She trailed through the familiar, quiet vaults along a favorite trail with her expression cast in a soft and wistful smile. The softest trace of a hum rose and fell from her lips in a wordless tune beneath the midday, dappled light falling across her back. A beautiful season – but so sad. The flowers and vines twined through her curving horns had begun to fade a fortnight prior, losing the vibrant color and scent she’d chosen them for in the final days of summer. It had occurred to her in the past to exchange them for selections from the radiant red and gold leaves that drifted down from the trees, but their liveliness would be short-lived as the frost crept in.
The soft, sweet scent of fruit seeped through her daydreaming to put her musical hum at a pause as she cast about for its source. Nostrils flared, Vy blinked in pleased surprise as her gaze fell upon a welcome sight: the dull dark clusters of late-fruiting blackberries tucked under the mantle of their mother plant. Smiling to herself, she stepped the few paces off the path to lower her head and sample the offering. ”A sign of luck, perhaps?” she chuckled softly.
but listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness