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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - Missing you, while I was asleep

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

let me stay where the wind will whisper to me
where the raindrops, as they're falling, tell a story

in my field of paper flowers, and candy clouds of lullaby
i lie inside myself for hours and watch my purple sky fly over me

The little doe laughed, smiling up at the larger stallion in amusement, "I like your name, Huehuecoyotol - it's fun to say. Different. Original. Kinda like you. And nothing wrong with ancient names - at least I don't think so. Sometimes the ancient times need to be remembered anyway." A brief memory flashed to her mind, her in a different form, a flowing white drapery gown. Flowers adorning her crown as the earth yielded to it's goddess, it's mother. Yes, nothing wrong with the ancients, indeed. His muzzled dipped then, ruffling her mane. She laughed in response, dancing away as she tried to get her hair to lay flat again, even as she returned his grin.

Her face warmed at his words though, "Sweet words and flattery can be easily over used, though. And sometimes they can seem more forced than sincere modesty, and actions. It's easy to lose the honesty when in the face of putting on a front for the public, when attention forces the words and flattery." Her face had softened almost sadly - knowing that had been the very façade her parents had worn. Sweet words and loving touches in public when under scrutiny - but fighting and brutal words behind closed doors. Eventually her dam had ran the buck off. But she knew in her heart that this wasn't the type of male her stallion was . . . "Not that I'm saying you would do that . . . just . . . it doesn't always mean the same." She added, before he could assume wrong.

It was true that she didn't find him annoying though. Fun to tease, yes. Very vain, absolutely. But annoying - never, "I'm fairly certain you are the definition of vain at this point, Coyotl." She laughed, teasing him with a warm smile. The pressure of his muzzle to her shoulder had her nuzzling him back, "I know you're sincerity, you don't need to promise me such matters. I've come to see that in you already."

She did perk up at the talk of magic, and his lack of a connection to any one particular god or goddess. She had a connection to the God Oriens thanks to her connection to the Dawn Court, but she supposed her strongest connection must be with herself, if she could count it. She was, technically, a goddess in a past life. Not the goddess of this land, but a nature goddess none-the-less. It made her wonder what the male would do if he knew he had a stronger, closer connection to a goddess already. "It is a curious matter, but it would make sense if it were due to being a Vagabond. I wonder if other Vagabonds experience the same thing."

It also made her wonder if her power would dim if she left Novus - and that thought terrified her. His next words threw those thoughts from her mind, though, and her face was suddenly buried in his mane, carefully angling her head, so her horn rested against his skin, parting his hair rather than his flesh. Her embarrassment was clear though, "Huehuecoyotl - stooooop. You're embarrassing me!" She mumbled against his skin, even as she stepped closer, resting her small form against his side. Her eyes closed slightly, as she relaxed against him, "I suppose you'll just have to stay close, and see me often, won't you?" She added quietly, from beneath the shroud of his mane.


Artwork ©Bingo


Messages In This Thread
Missing you, while I was asleep - by Callynite - 03-13-2021, 12:16 PM
RE: Missing you, while I was asleep - by Callynite - 07-14-2021, 10:22 PM
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