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Private  - Lets Strike A Fire And Let It Burn (Callynite)

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Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
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Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

Coy grinned as he traversed the forest, his wings hidden deep within his heart and no feathers on his pelt. The latter had him thankful in a way that he didnt even realize, the former was almost an ache to erupt in his new secondary form and take to the skies. But he was on a mission. A certain doe had been able to escape his company for the last season, and he was determined to fix that. Particularly since he had run into the massive fire-hooved stallion that had informed him of her... practicing...

"Oh Cally... Come out, come out wherever you are!" He called, velvet voice rising to twine through the trees around him. She had apparently shot Sol with a practice arrow before getting into a conversation with the giant stallion. "Preferably without the newest weapon in your arsenal and no arrows ready to fire." The tri-colored stallion laughed softly as he danced through the shadows of the pillars. He loved the forest, the scent of the growing earth. It seemed to bring Cally to his memories and made him long for her companionship all the more.

Finding a small clearing, large enough that he could stand in the middle and not be under a tree but in a lone spot of bright sunshine, Coy slid to a stop and gazed around him. His vivid cyan eyes searched through the shadows, seeking the form of the hybrid mare. "Oh Cally, my favorite earthen goddess... Where for art thou, my glorious druid princess?" He called, mirth twinkling in his eyes.

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Maxxie for image

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

The energy swirled around her as she curled beneath the stretching limbs of a tree. Her tiny for nested between the raised root system that serpentined through the grass and soil. Across her pelt, the energy that existed on the physical plane seemed to be just as at rest, blanketing her in a soft and steady twinkling of emerald chi. The flow beneath the earth had also taken the hybrid doe's unconscious into it's currents, gently feeding her knowledge as she dreamed - knowing her magic was growing in leaps and bounds and would be soon evolving into a more steady use and form. The energy would protect it's protector, the earth wanting the druid to be well in the know for how to use the very energy that she was becoming a part of. Cally herself was peaceful however, her muzzle tucked against her chest, her limbs coiled together as if she were being rocked by some unseen force - deeper and deeper into an easy sleep, rest and rejuvenating, and Oh Cally... The voice was grating, calling her from the slumber slowly, even as the energy seemed to try to draw her back down to the dreaming state, wrapping her tighter in it's warmth and sway. Come out, come out wherever you are! The voice sung out through the trees, practically singsonging his previous, and Cally's eyes snapped open as her teeth gnashed together, jerking awake almost instantly.

Above her, the trees' leaves began to shake, as if warning the stallion from angering the druid he'd just roused from slumber - the waiting lionness he had just angered. Her breath sucked in as she slowly rolled off of her side, before climbing to her hooves and shaking her pelt, flicking her tail to try and dispel the anger that was rustling her fur with irritation. What . . . was . . . he doing here? She started to stalk in his direction, fighting back a yawn, wanting to send him off with a verbal lashing so she could fall asleep once more. And then his next set of words touched her ears, and her eyes narrowed while another stallion's name was added to her list of 'get even'. Newest weapon, she'd aim that that arrow straight into his arse! His laughter grated at her ears, both sets flattening until they were almost hidden in her mane, as the tiny doe moved through the forest that was one of her favorite parts of Delumine.

She spotted him from with in the foilage, the forest hiding her with ease as a few branches carefully shifted position, a few bushes fluffed up slightly. Hr eyes narrowed dangerously at the stallion standing in the sunshine, with out a care in the world. His next words dug his grave. Literally. No sweet words would save him from her ire. The ground began to shake, as the energy of the clearing was awoken into a chaotic array by her anger. The ground split with a suddenness that was fuelled only by the half awake Druid's desire to go to sleep, caving out beneath the stallion, and folding around his body, so as to incase him up to his neck in soil, grass and bramble. Only then did the bushes part to allow her through, the energy clinging to her coat seeming to rise up, swirling around her like a glittering maelstrom of kinetic violence. In her satchel, the five sugar gliders were watching with avid and curious eyes, amazed and awed at the power Cally was displaying - even as Cally ignored her own limits and kept pushing further and further past the boundaries of her current level of controlling her magic.

