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Guidebook Supplement  - Thread Prefixes

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Thread Prefixes

This guide will break down the thread prefixes available for each board, and when to use each one. If a board is not listed here, that means it does not require thread prefixes or has no thread prefixes assigned to it.

Universal Prefixes
Information [Info] — Contains information about the board.

IC [IC] — An announcement pertaining to IC happenings.
OOC [OOC] — An announcement pertaining to OOC happenings.

Updates [Updates] — Threads where you can request to have something updated.

Guidebook Supplement [Guidebook Supplement] ‐ Threads containing information that is helpful to read in addition to the Guidebook.

Dawn Court [Dawn] — A character belonging to the Dawn Court.
Day Court [Day] — A character belonging to the Day Court.
Dusk Court [Dusk] — A character belonging to the Dusk Court.
Night Court [Night] — A character belonging to the Night Court.
Vagabond [Vagabond] — A character belonging to the Vagabonds.

Dawn Court [Dawn] — A character belonging to the Dawn Court.
Day Court [Day] — A character belonging to the Day Court.
Dusk Court [Dusk] — A character belonging to the Dusk Court.
Night Court [Night] — A character belonging to the Night Court.
Vagabond [Vagabond] — A character belonging to the Vagabonds.

Breeding Requests
Breeding Request [Breeding] — A breeding request.
Success [Success] — Staff will change the prefix to this if a breeding attempt is successful.
Failure [Failure] — Staff will change the prefix to this if a breeding attempt has failed.

Retire or Reactivate
Request [Request] — A request for deletion.
Name [Completed] — Staff will change the prefix to this when a request is completed.

Open [Open] — Plotting threads that are open for new ideas, characters, etc.
Closed [Closed] — Plotting threads that are closed to new ideas, characters, etc.

— No current prefixes.

Wish Lists
— No current prefixes.

— No current prefixes.

Open [Open] — Anyone is allowed to create characters from this world.
Limited [Limited] — Members must receive permission from the creator before creating characters from this world.
Closed [Closed] — The world is not open for character creation and serves only as a reference.

Open [Open] — Actively looking for assistance with character development.

— No current prefixes.

Player Updates
Absence Ongoing [ONGOING] — Denotes an absence that is ongoing, and has a set timeframe; expect no posts or activity from the player.
Absence Ended [Ended] — Denotes an absence that has ended; player has resumed normal activity.
Low Activity [Low Activity] — Denotes not a "full" absence or hiatus, but moreso a period of low activity. These are not considered full absences and characters of these players are not applicable to receive immunity from challenges, battles, and stealths.
Hiatus [HIATUS] — Denotes a leave of absence that, for various reasons, has no set end-date. Characters of these players are still only immune to battles, challenges, and stealths for two weeks.

Chill Zone
— No current prefixes.

— No current prefixes.

Closed [Closed] — A member shop that is currently closed for orders.
Fulfilled [Fulfilled] — A request that has been fulfilled or is no longer needed.
Open [Open] — A member shop that is currently open for orders.
Premade [Premade] — A thread where a user provides non-customized tables for general use.
Request [Request] — A request for art or coding.

Adoption Center
Closed [Closed] — An adoptable or character role/relationship that is currently closed or already filled.
Open [Open] — An adoptable or character role/relationship that is currently open and the member is seeking a player.

In-Character boards

Global prefixes for All IC Forums
All Welcome [AW] — A thread that is open for anyone to join.
Experience Earning [EXP] — A thread where the characters will be threading about an EXP earning task.
IC Event [Event] — A notation of an official IC Event that can be claimed for experience rewards if participated in.
Interactive Quest [Quest] — A thread - many times started by the Random Events account - where the characters will be questing for a redeemed Restricted Item.
Private [P] — A private thread between roleplayers, usually for plots.
Site Wide Plot [SWP] — A notation of an official SWP that can be claimed for experience rewards if participated in.
Trigger Warning [TW] — A thread that contains possible trigger content (severe illnesses, drugs, etc).

Veneror Peak
Worship [Worship] — An IC post meant for worshiping the gods. Has higher chance of random item drops.
Union [Union] — An IC post meant for two characters to request a Union from the gods.

Amare Creek
Fade to Black [FTB] — A post where its alluded that the participants may try to conceive a foal/fawn.

Bellum Steppe and The Colosseum
Awaiting Judgment [AJ] — A battle or challenged that has been completed (or deadlines have not been met) awaiting judgment by staff.
Battle [B] — A battle that needs to be judged.
Challenge [C] — A battle for a position of power that needs to be judged.
Feud [F] — An unjudged battle.
Judged [Judged] — Staff will change the prefix to this when a Battle or Challenge has been judged.
Passing Through [Passing Through] — A thread unrelated to battles. Can be interrupted at any time..
Skirmish [S] — An argument that does not lead to a physical battle.

Abigo Caves
Failure [Failure] — Staff will change the prefix to this if a stealth attempt has failed.
Passing Through [Passing Through] — A thread unrelated to stealth. Can be interrupted at any time, including for an attempt to steal.
Stealth Attempt [Stealth] — A stealth attempt.
Success [Success] — Staff will change the prefix to this if a stealth attempt is successful.

The Portals
Portal IC Event [Portal] — Seasonal Portal event; most often found in The Portals official board, but may be usable in other boards if random portals pop up elsewhere.


Messages In This Thread
Thread Prefixes - by Novus Team - 05-15-2017, 03:35 PM
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