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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - here in the garden

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and at last i see the light, and it's like the fog has lifted
He seems at peace here, with bright blooms around him, seeming to reach toward him.  It was strange, she decided, the way their faces turned toward Ipomoea, following them as he moved from place to place.  But it was not the strangest thing she’d seen at Novus.  In her time here, Solstice had begun to experience all sorts of magic.  She wouldn’t be surprised if the king told her that he too possessed a magical talent, for it seemed that Tempus had blessed his patrons with all manner of strange and wonderous gifts.  

For herself, Solstice preferred to keep things simple.  She had found that simple things delighted her – holding a steaming mug of herbal tea as she stared out at the sunrise, cat curled at her feet and books scattered upon her desk.  She relished in the quiet and peace of the morning, when mist was just beginning to curl along the grass and sunlight doused the world in hazy hues of pink and gold.  As she turned from the window every morning, her heart longed for the dawn again each day, though the promise of tomorrow always brought her comfort.

Now, beside her king, she can do little more than nod at the sound of her name, a flutter of nerves bundling in her stomach.  She had come to ask for his trust in serving Delumine more, but wondered if he would find her worthy, even as she finds the words.  "For starters, it was a beautiful day for a walk.  I try to visit the gardens every day, because you’re right – they bring me peace and every day, I’m greeted by something beautiful that I’ve never seen before.”  Illustrating her point, she turns toward a twining vine of morning glory, watching with wonder as petals opened wider toward the sun (or toward Ipomoea, she couldn’t be certain which).  

"But there’s something else I wanted to ask...”  She steels herself for a no, stumbling for a moment over the words, clearly nervous.  "Over the winter, I found myself at the library often.  I read all manner of things, but found that there were many books about healing which interested me.  I’ve read all about the flora in Novus – the healing herbs, the flowering plants.  It’s been a while now since I came here, and I think it’s time that I show Delumine I can do more…”

She smiles then, the nerves fading as she finds his eyes with hers, warm and golden.  "I would like to be a healer, with your blessing… Rumors have told of a hospital in Terrestella, and perhaps I can go there, to train in the craft?”

― @Ipomoea

Messages In This Thread
here in the garden - by Solstice - 11-21-2020, 02:25 PM
RE: here in the garden - by Ipomoea - 11-30-2020, 02:27 AM
RE: here in the garden - by Solstice - 12-04-2020, 03:35 AM
RE: here in the garden - by Ipomoea - 12-10-2020, 01:19 PM
RE: here in the garden - by Solstice - 12-27-2020, 07:53 AM
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