The energy swirled even as the earth settled into the tomb that would allow him to breath, her gaze razor hard and betraying the exhaustion of a freshly woken (and woken too soon) doe. She didn't say anything, even as her limbs shook with exhaustion from pushing her magic to do more than she was currently capable of doing. She snorted once, turning her back as she yawned, and headed back into the forest, and letting herself gracefully lay down in another knook in a tree, one eye remaining on the flamboyant stallion in an accusing manner, before she curled up, intending completely to fall back asleep, as her energy continued to be zapped away and back into the flow that she had stolen too much from. Another yawn was torn from her lips, as her eyes fell shut and her body relaxed once again. Meanwhile, the five gliders were watching quite eagerly, as Bandit pulled free of the satchel, and with Gizmo at his side, the two males scurried towards the stallion, before starting in on a chittering lecture in their own language, waving their arms around and dressing him down. Cally half opened one eye to check on the two - smiling faintly and making a mental note to get them a sweet treat for their dedication later, before closing her eyes again - content to let them continue dressing Coy down before she was willing to get up and deal with the stallion herself.

It was a darn good thing he is cute amused her, or she'd be reconsidering this . . . friendship.




Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

Coy felt a surge of rage boil through him as he found himself buried up to the neck in the soil. What in the hell did that little creature do?! When did she unlock strange powers that made him feel like she was burying him alive. Did this mean that she could bring things from deep within the soil back to life and send them after him. The idea of such made him nearly break into a panic and he could feel the surge of his own magic as he tried to decide if the raven would make it easier to become free.

Glaring at the tiny doe, he watched the obnoxious creatures come to chatter at him and seethed. Snapping his teeth at them, he attempted to shoo them away before taking a breath and allowing his body to shift to the smaller feathered form. There would be less to sift through in this form, so hopefully the soil would release him easier. A severely annoyed caw echoed through the clearing as he dug his way free and then chased the creatures away. Landing a distance back from the sleeping doe,  he shifted back to his natural beauty.

"Seriously... Bury me in the soil for wanting to spend time with you... use enough magic to exhaust yourself to the point of oblivion." He grumbled, loud enough that she could hear should she come back to consciousness. Shaking his muscular body, he dislodged as much soil as possible. Eying her with annoyance, he went to work removing the rest of the soil. Another shake let loose a cloud of dust and he sighed.

Stalking toward Cally, he realized just how exhausted the poor little doe really was. She had settled deep into the brush and looked like an innocent fawn... Though the idea of that still seemed a bit of a stretch to his annoyed mind. Allowing himself to sink into the rich loam, he reached out with his muzzle and caressed her shoulder softly.

"Rest now... I will keep watch and make sure you are safe..." He promised softly, his words gentle against the breeze around them.

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Maxxie for image

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A


"Just give me the world and I will give it back to you
Just tell me it hurts and I will fix it for you"
Cally was less than pleased by the male's obnoxious actions - and barely bothered with half opening an eye to watch him struggle out of the hole she'd buried him in. At least, it was a disinterested expression until she started to see a sudden panic start to take over. She didn't know where it may have come from but it was almost enough to force her to her hooves again, before noticing him glaring at her. Her eyes quickly closed - as if she hadn't just been caught watching him silently - only to here a squealing chatter and a snapping of teeth. Instantly both eyes were open as Gizmo came racing back to her and Bandit was practically spitting angrily at the stallion. Cally's breath left her in a heavy puff, but it was enough to catch Bandit's attention, and after the glider glared once more at Coy - he came racing towards her, cuddling into her folded legs and letting her settle back down.

