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Private  - lady i swear by all flowers

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Played by Offline Muirgen [PM] Posts: 69 — Threads: 12
Signos: 5
Dawn Court Entertainer
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  14 [Year 497 Spring]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

it was like that, and after that, it was still like that, 
only all the time.

“Well met, then, wanderer.” She offered the words genuinely; no one could quite understand a wandering soul besides another of the same kind. Everyone else wanted you to stay or to go when it was not the right time. And, in the end, she could never stay.

After her question, his expression was something of the shadow of death. The light in his smile died where it was and hers followed suit, only where his fell into a waiting snarl hers simply drooped.

“Maybe I’ll share some of mine if we meet again.”

Mesnyi nodded tightly. “If.”

A meadowlark cut the tension in only the way a piercing thing can. Daniel smiled like there was only heart under there, ten thousand times too big, but the lavender mare had nothing to smile back with. 

”Play me a wandering song, would you, Jasmine? Farewell-” And with him went the breeze of his movement against her hair, and the violent, singular shiver that comes at the exact moment you skirt death.

The violin pealed a long, lonely note. 

And while he listened, she thought of him, and when he was long past listening, she thought of him still.

@Sarkan | Part of Eve's Discussion | "speaks" | notes: ☽☼☾

"You see, women are like fires, like flames. Some women are like candles, bright and friendly. Some are like single sparks, or embers, like fireflies for chasing on summer nights. Some are like campfires, all light and heat for a night and willing to be left after. Some women are like hearthfires, not much to look at but underneath they are all warm red coal that burns a long, long while."

[Image: 26y3cfu.png]
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Messages In This Thread
lady i swear by all flowers - by Mesnyi - 01-28-2020, 12:12 AM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Sarkan - 01-30-2020, 12:44 PM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Mesnyi - 02-05-2020, 12:41 AM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Sarkan - 02-11-2020, 09:37 AM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Mesnyi - 03-03-2020, 10:53 PM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Sarkan - 03-16-2020, 12:36 PM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Mesnyi - 03-20-2020, 08:22 PM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Sarkan - 03-28-2020, 08:32 PM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Mesnyi - 04-15-2020, 12:49 PM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Sarkan - 06-04-2020, 10:23 AM
RE: lady i swear by all flowers - by Mesnyi - 06-16-2020, 12:46 AM
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