an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - between a rock and a hard place

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Played by Offline Gray [PM] Posts: 6 — Threads: 3
Signos: 255
Dusk Court Citizen
Male [He/Him]  |  10 [Year 500 Winter]  |  16 hh  |  Hth: 15 — Atk: 5 — Exp: 10  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

can you feel my heart?

It was getting later on in the day and Creamsicle knew he should be finding a place to rest soon. He didn't exactly have a "home" just yet, here in Novus, despite having been here a long enough time to most likely find one. He spent most of his days just wandering, exploring this new place. Alone. Always alone. He was used to being alone now, after the deaths of his family. He should have died, too, but it was by some random miracle he had recovered from the sickness that had harmed his family to the point of killing them. He had been weak, so very weak, but he'd survived. He would have rather died as well, in the few weeks after he'd recovered, because he'd had no idea what to do with himself. He'd never been entirely alone in his life. And now he was. Novus gave him a fresh start, he supposed, but he still carried that lingering depression with him.

Walking up the mountain trail, the spotted brute sighed and shook his head, mane flopping against his neck as he walked. He wasn't expecting anyone to be here on this trail, since he wasn't sure how often this trail was used, so he became startled when he heard the sound of dogs barking. His steps faltered slightly and he paused in his walk, head lifting and his ears perking forward. He blinked slowly, squinting in the direction the barking was coming from, and that was when he heard a woman's voice. “Hello?” He snorted softly, nostrils flaring, and then began to walk forward again.

"Uh, hello?" he called out as he walked, picking up the pace slightly in case this equine was in some sort of trouble. He ended up stopping short when she came into view, eyes going wide as his head cocked. He took in the sight of the woman, leg hoisted up by a rope, shivering from the snow and the cold. "Oh, dear. Are you alright? Are you hurt?" he questioned, inching toward her carefully, making sure there was not another rope in the pathway that might ensnare him as well.

@Luvena | "Speech" | notes


Messages In This Thread
between a rock and a hard place - by Luvena - 11-07-2021, 09:45 AM
RE: between a rock and a hard place - by Creamsicle - 06-20-2022, 08:40 AM
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