Not before she sent Coy a disapproving look at his behavior, even as he shifted forms to dig himself out. Only once he was properly pulling himself free did she allow her eyes to close once again, her breath starting to even out to the sounds of irritated cawing and a flurry of movements. Her moment of rest was soon interrupted again, as angry vocals flooded the air instead of his previous obnoxious ones - and this time the irritation directed at her. Accusations of burying him. Exhausting herself to the point of oblivion. Her eyes snapped open and her head lifted up again as she met his annoyed look with a dark, exhausting glare of her own.

"I 'buried' you because you were trying to wake the entire forest. I'm exhausted Huehuecoyotl, your shouting earlier woke me up. It was either bury you - or chase you out of Viride. Burying was the least exhausting route." She paused, as a yawn was pulled from her, eyes dropping from a need of sleep, "Coy . . . please. I need some sleep, can we argue later? I've been on patrols practically non-stop lately." Her voice had softened, less accusation, more tired and wary. He was stalking towards her, and she took a deep breath, waiting for his next fighting words before he seemed to pause. At his touch, she leaned into it slightly, eyes starting to drop again, as she realized he was now laying in the grass too.

At his words, the gentle tones spoke softly, her features relaxed into a relieved smile, and exhausted, the little doe shifted closer to him, leaning against his side to share his warmth as a silent acceptance to his promise. Her head lowered once more - eyes closed, again - as she used his forelimbs as a pillow. This time the rest came to a lot easier, as her breathing smoothed out almost instantly, the doe having more than enough trust to fall asleep in his presence. It was one of the few signs that had the five sugar gliders peeking out of her bag. It was Amber and Willow however who moved this time, the two girls quietly climbing over Cally's back, staying close to their bonded, before quietly grooming the missed pieces of soil from the stallions pelt (even if Bandit was pouting from his perch on Cally - glaring at Coy all the while).

It wasn't a long nap for Cally - enough to help elevate some of the pressure she had put upon her own shoulders, but judging by the shift of the skyline, it was still an hour or two since she'd snuggled up to Coy before her eyes reopened. It was with a soft yawn, that she lifted her head, stretching out her neck in the process, before pressing her cheek gently against his shoulder, her expression a little more alert - a little more her now that she wasn't as sleep-deprived and exhausted, "I'm sorry." The words were whispered softly as she leaned more strongly against him, blinking the sleep from her eyes, "For burying you . . . that was mean." She added with a sleepy, half-awake yawn. "I know you don't like being dirty too."

It was likely the fact she was only just starting to rouse that had her words tumbling without her usual filter, the protective layer of sass and sarcasm that could hide her emotions so much better. As it stood, she was more content to wake up slowly cuddling into a certain stallion than try to put the act in place. "Thank you, though. For staying." She added after a moment, a slight half-smile touching her face, "It was easier to sleep . . . . with you nearby. I'm grateful. Could finally quiet my thoughts enough to rest." She was beginning to wake a touch more with each sentence, their context shifting slowly from more innocent and informal to her more typical speech pattern, "Mind you, if anyone finds out we were cuddling like this, I'll be forced to have the bushes throw berries at you whenever you walk past them. Red berries too - so you'll look like a walking holiday accessory." She threatened with obvious fondness and familiarity. But even with the threat in place, she didn't move away, instead of relaxing in his company, as she finally woke up fully - and decided to have him so close wasn't so bad.

And if she was being honest . . . . She had missed him too last season. So she couldn't complain him for searching her out - in fact she was delighted he had . . . if only he had picked a better time to do so though, like when she wasn't trying to get some needed rest so she could once more patrol the forest.


Artwork ©LupinHallow

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

"I 'buried' you because you were trying to wake the entire forest. I'm exhausted Huehuecoyotl, your shouting earlier woke me up. It was either bury you - or chase you out of Viride. Burying was the least exhausting route. Coy . . . please. I need some sleep, can we argue later? I've been on patrols practically non-stop lately." Coy shook his head and chuckled softly. "In my defense... I wasnt trying to wake the forest, nor anyone else. I didnt realize that you were sleeping, nor that you have been on patrol. I apologize for everything, my dearest Callynite." His muzzle rested upon her neck as she drifted back off. "I will keep you safe. That is the one thing that I vow to do, even if you dont want me around." The stallion whispered as he felt his heart swell to bursting at her trust in him. Yep... She had him completely wrapped around her little hoof. The touch of the two gliders made him jump for a moment, but after assessing what the females were doing, he found himself smiling.

