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All Welcome  - gateway to the sea - far, far from home

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Played by Offline Jes [PM] Posts: 9 — Threads: 3
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Inactive Character

Regina was a curious creature, and when they curiosity was fed it wasn't uncommon for excitement to come bubbling out of her. Between the cool, bracing feeling of the strange tasting breeze brushing against her face and the promise of the adventure that dangling before her it was as if she had just turned the chapter in a good book. What interesting plot twists would this new character in the story of her life introduce. She couldn't help but let out the smallest of giggles as he bowed to her. If this really had been a book perhaps this would have been the chapter where the protagonist had just met the dashing knight- or pirate scoundrel pretending to be the dashing knight, who could really tell at this point?

As he began explaining a tidbit of the solar courts and how they were organized she inhaled mentally, forcing herself to focus and calm down so that she could give her new friend her full attention. "Terrastalla" She repeated the name clumsily as it stumbled off her tongue.  Brows knitted close together as her eyes moved to stare straight at the space in front of her face as if she could see the words leaving her mouth. "Tarrestella...Terrastella!" Finally feeling like she'd pronouced it correctly her eyes brightened, returning her attention to Caspian. "You'll have to tell me this story about how the gods created this place. I've never lived anywhere any sort of god created themselves." Her herd had been spiritual, but they'd worshiped no gods in particular nor did they assume that any sort of deity had the time to spend on anything so insignificant as a wondering herd of nomads. "And I can't wait to see Terrastella here at dusk!" The excitement coursing through her body threatened to come bubbling up to the surface again as she fought an internal struggle to contain herself.

She nodded as he mentioned they were a friendly bunch, agreeing wholeheartedly if he was a representative from those that made their homes here. She would have commented further but he was already moving to show her the mysteries of the dusk court's kingdom. Ears flickered at the word city- there was an entire city within these borders? She'd just begun to follow behind him when she faltered, eyes growing wide as she looked from her new friend down towards the ocean below them. An excited whinny escaped her as her front hooves left the ground once more, this time her entire body being propelled forward as she ran in an excited circle. "Yes! Thank you Caspian!" She wanted to get a closer look at this angry water, to touch and feel it, to confirm it truly was real by feeling it beneath her hooves. As he headed off along the cliff side she wasn't far behind. 

@Caspian , Sorry for the delay!

Messages In This Thread
RE: gateway to the sea - far, far from home - by Caspian - 06-04-2020, 02:53 PM
RE: gateway to the sea - far, far from home - by Caspian - 06-06-2020, 04:54 PM
RE: gateway to the sea - far, far from home - by Caspian - 06-09-2020, 11:08 AM
RE: gateway to the sea - far, far from home - by Caspian - 06-18-2020, 07:37 PM
RE: gateway to the sea - far, far from home - by Regina - 06-30-2020, 06:34 PM
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