, ears perked forward, and in an instant I was covering the distance with a much faster 1,2 beat.

I couldn't stay away. It called to me like a forgotten lover, like a long lost promised land.

I could see a figure moving aboard, and my eyes narrow as I come closer, seeing them head inside.

They looked piratey enough, like a being of the sea - but I surely had far more years experience. So, with a quick look around, I found a good place to leap, and I jumped from the cliff. The landing was a bit rough on the deck, but it wasn't the first time I'd jumped without looking. And this was for an important adventure. My head turned towards the captain's quarters, smirking as I straightened out, as I stood taller, forgetting for a moment how much of a prim and proper lady of proper upbringing I looked like.

Perhaps I should look into acquiring a sword next?

I made my way through the doors, slamming them open with all the power and flare of an experienced pirate, a cocky grin on my muzzle as I stared down this odd half fish-half horse beast. Reminded me slightly of that battle mage, Below something. Belle I think she called herself? What ever. He looked like that, but not quite. If the Belle-chick was a dolphin, this one was a shark, You, what's your name; and how'd you come across this vessel?" I pause, before snorting and adding, And give me one damn good reason I shouldn't take it from you."

Because I thought it would do rather nicely for my next ship, as well.

Notes:: <3 Figured I'd start this out with a little Asta action :)
flashing and dancing on the horizon
shades of jade and emerald
Artist Credit to Bingo

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Faith is made stronger by facing doubt, untested, it is nothing.

The thud from the deck caught his attention, but Trey waited to see what would come of it. If it was something defective of his ship or he had a surprise visitor. Then came the hoofbeats. The clip of hoof on wood as they approached. There was a grin on his lips, a laugh in his heart as he sprawled on the cushions with the map.

That was, of course, until the doors slammed open. Head jerking, he took in the dawn colored mare with an incredulous look. Shaking his head, he got to his feet. She wasnt as tall as him, making the bull have to look down at her where she had started their encounter doing the same. Flicking his fluke, he gazed at her.

"I think the first question should be directed at you. You are the one that decided to take it upon yourself to crash into my quarters, on my ship. I can appreciate one that would like to help me... polish... my sword, but I am afraid I dont swing that way." He laughed gruffly, golden eyes glinting as he stepped closer. "You will find that I am rather fond of things that are mine... and I will protect them with all that I am." He crooned, though the threat was still there.

"I will tell you what, stranger. I find that I am in need of a few hands to help fun this ship. But I will not be giving her to you. She is mine. That being said, I am willing to let you stay, as my second rather than taking my beloved ship." He offered, though his eyes were not warm as he let the offer drip from his lips.

Notes: XD

CREDIT to Akatsukislilwolf (offsite)

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 30 — Threads: 11
Signos: 25
Dusk Court Merchant
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 19  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

A s t a
do you believe in reinarnation?
'cause i thought i saw your soul
I couldn't help the grand entrance. From the second I stepped onto the deck of the vessel, it was like I was travelling back in time. I could almost feel the scabbard bumping against my hip, the braids, coins and beads thumping against my neck, the feel of well worn clothing that marked me a pirate. Almost. It was hard to imagine how long ago those lives had been.

Still, I wasn't expecting the one who owned this ship to look part shark! How interesting! He didn't seem impressed however, rising to his feet, shaking his head. So, of course, he then wanted to know who I was. Oh, of all the ways I could respond to this. Coy, and sassy, sarcastic and taunting. Instead, I choose honest, "Asta Stendahl." The name flows simply, before huffing, No, you can polish your own equip-" I pause at his follow up of the direction he swings, before my eyes suddenly light up with delight, "Oh, you're fun!"

The words leave me before I'm aware of them, and they draw me up short.
Fun? Why would I say that.

How was that keeping to the rules I lived by, the way I prefer to avoid connections. And yet, even as he spoke, a threat veiled in a croon, I grinned in amusement, Sorry, Not the sort to be willing to take orders over another." I respond airly, moving around as if I were taking stock, before grinning back at him, Loosen up, If I actually wanted the ship, I'd have gone a very different route to taking it, and you wouldn't have known I was here until a blade was pressed to your throat. Once upon a time, I was a very, very good pirate. I just wanted a look around is all. Besides, I'm pretty sure my father would have a heart attack if I stole someone's ship." Liam would ground her until she was 18.

Notes:: Rhys needs to take lessons from Trey, cause Trey just sparked the fun Asta.
flashing and dancing on the horizon
shades of jade and emerald
Artist Credit to Bingo

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Faith is made stronger by facing doubt, untested, it is nothing.

Trey grinned at the dawn hued mare and shook his short mane. "Well, it is a pleasure to meet you, beautiful. If you were a stallion, I am sure I would have other words to say regarding said gorgeous facade. I am Trevelyan, though most simply call me Trey." He remarked with a grin, motioning to a nearby pile of pillows if she wanted to relax.

The grin turned wicked and amused as she continued and Trey laughed softly. "So you have the heart of a pirate and the snark to match. Oh if you were a stallion… My world would be complete." He comments, a mock whine in his voice as he gazed at her. Yeah… if only she were a male. He could have fun then. 

"I can understand the appeal of a beautiful ship… even if this one needs a bit of tlc to make it more beautiful. On my list of things to do as I find time… You are more than welcome to spend time here if you desire… I would even be willing to give you your own quarters for when you want to get away from the land." He grinned, relaxing back into his pillows and watching the mare. Even without the possibility of romance, or even lust, the mare was amusing. He could see being friends with a creature such as this, not that he had friends usually. The only one he had was currently exploring Novus on her own and learning to be a healer from someone that could truly teach her. 

Notes: XD

CREDIT to Akatsukislilwolf (offsite)

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 30 — Threads: 11
Signos: 25
Dusk Court Merchant
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 10 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 19  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

A s t a
do you believe in reinarnation?
'cause i thought i saw your soul
The shark boy was fun, I'd be the first to admit to that, as he grins back at me.

I do blink a bit in surprise at his words that clue me in on his preferences - stallions. Which just ups my approval of him, Oh really? You prefer stallions. I know the perfect guy for you then! He lives in Dusk, very dark, stripey, has a bit of a bad attitude. Goes by the name of Rhysand. I pause here, then shake my head, Nah, actually, you deserve better than that, I bet. Anyway, Nice to meet ya, Trey! I think we're friends now, yes? This has to be the way best friends are made! I add with a playful laugh as I throw myself among some of the pillows.

I grin as I roll among the soft fluff, settling in before righting myself and eyeing him, Oh, definitely the heart of one. Before I snorted, So sorry I was born a female. Better luck next life, huh. I laugh with out bothering to explain the meaning behind my words. I grin playfully letting my eyes sparkling when he expresses his understanding for the appeal of his ship, Well, it might need some TLC, but it's still nice. I'm always happy to come and help out too if it means I get my own quarters. We can go on adventures. It'll drive my adopted father nuts too! Though I imagine I could soothe Liam's concern with the fact that I wanted friends and this was a friend. How about a tour of the ship then, Trey? I suddenly ask with an eager smile

Notes:: Rhys needs to take lessons from Trey, cause Trey just sparked the fun Asta.
flashing and dancing on the horizon
shades of jade and emerald
Artist Credit to Bingo

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