"You two are sweet. Thank you for your assistance, little ones." Coy murmured to them, careful to keep his voice down while Cally got much needed rest. He definitely preferred these two to the males that had been chewing him out in their language.

"I'm sorry. For burying you . . . that was mean. I know you don't like being dirty too." Coy laughed softly, eyes warm and gentle. "You are forgiven, little love. I prefer being buried to being chased away. And two of your terrors are not so bad... They helped me to clean up a bit and be more presentable. They are new, arent they? Granted, we have been kept apart since fall, so who knows what all has happened since then in your life. Other than the obvious magic that has appeared and is incredible." He was babbling a bit, still in awe of her powers and completely overwhelmed with the emotions that had overcome him when she had cuddled up to him.

"Thank you, though. For staying. It was easier to sleep . . . . with you nearby. I'm grateful. Could finally quiet my thoughts enough to rest. Mind you, if anyone finds out we were cuddling like this, I'll be forced to have the bushes throw berries at you whenever you walk past them. Red berries too - so you'll look like a walking holiday accessory." Coy laughed again, shaking his head. "I will be here whenever you desire, and for however long. You are the one calling the shots here, miss Cally. I have come to find myself completely at your mercies." Heck... she didnt know the half of it. Coy had found himself traveling near Delumine more and more in hopes of at least seeing the little doe in her day to day work. He eyed her carefully at the mention of red berries and tilted his head. "While I know that you would probably pelt me with berries... you would feel bad after because that red juice would dye my beautiful coat and make me look like a giant clown. And how could I accompany such a stunning little doe while looking ridiculous myself?" He teased, not feeling too worried about her painting his coat at this point.

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Maxxie for image

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A


"Just give me the world and I will give it back to you
Just tell me it hurts and I will fix it for you"
Perhaps it wasn't the wisest choice of 'quick solutions' to handle the stallion, but at the time of exhaustion from patrols and forcing her magic to stretch as far as she could get it, Cally didn't really care too much, and instead resorted to defending her actions (before turning a bit pleading for being allowed sleep). His soft chuckle soothed her ruffled edges more than she was expecting, the sound acting as a balm to her frayed nerves and soothing the exhausted, tension lines around her eyes and muzzle. His words that followed seemed to add more layers to that calming balm that slid over her soul and echoed deep within her heart. His words weren't quite an apology yet, drawing out a defense first. But when he did apologize, she glanced up at him sleepily before managing a soft smile and snuggling down against him as his muzzle drifted over her neck. She would remind him she wasn't anyone's property tomorrow . . . tonight, she liked the sound of 'my dearest'. And tucked against his side, his muzzle laid lightly over her, a sense of shelter soothed the last of her worries, and she found herself easily falling into sleep beneath the trust in him that he would protect her from anything thta might come.

The gliders chittered gently at him, and his words of thanks, the two shiest of the batch seeming to hide behind each other at his attention - a display that was equal measures of cute and not well thought out on their part. But as soon as his attention drifted again, Willow and Amber were returning to their duties of cleaning the soil and dust from his pelt, even as Bandit glared from next to Sugar, and Gizmo looked lost without Amber nearby. As the two girls finished straightening the majority of the fur they could reach without leaving Cally's body, they briefly pressed paws against his shoulder in farewell before departing for Cally's saddlebag and curling up with the other sugar gliders to join their bonded in some rest. Cally wouldn't be destined for sleep for long, however, and while she had originally planned for an hour or two for a nap, she slept for at least double that while tucked into Coy's body.

