an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - ignorance is bliss

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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

some time had passed since her encounter with the mare at the plains. further time had been wasted at the peak, learning of the deities here. time was a luxury she did not have, for she was embraced tightly by mortality like so many others. it was a disease she hoped to cure. if they bestowed immortality here in Novus, she would learn how. if it was by the gods' hands, well, she was merely going to find another way. she bowed to no god. not even for a token of their longevity. power was another thing completely. she could easily twist it about to work in her own favor. 

steps took her back down the mountain's peak, entering a place she had not been before in this land. yes, she was ignorant of the true intentions of this particular area. she did not know it was meant for lovers nor beings looking for a quick tryst. it was merely on her way deeper into the realm. by now it was midday, however. having spent all night in the presence of another without a contractual obligation to remain or join her court, Huntington would leave the other be. especially in favor of continuing on alone. she stood out like a sore thumb in the day; her dark coat did nothing but hide in shadow. to many, she could appear odd and foreign. and she rather hoped no one would approach with foolish questions.

Huntington was merely looking for the exit.

@ anyone 
ooc; ignorant of this creek ic, oocly want to have fun >D anyone welcome set after she visits the mountains with mephisto

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

Day Court was getting a little carried away with their drama. The queen getting her ass kicked, the new ruler thinking he could outshine Saphrax, and the general hustle and bustle of an insanely too hot court. All of it was almost too much for the half-phoenix to handle. And so, the stallion had decided that he would go on a flight around Novus, getting a good lay of the grounds. After all, he wasn’t so sure Solterra was for him. Perhaps he would need to scope out the other places to see what might accept him a little better. He needed some innocent girls to fall dead over heals with him. Yes, that’s what he needed.

As he flew over first the plains, then the battle field, and finally the love nest, he saw something that surprised him. There was a stranger walking along the creek. The individual was a female! A FEMAL! Oh man. Time to man up his game. She was alone and in the love nest. Surely that meant one thing - sure that meant that she needed some hot, strapping man to keep her warm tonight (at least that’s what he told himself).

He slowly began his descent, coming closer to her and realizing that she was the perfect sidekick for him. She was black, almost too black. However, standing next to her would no doubt make his flames burn a little brighter. They would clash so brilliantly against her black. Yes. That was who he needed to be hanging around.

As he came into a landing, he made sure that it was smooth and perfect. Once he was on the ground, he fluffed his feathers, insuring that they laid softly and perfectly against his side. He did the same with his crest and tail feathers, insuring that they laid perfectly against his body, the flames softly flickering in the afternoon sun.

And as he came towards her, he had a little pep to his step, a confidence that told her he was capable of anything and that he was worth looking at. In fact, she would missing out if she didn’t look at him. He was that sexy. He halted a pace or two away from her, probably too close for comfort when meeting a new stranger, but Saphrax was under the impression that she might wants to really get to know him personally here in a few minutes (at least he thought she might) “Good afternoon, sweetheart.” He offered her a charming, irritating grin. He was far too excited for this.


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

[Image: by_briallu_by_wockish_dc864sa-pre.png]

she was not amused, but then again, was she ever?

the decline of the man upon the earth would cause an ear to flick in his direction, yet she did not immediately look upon him. her face was almost touching the ground, having spotted a lovely little plant specimen poking out from the brush. his words caused her to slowly raise her head to look at him. the usual expressionless gaze quickly looked the man over before deciding he was not worth her time. should she know the real origins of this creek, she would have departed sooner. no trysts were felt by her even in the best of times. no one would touch her without her explicit permission.

still, he was close to her. 

perhaps a bit too close for a stranger to be. she could almost lash out with her teeth and clamp her jaws around some part of him. not a part he would enjoy, though. "hmm..." Huntington would muse quietly. she had seen plenty of winged beasts. it was nothing new or exciting to her. someone gift her the sight of a kelpie or hippocampus. that was more intriguing over the common flying creatures. it would seem he had no interest in leaving her be, though. "what do you want?" she replied, at last, though her words were harsh they lacked actual bite behind them. whether she was merely being daft and hiding her skill or she really was exhausted with him... well, perhaps it was both.


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

He continued to move forward, coming closer to her. He was already feeling the love the creek seemed to bring in out in people. Already it had his hormones racing and it took quite a bit of constraint to keep hidden from her exactly how much he desired her. There was something about how her ebony and white body clashed so perfectly with his flames. He simply wanted to caress her with his touch.

Reaching out with his wing, he hovered it just above her back. He so desperately wanted to touch her. And just when the thought was just about to overcome his restraint, he hears her speak. He looks to her with that cheeky  grin, his eyes bright and full of life. “You, mi amore!” He could hear the hesitation in her voice, the sharpness that came with some rather harsh personalities. And yet, she was here in the creek. Did she not know this was a place to foster love?

And then, it happened, he reached out with his wing to allow his flames to dance over her skin. The colors flickered, illuminated by the dark contrast between their two bodies. “My flames would love to flicker all over you.” It was one of those cheesy pick up lines that never worked, but he would continue to use it anyway.

He removed his wing, not at all wanting it to get bitten off (because it had already taken him too long to get his feathers to lay just perfectly) He continued to move forward, coming to stand in front of her as his eyes rested on hers. “Have you not come to be covered in love?” This was, after all, the place where lovers came to have a private moment. Did she not know this? “I’m sure our offspring would be quite eye-catching.” Oh yes. A black child with his feathers and flames. Good lord it would look orgasmic. He simply had to have her now.


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