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All Welcome  - sister mine.

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er little heart swelled and warmed at her sister's words, a mischievous grin tugging her lips upward and brightening Mila's face. Her emerald eyes sparkled with amusement as she met Lavinia's golden gaze, a giggle bubbling up in her throat. "They don't call me the poison twin for nothing, after all," she joked, swishing her tail. She nearly snorted as laughter continued to bubble and burst. Now, Mila could find the light in her lifestyle and hobbies; but before, their gifts had been what kept them on the brink of survival in the far off deserts of a land -- thankfully -- long forgotten.

Her face fell as she watched the seriousness leach from her twin's face, however; delicate ears flicking and pinning back against her neck at Lavinia's reply. The faces of those who had done them wrong flashed across her mind, one by one. A droning list of the Coming Dead; the doomed. Whether if they knew it or not, each one of them would meet their end by Mila's hand.. or Lavinia's for the matter. The ringleader and his god-damn circus would no longer pluck orphan girls from dunes and back alleys just to be bought and sold and taught harsh, wicked things. No more would he and his ring of bastards steal the innocence of young girls and boys. It was her mission to end him, to end them all.. a snarl rumbling in her throat at the very thought.

Lavinia's soft bump and even gentler grin -- uncommon for anyone but Mila -- broke the poison twin from her dark thoughts. A small smile played at her red lips, the gesture not quite reaching her eyes, as she looked up to meet Lavinia's gaze. "I appreciate your offer, dear sister, but I've actually finished." With the tendrils of her mind, Mila floated the wicker basket towards them, hovering it between the two twins of red and gold. "I'm going to take these back and tinker with them," she explained, staring at each individual plant, "I just need some hemlock from the mountains. Then I can develop something truly special." A wicked grin broke across her face at the plan that she saw so very clearly; a new toxin, a slow-working poison. But one with a little extra kick.. one her fellow Crows would benefit from it's uses. And she could not wait until it was polished and ready for them to see.

With a tilt of her head, excitement coursing through her veins like a drug, Mila searched Lavinia's golden eyes. "And what about you, Lavi? Any plans for the evening?" Any jobs? Something interesting perhaps? she asked silently, blatantly curious of her sister's happenings.

@lavinia ❤️

Messages In This Thread
sister mine. - by Mila - 08-31-2017, 07:07 AM
RE: sister mine. - by Lavinia - 08-31-2017, 03:06 PM
RE: sister mine. - by Mila - 09-01-2017, 09:37 PM
RE: sister mine. - by Lavinia - 09-03-2017, 10:03 PM
RE: sister mine. - by Mila - 09-11-2017, 06:02 AM
RE: sister mine. - by Lavinia - 09-18-2017, 09:10 PM
RE: sister mine. - by Mila - 10-02-2017, 10:10 PM
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