Of course, the horror that set into her bones as she began to realize what she had done to him before her nap had her wondering why he was still there. Her apology was met with a soft laugh, and eyes so warm and gentle, Cally could feel a flush of heat rising to her muzzle, her own gaze dropping from his, only to jerk back up in surprise at the new nickname. Little Love? Where had that come from? In her half lucid state, still, squarely between the dream realm and reality, Cally blinked her eyes in sleepy confusion. "Now don't go calling me that now, Coy" She murmured, nuzzling her cheek back against his neck, eyes half closing, as she retreated a little closer back to the dream world, her voice laden with sleepiness, "Or I might just have to fall for you." The mere idea drew giggles from the little doe, although not the laughing at the idea giggles, but rather the awkward type of giggles of someone embarrassed by what they've said or done and are trying to cover it up. Had she really just said that?

When he did admit to preferring buried to be chased away, it was that blunt - half-asleep state that had Cally scoffing in honesty (as opposed to her typical attempts to hide her emotions under a lock and key set up of sass and biting remarks, "I wouldn't ever really chase you away-" She pauses for a yawn, lowering her muzzle to her for limbs, so she could rub one eye with her knee, trying to force herself to come around, to wake up and keep doing her job. "I prefer you being close by." Definitely not the sort of thing she would have admitted had it not been for the sleep that still claimed large sections of her being. Only then did he comment on her terrors, causing Cally to grow more confused. Terrors, what terrors? Make him presentable? New. It was only when a chitter at her shoulder was heard did she make the correlation between 'Terror' and her Sugar Gliders. "They're no more a terror than you are, Coyote." Cally said with a distinct pout, rubbing her cheek against the soft fur of Sugar who stood at her shoulder, vibrant white against Cally's browns. The little glider seemed to preen under the attention, before diving towards the other gliders who were heading away to hunt for some snacks now that Cally was awake again.

At his comment about how long they had been part, and the mystery of what had changed for her, her muzzle suddenly dropped, her cheek pressing against his chest as she seemed to tuck herself in closer to him. Deep down she had hated the sudden silence between them, a whole season with no contact. And as if bringing it up had struck her with fear of a repeat performance, Cally seemed content at the moment to turn herself into a burr and stay with Coy until she no longer felt the panic of the stallion disappear. "I didn't like it . . . " Her voice had softened suddenly, both sets of ears pinning back slightly and her body pressed tightly against him, "Not seeing you throughout all of Winter . . . . I was worried . . . about you . . . us . . . . well, our friendship I mean." Her words came slightly awkward and stilted, as she tried to express herself but not give to much away. She might not be in love with him . . . she surely must not be, she was certain she wasn't - maybe. But . . . . the time apart had rattled her in ways she couldn't express properly. He had become a constant in her life. Turning a corner to find him watching her like a guardian angel. Being present for laughter and company. To a sudden disappearance.

There had been days where she kept busy enough to not notice, but then there had been the days of quiet and calm where her mind and ran up any and every possibility of where he was and why he hadn't been with her . . . and if his absence was because he finally found a mare . . . a mare that would match him, who would know him as a stallion of the same species, and be able to address that with ease. A mare who wasn't cursed as a hybrid oddity, who was more deer than horse, and was still struggling to mold herself into a decent part of that equine society she was now being pulled into. A mare . . . . because she was just a doe, and he was a stallion.

That thought alone had her pulling away from him, her ears still pinned back slightly though she was awake enough to keep these thoughts from her face, her body language, instead of trying to keep her expressions and physical tells lying and stating everything was okay. She didn't broach the time apart again, instead of apologizing for burying him - and expressing thanks for his presence, trying to joke off the cuddling, threatening him if someone should find out - she was trying to re-establish the previous relationship and not bury herself in the actions of that last night. A struggle, but she forced her words forward. His words had her heart stuttering, missing a beat as she glanced at him, reminding herself sternly to not read too much into it. Of course, he would be there for her, they were friends. Calling the shots tho - him being at her mercies. What was that about, what was that supposed to mean. Instead, she focused on their conversations rather than her thoughts, lest they run wild again, "Oay so no berries, but maybe I'll just have you trip over a branch or tree root every few second, hmmm?"

