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Information  - Champion Trials

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Played by Offline Israfel [PM] Posts: 53 — Threads: 39
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» the night court «

champion trials

he purpose of the Champion Trials are intended to eliminate issues of the past. Specifically, they are intended to be: 1. More work intensive for the applicant in order to facilitate activity but 2. Less biased. 

This said, regime auditions will not be hosted until these are finalized. Moving forward, Ira intends the expectations of Champions to be significantly raised ICly. Reading their descriptions in the Guidebook, they are intended to have quite an active sphere of influence, and I would love to bring this to life! 

Moving forward, Ira will host Champion Trials at least once an IC year (these are just for ranks of Champion of Community, Wisdom, Healing, and Battle). These Trials will (hopefully) grow in complexity and serve not as a challenge to existing Champions, but as an opportunity to build community within Denocte and create opportunities for characters to move/progress through the ranks. Up until this point, I have not seen/experienced much emphasis placed on a Medics ability to become an apothecary or doctor, or a soldier's ability to become a tactician or spy, and I would like to create an environment where these things are encouraged ICly and given a number of opportunities to apply their positions. However, this all begins with active, engaging Champions!  

The applicants will be judged on their ability to fulfill the most prompts below within a six-week period, starting today. The applications will close March 7th; the reason for this extended application time is due to the desire to give applicants as many opportunities as possible to fulfill the prompts. In the event that an applicant fulfills all the prompts, it is encouraged they “start the list over.” Applicants will respond to this thread with proof/links to participating in the suggested prompts based off of their position! This list can be ongoing/edited throughout the competition, up until the March 7th at 1159 EST. 

And most importantly, remember that these auditions are meant to be fun! Although you are working toward something these are intended to create an active, dynamic environment for everyone to write within! Please come forward and communicate with me any feelings of discomfort or pressure; also remember this is a great opportunity to write your character in a number of environments, with a number of different characters, with a number of prompts! If any of the following is unclear, please reach out so I might answer your questions! I prefer DM on discord, but you can also reach me via @syndicate or @Ira 

Champion of Community (open) - 

The Champion of Community will be chosen on a basis of activity, their willingness to drive plots forward with a wide variety of characters, and their intearctions with fellow Denoctians. That said, the Champion of Community gains “points” in this process based on how many Denoctians they thread or plot with. Additionally, the Champion of Community oversees Entertainer, Merchant, and Citizen ranks. Arguably, they are the most influential/important Champion position. Here are the prompts: 

The applicant solves a dispute between an NPC and actively played Denoctian (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant facilitates threads with at least three members of Denocte (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant facilitates threads with at least five members of Denocte (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant facilitates a thread with two or more active Denoctians in one thread (Completed: Yes | No)
The applicant participates in a miniature celebration of their design (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant visits the markets and interacts with a number of NPCs, with another Denoctian (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant discovers an issue within Denocte, and brings their suggestions on how to strengthen the community to Ira (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant threads with both existing Champions (@Katniss and @Cicatrix) in order to collaborate ideas about the Court (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant attends an event hosted by a Denoctian entertainer, ICly (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant checks in on the success of the current Denoctian merchants, ICly (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant recruits a character, not a part of Denocte, to join Denocte ICly (the character does not have to agree, what is important is the act is made by the applicant to recruit). (Completed: Yes | No) 

These prompts are not placed in a specific order, and will be scored “equally.” The importance in this application process is the creativity and effort of the applicant. Threads do not necessarily need to be finished in order to be “counted” but I would prefer that they are least halfway completed/near completion. If you have additional ideas for what Champion of Community might need to accomplish ICly, please suggest them within a week of the auditions opening, and I will add them! Additionally, the Champion of Community has a much longer list of potential/preferred activities than the other Champions due to their importance within the Court, and the expectation they oversee the other Champions. 

