an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - find me where...

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Played by Offline Morphi [PM] Posts: 76 — Threads: 14
Signos: 1,400
Dusk Court Soldier
Male [He/his]  |  6 [Year 505 Spring]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 42  |    Active Magic: Aegis  |    Bonded: N/A

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
Sofia’s confidence and ways of speech stirred an unfamiliar feeling within him. It felt uneasy and electric. The way she purred made him feel as though he had sprung a carefully hidden trap and there was no backing out now. The feeling zipping from the tip of his tail to the end of his nostrils. He fought back his uncertainty in an attempt to not let it show. He knew better than to show vulnerability. It had been beaten into him from birth, that weakness was unacceptable.  Rather than creating an emotionless colt it had created a youngster that avoided social interaction. 

Novus had shaken his perception of the world, inspiring a deep growing hope within Aeon. He could be something more, something greater. It was unlikely that he would ever return to prove them wrong, but he would live his life with the burning yearning to do so. 

He listened to the dismissive words towards her battle partner and watched the other horse shrug and walk off stiffly. The lack of reaction and acceptance of her words was curious. Was his spirit broken because he was beaten by Sofia? “I think he will feel that battle for some time. How do I not be him, beyond not losing?” Aeon asked simply. His young brain being unsure of what else to remark on the situation. 

The question she posed next wasn’t something he had actively thought of before. He needed to pause and think for a second.  Why did he fight? He fought to survive, to continue to breathe. To escape danger and prevent a beating. “Out of necessity. To survive, to escape danger.” The tone of his voice conveying his honesty. His kin had fought to train, to improve and to impress each other. This however wasn’t something that he had been given access to, being grounded and outcast. 

“Everyone is fighting all of the time for different things. My kin trained for strength and bravado, but I was never allowed to join in. I want to get stronger, to fight for the Dusk Court.” He felt the motivation behind the words flaring with each word spoken. Headstrong, young and bursting with ambition.  It was brewing in his blood, generations selectively raised for tenacity and courage. He may never have been included in his kins traditions, but his bloodline still flourished within him.

ooc: @Sofia


Messages In This Thread
find me where... - by Sofia - 01-09-2022, 11:25 PM
RE: find me where... - by Aeon - 01-10-2022, 10:18 AM
RE: find me where... - by Sofia - 01-19-2022, 10:20 PM
RE: find me where... - by Aeon - 01-22-2022, 09:22 PM
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