Her limbs were drawn up beneath her, as she straightened up and turned to walk away from the area they had been cuddling, before glancing back at him, that hesitant expression returning briefly before being replaced with the more standard sassy demeanor she wielded like a sword and shield, "Hmm, calling the shots am I? And what shots are you hoping I'll call?" She teased, hiding the previous shyness behind playful banter. "You're worse than the bucks at home when they find a pretty doe to court." She added with a roll of her eyes, even as her muzzle reached up, grooming a part of his pelt her gliders had missed earlier, her muzzle barely ghosting along his skin as she did so. "I think you're far vainer than some of those bucks too! And I didn't know that was possible!" Her smile was genuine this time, as she tugged at a lock of his mane before that hesitancy returned for a moment, and she allowed herself one more comment before returning once more to sass and snarkiness, "I missed you these past months Coy. Don't stay away for so long again, okay?" Because when it came down to it, he had somehow become the favorite part of her day.


Artwork ©LupinHallow

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

"Now don't go calling me that now, Coy Or I might just have to fall for you." Coy snorted softly, smiling as he listened to her. Her words were sleep softened and heartfelt in a way that they usually werent. "You know... that could either be a promise or a threat, but even as a threat... Well, it doesnt sound so bad." He chuckled, muzzle touching her in a show of emotion that he didnt even use around his sister. It was at that moment that he realized that he had never truly loved anyone this way. Not his sister, thankfully, nor any other mare in the world. As he gazed at her, he took the time to search his heart to try to figure out exactly what he was feeling and how incredibly strong it seemed to be growing. Yep... She had his heart in her tiny hooves and was the only one he would ever give it to this completely. This was the start of an entire new chapter in his life, and he did not seem to mind the knowledge. "I seem to find myself desperately hoping that it is a promise..." He whispered, not even sure if she was awake enough to hear him.

"I wouldn't ever really chase you away- I prefer you being close by. They're no more a terror than you are, Coyote." Coy laughed as he eyed the males that had chattered at him. "I donno about a few of these.. There are at least two that are not so bad." He replied, eyes alight with pure happiness as he shot glances between the little doe and her friends. "And I have found that my days without you seem to be permanent darkness without the light that you bring to my life, little love..." He admitted as he ruffled her mane.

"I didn't like it . . .  Not seeing you throughout all of Winter . . . . I was worried . . . about you . . . us . . . . well, our friendship I mean." Coy sighed. "I hated every moment of winter without you. I was afraid that our connection in the maze might have driven you to realize that I was more obnoxious than you truly wanted to have in your life. I have never found luck in giving my heart to another... Never had the right mare.. or doe... to give it to without feeling like I was going to lose myself in the process." He found himself speaking more than he expected, his eyes closed as he was terrified about how she would respond to his words. Knowing his luck, she would bury him fully this time.

"Oay so no berries, but maybe I'll just have you trip over a branch or tree root every few second, hmmm?" Coy laughed and shook his head. "You can trip me... if you promise that you will take care of me and make sure that I dont scar too badly." The ebony, ivory, and acid stallion snorted as he teased the little doe, loving that he was comfortable enough around her to be willing to tease like this.

"Hmm, calling the shots am I? And what shots are you hoping I'll call? You're worse than the bucks at home when they find a pretty doe to court. I think you're far vainer than some of those bucks too! And I didn't know that was possible! I missed you these past months Coy. Don't stay away for so long again, okay?" The comment about courting caught his attention and he flicked an ear. "And how, pray tell, do the bucks back home court these stunning does? Is there anything in particular that a buck would do to show his affections?" He asked, half in jest as he watched her and wondered just what she would say in response. "And I promise. I will not stay away. You call, and I will be here as fast as I possibly can. I seem to find myself staying closer to where I know you might be, just in the situation that you might need my help or company." He admitted, glad that his face didnt betray the anxiety that she might be angry at his staying closer. "And I l- missed you too, little love."

