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Played by Offline Zombie [PM] Posts: 103 — Threads: 8
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Inactive Character

The stallion might not have meant to be an inconvenience to her, but just sharing the same air as her was an inconvenience. She hated being in groups (groups meaning any additional bodies other than herself) and she definitely hated having others tag along when she was trying to do something productive by herself. But he seemed genuinely sorry. Good, he should be. He shouldn’t just assume that everyone wants to pair up and be buddy buddy with anyone. Sloane was a lone wolf and him wanting to accompany her was just an annoyance. But Sloane was trying to be tolerant of others. She was smart enough to understand that the majority of people were social and wanted to be with others of their own kind. She just had to keep telling herself that he had no idea she would rather do this maze alone.

However, as he finally registered that she was going into the maze not to find the end but to scare the children, Sloane couldn’t help the way her lips curled into a grin. He was utterly shocked by her revelation. Sloane wished he had a mirror in front of his face because the look he was giving her was absolutely priceless as he tried to wrap his head around just why she wanted to scare children.

She entered the maze, hearing the steady clip clop of his hooves as he joined her. Yellow, slit pupils looked over at him as he asked about why she wanted to frighten children. But then, there was a cackle in the distance and the way his body jump at the sudden spooky sound made her snicker. Perhaps she should abandon trying to scare children and instead spend her energy trying to scare him instead. "Because I can. Isn’t it Halloween? Isn’t tricks part of the holiday?" She had never been a fan of holidays, most of which encouraged gathering with family, friends, and loved ones…none of which she had. But Halloween? It gave her a perfectly good excuse to scare the shit out of unsuspecting people. What more could she asked for?

The pair continue to meander along the path lined with dried corn stalks. When they come to the first juncture, Sloane pauses. She can see her companion lean towards the right and as she studies, she determines that he is probably right…even if he had no idea what he was doing. The left led back towards the direction they came instead of taking them further into the maze. At his question, she shrugged. "How the hell should I know? Just try it and see." She didn’t have a map and had yet to enter the maze before. She supposed this direction was just as good as any.

As the two of them veered right, Sloane fell into step with him. Silence filled the space between them. Crickets chirped in the distance, the sound of eerie laughs and groans filled the maze. Sloane allowed the smirk to stay painted across her lips, even when he asked her what court she was from. Did it really matter? "Delumine." Dawn Court is where she had called home. It wasn’t like she was actually loyal to any court at all. Delumine had given her an island to live on and left her relatively alone. What more could she ask for?

However, Sloane was quickly learning that conversation was a two way street. Even if it wasn’t a street she wanted to travel along, she could tell it was helping make her maze partner a little less anxious. So with a sigh, she looked over at him. "And you? Which hell did you choose?" They were all slices of hell, she supposed. It was just a place to lay her head for the night. Some were fiercely loyal and others, like herself, just took up space.


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[FALL] my tower isn't very grand - by Pravda - 10-03-2019, 12:29 AM
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RE: [FALL] my tower isn't very grand - by Pravda - 10-20-2019, 08:12 PM
RE: [FALL] my tower isn't very grand - by Sloane - 10-27-2019, 05:33 AM
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