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Private  - seasons pass into a new dawn

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Played by Offline Scapeh [PM] Posts: 65 — Threads: 8
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Dawn Court Scholar
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 16 — Atk: 4 — Exp: 20  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

It has been longer than perhaps I would like to admit since I have been among the company of people who did not carry an inherent sadness about them. The temple sages would have you believe that the diligence in which they have you study is for the purpose of clearing your mind of all earthly misgivings, that giving up being among our own peoples to learn of the ways of so many others is a grand choice. And to be sure, that is a choice I made wholeheartedly and with delight when I was younger. But that was a decision born of a naivety which was carefully fostered, curated and kept alive by the very nature of the place I lived. Yes, I would call the living I had somewhat sad, I think. Perhaps not for everyone, and that’s alright. And I would not speak ill of all the time that I spent studying and learning and walking among other societies. It was this gift that granted me the understanding that lead to my being here in Delumine, after all, if in a round-about way. 

The streets of the city are alive with colour, personality and flourish. The individuals all carrying on with their own lives, engrossed in this thing or that. Peddling wares, making a living, getting to and fro, gathering together for pleasure or chore. There is such an aliveness to those around me that I had forgotten there could be this kind of vibrancy. I had grown to my age mostly among the temple walls, and most of those I had spent my time with all fit into one category or another. There is a sense of comfort in having those around you who are of a same mind, I suppose. But there is deep loneliness there, too, I think. There’s nothing to challenge you, or expand you, and that stagnation has always spelled death. Perhaps that is why it's so important for us to planes-walk as we do- If we cannot indulge in the cultures and traditions of our own people, we must gain knowledge of those from others. 

It is the peak of the summer months and the sun is warm against my pelt, a sensation that is not at all unpleasant, particularly when coupled with the breeze that blows through the city carrying with it all the scents of life. I close my eyes and inhale deeply, filling my lungs with the various tastes of those around me. The gentle push of homesickness presses against my abdomen, asking to burrow into my heart and make a nest of longing. I spent more of my time away from my tribe and her traditions than I ever did with them, and being among the life of the people here in Delumine reminds me so much of them. Of our travels, artisans sharing their skills with any who ask, storytellers keeping our world alive through the ages, passing generation to generation our creation. It I listen carefully, I believe that I can still hear the faint sounds of the music they used to play and my limbs ache to move in a dance once fondly remembered but with not enough participants to make it truly glorious. 

Slowly my pools flutter open, and I am still in the city square, people watching. The music of my home does not play, though I am sure with the beautiful weather someone may come by and set up to busk the busy streets, and if they do, perhaps I shall take it upon myself to ask if I may dance for them. I may not have any coin to give, but I may barter the pleasure of their music for the dance of my people and the joy that it brings. Yes, that might be a delightful thing indeed. A smile crosses my lips and I settle in at the edge of the square, content to observe those around me and to be present with them as I have not been in so very very long.
if you know your history
you'll see how far we've come

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