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Maxxie for image

Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A


"Just give me the world and I will give it back to you
Just tell me it hurts and I will fix it for you"
Cally's words were a half-aware stream of sleepiness and a lack of check on what she was saying, what she was feeling. Had she been more aware, it was likely that she wouldn't have said anything - she'd have kept all of these crazy thoughts silenced. Instead, they were circulating in the air between them, polluting the breath they breathed with the catching virus of 'feelings'. Coy didn't seem to mind, his muzzle touching her and her smile slightly soft in return. The air had shifted between them suddenly again, and Cally didn't find a need to change it back to normal. Instead, her ears flicked at his words, a soft laugh and a gentle shake of her head, "Perhaps it's a caution." Her gaze shifted down, almost shyly about it, innocently even. She wasn't the ideal female by most standards, anyway. Still, she twisted slightly, resting more heavily against his side, and turning her head up towards him to tug on his mane, only for the lock to fall from her muzzle in shock as her shifting position had her close enough to hear his next words. She blinked in shock, before turning her muzzle away and choosing to feign ignorance to what she probably wasn't suppose to hear, her mind going on hyperdrive over what it might mean.

Hoping it was a promise, did he realize what he would be asking for in those uttered words? She wasn't your typical mare, after all. She didn't fawn over her appearance or behave in a cutesy manner. She didn't want him assuming she was something she wasn't, to ruin whatever they had by him finding out she wasn't an ideal little trophy doe. She'd heard long enough from the bucks back home how she was too plain, too wild, too adventurous. The idea of hearing that from him . . . would shake her also the core. No, it was better to pretend she hadn't heard that from her, it was safer that way for sure. No chance of being told she was too much, that she was just . . . one of the guys. If only she could keep her mouth shut. His response to her admission of preferring him nearby had heat rising to her features once more as she felt the need to control the stuttering of her heart. Was she the light to his life? Did he realize what he was saying? His ruffling of her mane was a good excuse to drop her head, her muzzle out of his reach even as she pressed her cheek against the side of his shoulder, "You're going to spoil me with such sweet words," She mused, nibbling at the fur of his shoulder gently.

Winter had been harsh though, their time apart, and at his admission of hating it, of being afraid as well, she had her muzzle raising to look up at him before her neck draped over his back, pressing her muzzle against his far shoulder in a comforting embrace, "Hey now, silly. There's nothing that could have driven me away. I like your obnoxiousness." She mused, a sleepy-playfulness before freezing at his follow up, her touch removing with a swiftness that game from a shock, feeling her heart suddenly jackrabbit in her chest, and her muzzle dropping open in surprise, trying to figure out what he had been saying—giving his heart to another. Just that thought had a sudden sour taste in her muzzle, but she was trying hard not to read into it. To not read between the lines for a translation he hadn't intended. She was the boring, plain Cally. One of the guys. She wasn't a beautiful, vibrant example of her species. She didn't walk with grace or wear bells to chime with each step. She didn't pimp her look with exotic hairstyles or accessories. She was just . . . Cally. And he was Coy - vibrant and obnoxious, but wild and delightful. He . . . he deserved a mare that could match him step by step and look RIGHT at his side . . . not . . . a weird hybrid doe who was as dull as dirt in appearance.

And yet . . . didn't he find her beautiful, a goddess he had said once? Her gaze remained lowered, "I . . . I am sure when you find the right mare to give your heart too . . . she'll know how lucky she is to have your attention. A mare worthy of being at your side," someone more than just some weird doe. A tiny voice in the back of her head wouldn't quit, though, Are you not part mare yourself now? Is it not just your unwillingness to release your past that has you claiming deer citizenship. Could you not be that mare, worthy. He himself had added the doe comment . . . Is that not a sign to him, that a mare isn't right, he's looking for a doe - like her? Even at those positive thoughts, however, it did not stop her thoughts from spiraling back to that pit of not being worthy, of him growing disappointed, or bored . . . or worse, his words not meaning what she kept hoping they would. She was just a friend. She was just a friend.

