the race winner!
They had said there was a message waiting in the flames, for those who looked closely enough.
Perhaps you are finding that message now, as the flames pressing against your sides reach out to kiss your skin instead of nip at it. The horses around you are still crackling apart, like logs splitting in the fires. And perhaps only now do you realize that it was not the other race participants running beside you — it was the fire. The smoke washes over you in waves of cinnamon and frankincense, wrapped around you like a shield. Perhaps, just perhaps, you begin to understand the whispers of protection that had swam through the crowds all night.
These visions will stay with you for some time to come. You might dream of the things you saw in the flames, or maybe it will come to you during times of quiet reflection. An aura will seem to settle over you like a halo, like there was magic after all in the flames that is slow to wear off. All around you can see the way the flames flash on their own like they’re trying to tell you something, reaching out like they cannot bear to be apart.
And you —
you are the first to cross the finish line, crowned by dancing flames of every color.
Congratulations @
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Thank you for your participation, and congrats again! We hope you enjoyed the event!