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Her agitation was palpable, but he had no idea what the source was. So he remained calm, steadfast, breaths coming in gentle and even movements of his ribs. The starred man had no agenda, no place to be, nothing to rush off to, and so he was content to remain here, trying to understand what this mare could possibly be upset by. He cocked a hind leg, relieving it of the pressure of standing, and felt the relief immediately flood up to his hips. With a contented sigh and flip of his tail, he fell motionless, listening, watching, waiting.

When she spoke, it was vague, and he sensed there was something hidden in her words, but knew enough to not press. Everyone had their secrets, and he would not like to answer questions about those things he had hidden deep within. Not until he was ready, and he assumed most were like him. So, he simply gave a minute nod of his head, telling her that he heard, and understood. She had been here for too long, it seemed, for her liking. Was this place that bad? Or was there something more? A hidden evil, a love-torn heart, a murder most foul? He imagined there had to be something of that nature for her to be unhappy here.

She continued, answering his questions about this place. When she spoke of magic, a wave of sadness washed over him. Involuntarily, he shook his coat, as if the stars would return to life, but he could feel them. They were stationary. Dead. He felt his heart sink a little lower, knowing that they should move, should reflect the night sky, change colors. But alas – he was stained a dark blue with tiny white flecks, as if a child grabbed hold of a painter’s brush and flicked the bristles on his canvas. All he could do was hope that one day, his stars would come alive again. He felt strangely…alone.

He watched her strange reaction at her name being said and wondered what sort of magical being she was. Nobody had a physical reaction except those whose name was secret, and found out. Like Rumplestiltskin. Was she a necromancer of sorts, here to raise the dead and cause mass havoc? Was this why he awoke here? To put her out of commission like he had the others? But how could he do that without his voice? He had no magic here, no way to force the dead to his bidding; to return them to the last gate of death and beyond. Perhaps this was not as it seemed. Maybe she was just used to being alone, without anyone to use her name. He decided he liked this story better, and would accept that as fact, rather than fret about how he would defeat a necromancer without magic.

She spoke again, and he realized how rude he must seem, to not have offered so simple a thing as his name. If he had his magic coat, his cheeks would have flushed the color of a dawning sky, but without it, there was no way of telling he felt his own embarrassment. ”My apologies. I am Astarael. I have no recollection of how I came to be in this place – I simply awoke, and here I was.” He gave a shrugging motion as if the thought didn’t bother him, but truly, it did. How could you travel through time and space without knowing it?

He stepped nearer to the mare as he heard several low growls behind him. Twisting to look, he was nearly shoulder to shoulder with her, staring into the bleak light of the underbrush. There, a gaunt looking wolf rested, several pups emerging to take a drink of water. He watched the female, realizing she was no threat to them – it was a warning that her pups meant her life, and if the two horses tried to harm them, she would defend them to the last. He gave a smile to her, not sure if she would understand, but he was no threat, so long as they left he and his companion alone. He watched the pups as they slowly crept closer to the water’s edge, sniffing the air, hoping to find the scent of dinner on the breeze. The braver, a small female, strode to the edge and stuck her muzzle deep into the water, drinking and playing at the same time.

”Magnificent creatures, aren’t they? And so brave at such a young age!” He paused, casting a sidelong glance to the female beside him. ”I hope I do not intrude, but have you any of your own?”


Dawn Court


Messages In This Thread
Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Astarael - 07-11-2017, 05:30 PM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Nimue - 07-14-2017, 11:16 PM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Astarael - 07-16-2017, 11:47 AM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Nimue - 07-19-2017, 04:10 AM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Astarael - 08-30-2017, 10:15 AM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Nimue - 09-05-2017, 03:41 AM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Astarael - 09-06-2017, 11:18 AM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Nimue - 09-25-2017, 04:08 AM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by Astarael - 09-28-2017, 01:03 PM
RE: Why is the magic broken? (open/Nimue?) - by sid - 09-28-2017, 10:50 PM
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