Champion of Wisdom (Currently Closed) - 
The Champion of Wisdom is meant to uphold the scholarly sect of Denocte. That said, within this six week span, the current Champion of Wisdom (@Cicatrix) is encouraged to facilitate the following interactions, in no order: 

Because there are so few scholars, Cicatrix is encouraged to recruit scholars for Denocte. This can be done both within the Denoctian community, and externally (i.e. other Courts) However, this does not mean the character has to say "yes", only that Cicatrix attempted to persuade someone. (Completed: Yes | No) 
Collaborate with existing scholars in a thread (Completed: Yes | No) 
Contribute some source of wisdom to the regime, whether it be advice or historical (Completed: Yes | No) 
Thread with at least three Denoctians and bring up subjects pertaining to “wisdom” (Completed: Yes | No) 
Cicatrix facilitates a thread with Ira specifically discussing her duties and expectations in the position (Completed: Yes | No) 

Champion of Battle (Currently closed) - 

The Champion of Battle is entrusted with the upkeep and training of Denocte’s soldiers. That said, this position is often overlooked in that they might facilitate “training” activities with Denocte’s soldiers, or come forward with concerns of security, etc. to the regime. The Champion of Battle is also strongly encouraged to appoint soldier subgroups, to include: spies, tacticians, and battlemages. These positions should be advertised ICly as “ranking up” from a common soldier. The current Champion of Battle @Katniss is encouraged to complete or facilitate the following threads: 

Facilitate a training thread with each active Denoctian soldier ( @Renwick and @Ciaran). This thread can include unjudged sparring, a defensive mission along the borders of Denocte against bandits, etc. (Completed: Yes | No) 
Recruit at least three citizens and/or foreigners ICly to become a Denocte soldier. They do not have to agree, but the IC act of recruiting them to “join the cause.” (Completed: Yes | No) 
Spar with a member of the community requesting to “learn how to fight.” (Completed: Yes | No) 
Report to the regime (i.e. Ira atm) with IC ideas on how to improve the efficiency of the Denoctian fighting force. (Completed: Yes | No) 
Defend the Denoctian border against NPC bandits/raiders/etc with one other Denoctian, preferably a fellow soldier. (Completed: Yes | No) 

Champion of Healing (open) 

The Champion of Healing oversees all medical practicies within Denocte, to include the subranks of apothecary, gatherer, and doctor. The Champion of Healing oversees all injuries and health issues. Therefore, they need to be actively involved with the healers of the Court and, potentially, frequent the Hospital of Terrastella in order to gain additional medical knowledge. 

The applicant heals a character ICly from an injury (a good idea would be to heal a Denoctian soldier after they experience a spar/skirmish!). (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant comes to the regime explicitly expressing needs for additional funding/attention for their medical program. (Completed: Yes | No) 
The applicant comes forward with an idea ICly on how to improve the impact of medics within Denocte (Completed: Yes | No) 
They have an IC discussion with a fellow medic on how they are interested in pursuing Champion of Healing (Completed: Yes | No) 
They ICly collaborate with the Champion of Battle on the importance of maintaining a quick reaction medical force in the event of a major injury or event. (Completed: Yes | No) 
Heal a citizen or merchant after an accident of some sort (Completed: Yes | No)


Played by Offline Lullivy [PM] Posts: 225 — Threads: 37
Signos: 1,285
Night Court Sovereign
Female [She/her/hers]  |  15 [Year 496 Spring]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 3 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 51  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Picoro (Sloth)

The applicant heals a character ICly from an injury (a good idea would be to heal a Denoctian soldier after they experience a spar/skirmish!). (Completed: Yes | No (In progress)
The applicant comes to the regime explicitly expressing needs for additional funding/attention for their medical program. (Completed: Yes | No) (In progress)
The applicant comes forward with an idea ICly on how to improve the impact of medics within Denocte (Completed: Yes | No) (In progress) 
They have an IC discussion with a fellow medic on how they are interested in pursuing Champion of Healing (Completed: Yes | No (In Progress)
They ICly collaborate with the Champion of Battle on the importance of maintaining a quick reaction medical force in the event of a major injury or event. (Completed: Yes | No) (in progress) 
Heal a citizen or merchant after an accident of some sort (Completed: Yes | No)


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