an equine & cervidae rpg
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Interactive Quest  - Lounging in the Sun

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Played by Offline Staff [PM] Posts: 309 — Threads: 165
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Official Novus Account

on a lazy fall day

Now that fall had pulled away summer's warm grip on the continent, the days became more and more tolerable. The morning dew became frost that would soon melt by the time the sun rose high in the sky.. trees shed their vivid green hue for a more soothing red and orange tint. 

Amare Creek, despite the nipping chill in the air, was no less full of life. The creek bubbled soothing nonsense on the smooth stones along the bank, and even in the fall the birdsongs could be heard high into the swaying trees. Mother birds nudged their fledglings along - many of whom were now testing out their wings and gathering their bearings before Winter came into full effect.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

But something about the Creek would call to Jude. Its whispers were soft and sweet, tugging at the edge of his dreams; caressing the pastel pink of his mane and down the rose colored scales as the dreams slipped away. It would leave the sweet pony with a smile tugging at the edges of his lips while he slept, but it would confuse him upon reawakening. The touch, why was it so sweet, so gentle, so familiar?

Something called him to travel north, far from the comfort of the Dusk citadel, and into the open wilds of Ruris. Past the Susurro Fields, skirting the edge of the Tinea Swamp and the thick forest surrounding the Bellum Steppe. Cresting through the trees, the babbling of the Creek would be a soothing revelation.

But why did his dreams call him here? Where was he supposed to go?

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Atop a small outcropping of smooth rocks, rested a cream-colored puff of a feline, lounging leisurely in the peaking sunlight of early afternoon. Eyes the color of the summer leaves were lazily half-lidded, legs sprawled out as the precious feline lay sprawled out on her right side, tail swaying contentedly against the polished rocks. It had been naught but a day since she had ventured into Novus in search of the pony who matched the vivid coloration of her flower crown.. for despite her indifference to the blossoms, something about them had lent her comfort in her time away from her beloved Jude.

But Novus was so large, where was she to look? Unfamiliar lands certainly weren't her... specialty, after all.

As if listening to her thoughts, however, the universe and gods seemed to answer her. Carried on the chill wind was a smell so intimate to her that it instantly prickled the fur along her delicate curved spine. Emerald eyes opened, and without her even realizing it, she had stood up and was slipping languidly down the rocks.

- - - - - - - - - - - -

Every sense in her body nudged her towards a particular cluster of trees that separated part of the Creek from a clearing beside it, and small paws carried her quickly (as quickly as she could without straining, because there's no point in stressing herself, is there?) across the clearing to them. Without a second thought she scaled up a smaller tree with ease. Through the branches Mittens wove, her elegance prevalent even surrounded by twigs, leaves, birds, and empty nests. As she picked her way from one to tree to the next, finally there was a break in the leaves that lent her sight into the small clearing beyond.

It was then she saw him just below her, and for a moment she wondered if he was as confused as she thought he looked. A low purr slipped through her chest and throat, and she quietly stepped onto a low-lying branch of the tree closest to the rose kirin. Never one for exerting herself, her body stretched languidly along the branch, a small paw and a fluffy, silken tail dangling precariously close to the pony. So close, that even a gentle flick of her tail caused it to brush along his ears and antlers.. beckoning his attention in a most peculiar way.

Their contact sparked something akin to a small static shock, and in moments, their minds were once again one. And oh, the touch and their reunion was so, so bittersweet - although you'd never see her admit such to anyone other than Jude himself.

Took you long enough to find me.

Something pulls @Jude away from the Dusk Court, towards Amare Creek. Cresting through the trees, Jude finds himself in a small clearing a little ways away from the Creek itself, unsure of where to go. Mittens senses his presence, and finds a perch in a tree that Jude is standing by, seeking to gain his attention by brushing her tail along his ears and antlers.

Thread requirements: 1 reply, 500 words. Please tag the RE account in your reply.
Once you respond, you may then begin including Mittens in Jude's posts.

Happy reunion! -inkbone

To tag this account: @*'Random Events' without the asterisk.
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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

He awoke from his dreams and could feel that pull, something called to him outside of the Dusk Court. Jude stood and watched the morning light until the pull became too much. With a whispered farewell to Isorath he slipped from the safety of their shared quarters. Each step took him further and further away from the place he has come to temporarily call home. These past few weeks have been nothing but searching for Mittens. She had seen him through to Novus but somewhere disappeared, pulled away by one thing or another and leaving him alone. All he wishes to know is that his beloved companion is fairing well. He longs for the days spent quietly painting in his gardens with her laying nearby. Her quiet presence had been enough to fill the long hours after Isorath disappeared. She had been the one to lay beside him in the belly of a ship as he was carried from everything he knew to Novus. In the delirious moments of fever her gentle companionship had kept him somewhat grounded in reality. Though a true feline, she had her moments and would come to comfort the young kirin when heartache became strong. Even after building the pyre, there were scars too deep even for the flames to purify.

The journey gives him time to think, time to dwell on the past and the damage done. Mittens had marked a new beginning in his life. As he ascended to the title of noble, he brought with him a young kitten into the manor given. Dragons were revered but his heart belonged to the soft feline that slept at the foot of his bed and chased butterflies through his rose bushes. When he could be lured from his home the feline would be close behind. Mittens and Jude became inseparable and citizens of Vectaeryn were more shocked when they were apart than when together. After venturing so far together he wonders what finally pushed her away. Jude tries to quiet the onslaught of tears, sniffing as he walks. It’s a pathetic sight he imagines, a fatigued stranger drudging through a seemingly endless path on a mad quest to nowhere. Maybe he should have just stayed back in bed with Isorath, pressed himself under his wing and hidden away. But still he wanders onward, only the sound of his own footsteps in the chilled autumn air.

As he reaches the strange surroundings he keeps his head down, hair falling into his face and for a moment shuts his eyes. It isn’t until he feels something move across his head that he jumps. His head raises and there is a soft voice that croons in his mind. “MITTENS!” He cries loudly and the tears start to fall down his cheek but this time from joy over sorrow. After ceaseless searching it seems the universe has finally returned his feline to him. “I thought something horrible happened to you .” He whispers before the pair share a nuzzle. “Lets go back and find Isorath.” He then turns as his feline settles between his shoulders, looking content.

@Random Event

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