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- [Private] Dancing with Flowers

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

see how the flowers dance, wonderf'ly gliding together
every tulip leads a violet, while the pink petunias pirouette


daisies do a gentle jig with each little sprig of heather
now they're whirling and they're twirling

The sovereign was pleased so far. When it had been brought to her attention that someone had wanted to hold a festival in Delumine, she had been skeptical. A stranger asking for such an obscure festival was hard to agree to, particularly when they merely stated it as a means of peddling wares. It wasn't until she had sat them down and asked about it in detail that she had agreed to it. And now, she was glad she had, rather than dismissing it right away. She'd spent the better part of a week making sure the area set aside in Illuster Meadow was perfect for the event, had found all kinds of tents and booths for anyone to rent out, had made the area a formidable festive square, with a large bonfire built in the center to dance around later.

The doe was more than just a little pleased with the looks. She moved quietly, her gaze warm as she nodded her greeting to a few of the citizens of Delumine who bowed and greeted her in respect and warmth - proof in her mind that she was doing her job right. But others greeted her, some knew who she was others, just happy and bright with the current affair. The doe moved smoothly towards one of the shops selling cakes and sweets, purchasing a few pastries. Three or four were handed out to nearby eager fools, while the remaining one she unwrapped for herself. She smiled as she relaxed, occasionally engaging in bright chatter with those nearby who asked her how her day was.

Coy was likely around somewhere - though she was surprised he wasn't already by her side dragging her from stall to stall while trying to coerce her into trying on every piece of jewelry he could find in one moment. Her buck rarely missed a chance to spoil her. But while she missed Coy's company, she hoped that meant he was enjoying himself somewhere in the mass of individuals (likely bothering someone to the point of shrieking if she knew her vain and obnoxious mate as well as she did). The bond they shared told her he was at least in the festival somewhere (and she'd make not to catch up with him prior to the bonfire, to steal him away for a night of dancing).

But for now she was happy to stroll around at a leisure pace, and making company with those who spoke to her. Finishing her treat she moved to the next stall, flipping through some colorful scarfs, standing still among the flowers and grasses that eagerly wrapped themselves around her limbs in an eager embrace, as the former nature goddess, now druid continued her slow path through the festivals.

oh! what magic they're unfurling.

Notes: <3

stardust settles on their petals
it's a marvelous sight, may they dance all night

Artwork ©Bingo


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