an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - [Event-Portal] To find a key

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A


"Just give me the world and I will give it back to you
Just tell me it hurts and I will fix it for you"
The air was odd, electric, as the little doe stood in front of the portal that had been crafter in the rift left behind when the Island had sunk below the waves. Like Atlantis lost to sea, it had been swallowed up, with angry waves wracking the surface where it had once stood (truly like Atlantis, the new memories of a prior, less mortal life, remembered that event too). But the Gods had created something special in return, and now, gently woven into being were the very portals that could lead another through the holes and into one only knew what. Cally was curious, and when the doe got curious, the only thing to do was let her explore.

But she also balked. The first portal she had ever gone through was the one that brought her to Novus, it was the one that had initially locked her magic away, and trapped her in an unfamiliar form. It was a terrifying idea to step into another with no idea of what could happen to her next. But she wasn't known for being a coward, she was an explorer. She squared her shoulders, letting her traveling cloak settle smoothly, supplies packed into her saddlebags, a full quiver and her bow ready to go. No matter what waited for her through this terrifying local, she'd be sure to take it on. Headstrong.

She let out a calming breath, before drawing herself up to her full (but minuscule) height, before carrying herself through the portal. Her hooves lacked against rock, a sound that turned to a more ping as the rock shiftened beneath her hooves, growing smoother, more illumiscent as sunlight reflected off it. Her hooves carried her further, her vision swimming through the portal before suddenly she was on the other side, standing in front of a large palace. Curious, she glanced around, noting a large table heavy with food, and approached it first, adding some of the odd delicacies that would keep well in a pack to her supplies, wrapping fruit, sandwiches and more to ensure she wouldn't starve when she went into the castle.

Because there was NO WAY she wasn't exploring that massive palace. A few others seemed to mill about, but not too many. The few that did seemed to be talking about keys. As she gathered supplies, she listened in, quickly catching on that most rooms appeared to be locked and required a key to be found. A scavenger hunt then? Grinning, the doe took to the small staircase, heading up them as quick as her dainty hooves could carry her, and throwing open the doors as she trotted inside. Looking around, she grinned in amazement, wonder, at the beauty of just the main entry and hallway, before shaking her head to clear her mind. No time to admire artwork, she had a key to find, a palace to explore!

Open to any who want to explore the palace.

Artwork ©LupinHallow


Messages In This Thread
[Event-Portal] To find a key - by Callynite - 04-06-2021, 10:25 AM
RE: [Event-Portal] To find a key - by Sabrina - 04-11-2021, 04:04 PM
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