an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - gonna need a bigger boat

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Played by Offline Nikkayla [PM] Posts: 9 — Threads: 5
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Inactive Character

For everything here, he liked Delumine. He was happy enough to listen to those who might praise Oriens, name other gods. Let them have their words. Let them speak their strange prayers. It wasn’t for him, never would be again. For him, it was just living and existing until the next moment. From one event to another, he staggered through his life.

Naveen. Inwe. Namtar. Lucian. Salem. Cyrus. Quinn.

Names blurring together from others. Locked together, and so far apart all at once. Entia shook his head as he walked. And in that moment, unaware he was about to walk right into the path of another. One he should probably pay more attention to. Yet he was thinking deep (yes, he is capable sometimes I promise) and lost in that thought.

Thoughts of where he was going. What he was doing.

Seze alerted him. There was a growl deep in her throat. Only for him to hear. Entia snapped to attention. Eyes wide, he abruptly stopped. At least he wasn’t about to run into his present company, but all the same, his head went high as he slammed the brakes on.

Cause ya know, apparently walking is speeding right now. So much drama.

“Uh, he went that way!” He says, for no apparent reason. Not even gesturing. Just speaking the first thing that came to mind. Wondering just how strange of a look he’d get in return - maybe even a hoof up the ass. Wait no, don’t get there. Not yet.

Seze sighed.

@Sloane - Let it begin :D

Played by Offline Zombie [PM] Posts: 103 — Threads: 8
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Inactive Character

Sloane was minding her own fucking business, meandering through the meadow looking for everything and nothing all at the same time. She was bored. Novus did not offer her the sort of secrets she was used to buying and selling. People here were nice, too nice. There wasn’t enough strife between courts, no feuding families, no scorned lovers. There was nothing here of interest because every fucking individual in Novus was happy (at least it seemed)…well, everyone but Sloane.

One of the squirrels from the island next to hers had somehow managed to float on a log to the mainland. Those little bastards can get shit caught on fire. Sloane had lived through Delumine during one fire that nearly destroyed the forest. She vividly remembers the way the soot clung to her feathering. It made her look like a solid black horse – something that couldn’t be any more boring. Not only that, but the smoke stuck around for weeks and it burned her lungs. No thank you. She did not want to go through that again or else she might just off herself to save her the energy of dying a slow death by smoke inhalation.

So tonight, she was chasing after the little fucker, trying to catch it before it burned everything to ashes. Unfortunately, as it escaped into the tall grass of the meadow, it was able to conceal itself, thankfully without igniting the grass it was so excellently hiding in.

So here she stood, not moving, looking around for the little bastard. But there was rustling behind her and she turned to see the stallion coming at her, but he seemed pretty lost in thought. It did not appear as though he was going to stop and grace her with his presence. Good, she didn’t want to talk to him either. So she turned her head back in front of her as her eyes scanned the meadow for the squirrel.

However, what Sloane was not expecting was for the stallion to damn near run into her. His abrupt halt made a lot of noise. Slowly whipped herself around to face him in record time. Ears lay flat against her skull, her snake-slit eyes seeming to stare right through him. "Watch it, asshole." He needed to pay more attention to where he was going. Though thankfully, he didn’t actually touch her. For if he did, he probably would no longer be called a “stallion”. Sloane didn’t take kindly to unwanted touching.

However, instead of apologizing or offering her anything for nearly running her over, he stated something about the direction a mysterious he had traveled. Did he see the squirrel? Was the squirrel even male? How does one sex a squirrel? Sloane didn’t care. He didn’t see the squirrel, he’s just trying to save his own as. It was an endearing trait, but it wouldn’t work on her. "Look fucker, I’m the only one out here minding my own damn business. There’s no one else but you, a squirrel, and bunch of trees." Grumbling beneath her breath, eyes looked around her for the squirrel. Unfortunately, she still didn’t see it. "Try a new line next time you fuck up. Believe me, I think there will be a next time." Chances are, if he was so caught up in his own bullshit that he nearly ran into the only other living thing in this meadow, then he had the brain size of a worm. With that much stupidity, it was more than likely he would do it again.


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