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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Passing Through  - Common Sense

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These caves were not an unfamiliar landscape to the doe. She had found her way around The Heart Caves in Helovia, they had been been a haven when the wraiths attacked Helovia. Somewhere she thought herself and her daughters safe. Having spotted the caves while wondering through Novus she wondered if Tilney or Maude might have seen the caves and sought refuge within them. It would not do to just wonder past them, no she would have to investigate the depths of the caves. Knowing Maude and her curious nature her daughter would have most likely wondered into the very heart of the caves. Taking a breath she dipped her crowned head and entered stepped into the cool entrance of the caves. 

The drop in temperature became more drastic the deeper she journeyed into the caves. The wet stone walls suggested that no light had ever kissed these stones. Loose rocks and sand made up the floor, it was dangerous and threatened more than a broken ankle. The doe found herself praying that Maude had not decided to explore these caves. They were different to the caves that made the up the heart of Helovia. Both were mazes, those who got lost among the endless corridors rarely ended up seeing daylight again. Their bones simply became apart of the decor in the caves, stepped upon by more unfortunate travellers who were then clued into their eventual fate. Fortunately she had not yet stepped on any such decor.  Hoping that if Maude or Tilney had come down here, they would have turned away by now and returned to the surface as she now was going to do. These caves were not a place to get lost in and she did not have any wish to join the aimless souls that continued to wonder without their bodies. Arah had seen enough in her short life to know that wondering spirits were real, she had seen them. Not an overly superstitious mare these were really the only well worldly beings the silver doe was willing to put her faith in. They did not frighten her but their existence was not what she would consider to be natural. Instead they were entities that tested the boundaries of the livings beliefs. 

Clibling back to surface took longer than it had to descend, working her way up to the entrance she stopped at the sound of rain. Sighing she paused at the entrance of she looked out at the pouring rains. It fell in heavy sheets across the lands of Novus, truly coming down hard. Already the rocky pathways around her was gathering puddles. Water had begun to pool a meter away from the entrance of the caves, threatening to trickle down into the body of the cave. Thankfully she was no longer trying to climb up, fighting against the loose ground and what possibly was soon to become a miniature waterfall. 

Breathing in the scent of petrichor Arah instantly felt calmer, perhaps even more a little more at home in Novus. Certinally she was not as comfortable as she had been in Helovia, those lands had been her home since she was a young mare. Yet with each passing day these lands became less alien to her and more a potential future home. Settling against the wall Arah looked out over the lands of her new home, waiting out the rain.

For all the tears she had cried.
These ones hurt the most
but dried the fastest.

@Deimos + Hope this is okay!Poisons-kiss

Messages In This Thread
Common Sense - by Arah - 10-29-2017, 09:45 PM
RE: Common Sense - by Deimos - 11-07-2017, 01:10 AM
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