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Private  - Turn thee, Benvolio! Look upon my Death *faints*

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Played by Offline Eris [PM] Posts: 25 — Threads: 9
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Inactive Character


may the bridges i burn light the way

The cat had continued to stare lazily at Raglan, those pale emerald eyes full of a characteristically feline disinterest. Raglan, muscles along his rump and shoulders tensing in preparation for his tragic ‘death’ at the hands - paws? - of his grand foe, parted his lips and sucked in a breath for his final deathcry. He was, however, mercifully interrupted from his spectacle by a stranger’s approach. Brows raising a bit as his copper ears twisted back toward the newcomer, the Crow offered a laugh in greeting, though his eyes remained upon the feline. 

”After all, they eat rats and the like, don’t they?”

A smile blossomed over the pegasus’ face as he glanced over a winged shoulder and found a well-muscled male grinning back at him. The stranger’s following remark about Raglan’s face was softened with good humor, and the Silvertongue gave a wink to his feline adversary before pivoting on a beck hoof and turning to fully face the unnamed male. Dipping his horned head in a nod, feathered wings spreading ever so slightly to mimic a sort of curtsy, the Dusk courtier considered the ivory splashed stallion before drawling, 

“Ah, but the rats here, my friend, are nearly fat as the tiny lion at our backs — I imagine supping on the royal leftovers would leave them as juicy and plump as any suckling pig.” Raglan practically glowed with good humor, his growing delight at having some new company paired with a friendly cat and some sunshine had wrapped the Crow in a robe of joviality.  Affecting a mournful expression, Raglan stared wistfully out a nearby window — the very image of a lonely woman wondering when her lover is to return from war, “It is truly a tragedy, is it not?” He turned his puppydog eyes back upon his newest acquaintance, comically committed to his act, “To have beauty so splendid and overwhelming that mirrors shatter to behold it? A curse, it is, to lead my life with such a burden.” 

Raglan could only hold it together for a few more faux-heartbroken moments before his expression cracked beneath the weight of his own grin. ”Hello, by the way. My name is Raglan and it seems you have stumbled upon me in a bit of a mood. How is the sunshine upon our lovely Terrastellan capitol treating you today?”

The other stallion seemed game enough for Raglan’s ridiculous notions, and that simple impression was enough to endear him to the Crow. The only thing left to cement their newly found friendship was a name to paste to the male’s face.

@Liam <3


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RE: Turn thee, Benvolio! Look upon my Death *faints* - by Raglan - 04-26-2021, 01:45 AM
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