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This stallion's state of disarray certainly did not escape her attention. She could notice visible marring on his sides, and while she couldn't be sure as to what had caused it, she knew it must be painful. The healer in her welled to the surface, pushing down her transgressions and fears as she examined more of him. The bones upon his skull frightened her a little, but perhaps it meant something to her, and really it wasn't any of her business. She was so caught up in counting her herbs in her head that she had stashed at home, she almost didn't hear his abrupt reply. Just as she was thinking of helping him, his words stopped her. Although he was right, she certainly hadn't done what she came here to do, but at least she showed up! It took a week for her to convince herself to attend such a gathering, and she wasn't likely to do so again so far. His eyes burned into her as he regarded her, and she began to grow uncomfortable under his scrutiny. She knew she was frail and perhaps childish, but knowing that didn't stop her fears. She noted he took a couple steps back from her, but that too did not completely quench her fear.

She felt him swiftly close the distance again, and she instinctively shied away a couple of feet, her ears dipping to the side in fear. She had a momentary flashback of Valerius' fury in his eyes and his hooves flying above her head, just as they would have struck down, her mother dove in front of her took the brunt of the attack. She visibly winced at the memory, remembering the thud of his hooves and the cry of pain her mother had let out. She still knew this male had never done such a thing to her, but the memory remained drilled into her skull. Straightening herself again, visibly composed, she inched toward him a couple of steps, trying not to let her fear show as she forced her attention to the crowd in front of them. He wished to accompany her deeper into the festivities. She gulped as she watched the dancers and drinkers and lovers flit about the clearing, the lantern light dancing with them as they moved. It sure looked fun, and beautiful, but she hadn't been so close to so many horses since she was just a filly. 

Her wings shuddered at her side as she turned to meet his gaze. "Perhaps you are right, perhaps I should press on and get the most out of the occasion." The lights reflected gently in her eyes as she relaxed, licking her lips at the thought of some fresh drink. She hadn't hydrated herself all day, and perhaps these weren't the drinks to do so, but she was thirsty nevertheless... and drinks were here. She took a step forward and paused, glancing back at him, "If those cuts bother you, I am a healer, perhaps I can look at them for you." The thought of getting so close to him frightened her, but it was just another bridge she would need to cross in the future anyways. 


Messages In This Thread
Living River, Turn Light to Diamond - by Ellora - 05-26-2018, 08:17 PM
RE: Living River, Turn Light to Diamond - by Kauri - 05-28-2018, 01:20 AM
RE: Living River, Turn Light to Diamond - by Ellora - 05-29-2018, 12:39 AM
RE: Living River, Turn Light to Diamond - by Kauri - 05-29-2018, 03:08 PM
RE: Living River, Turn Light to Diamond - by Ellora - 05-29-2018, 10:17 PM
RE: Living River, Turn Light to Diamond - by Kauri - 05-30-2018, 07:50 PM
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