His next words proved to be a distraction from her thoughts that she could latch onto, giggling softly, "You put a lot of faith in me taking care of you. I'm not a nurse-doe, you know. I'm certainly no medic, of any sort." She mused, "I could make it all so, so much worse!" She teased with a perfected halo look, the cheeky smile lessening the effect. Still, he offered her conversations for distraction, those of which to eagerly grasp upon, and she jumped at the chance to tell him about her people, her eyes lighting up, "Oh goodness, some of those bucks were crazy! I think a lot of it depended on their class. I saw a rogue once carve a heart with his and a doe's initials out of the tree. Unfortunately, she was a druid like me, and she hung him from a tree until he apologized, and the forest accepted the apology. I think the forest enjoyed it a touch too much; I'm fairly certain I heard the trees laughing while he hung. A barbarian once held a championship to win a doe over, willing to take on anyone who came at him to prove he could take care of her. Poor guy lost three fights from being distracted by showing off." Her laughter vibrated through her chest, and around them, the flowers seemed to turn towards her and the sound. Cally's expression softened slightly, "Papa once told me, he convinced my mother to go out for a walk with him by delivering her a dozen roses every day, every morning, apologizing that he could never find a rose pretty enough to compare her too. Mother was vain, so she ate it up" She added with a shake of her head, "Of course, if the buck did when the doe over, there was a special type of berries that grow in a certain part of the forest. It's a bit of a hassle to get to, I understand, and you only ever eat them once in your life. Part of a ceremony to bond the two together as mates." She laughed softly, "It probably sounds silly, but it was meant to symbolize the start of a new life together, sharing and providing for each other. The buck would fetch the berries for the doe, and the doe for her buck."

His promise had her glancing up at him in surprise, before siling faintly, "I'll hold you to that promise, you know. I warn you now. I'll have you going stir crazy in a day with my demands." She teased gently, even as she pressed her muzzle against his neck, unable to stop herself from relaxing slightly as she breathed in his scent, "You can stay as close as you like . . . I . . . I don't mind. Though . . . perhaps not too close while we're dealing with the issues in the forest." She pulled back, muzzle twisting in concern, "I'd hate for you to be accused of anything just because you're keeping an eye out for me." She pauses briefly, her eyes unfocusing, "Oh, let me check in with the forest, make . . . . sure everything . . . is still . . . . okay . . . . ." Her voice trailed out, a little more broken as she dived into the energies to get a general feel, pausing briefly at the flaring energy at her side, silently memorizing it for future knowledge.

As if stirred up by her dive, the energy clinging tight to her pelt lifted and shimmered a few extra inches off of her hide, stretching up as if to hug around her neck in a possessive claim, crackling with sparking, glittering hues at the stallion who was hovering as well. Cally shook her head gently before smiling faintly and drawing herself back out of the energies, relaxing against him again, "Sorry . . . I don't want to miss something by being distracted by some pretty boy who showed up in my territory," She teased, far more energized after being tugged into the ley lines, her eyes practically sparkling and causing the energy to flare up brighter around her, shimmering and sparkling. Cally gently shook her head, smiling slightly, "It feels like a lot of us are on high alert . . . the forest is so ill, and with whoever is hunting on the soil . . . . It's been a rough time, and with my ability to commune, I'm being called for patrols frequently enough to keep in touch with the forest." Especially since Po seemed to be having issues doing the same. It was likely part of the reason she hadn't be around to see him recently - why she'd snapped earlier when he'd woken her. She was doing so much to try to protect Viride, her new Forest home . . . . she hadn't realized what she was pushing herself into until now when she had the stallion close by again, and she was in no hurry to let him go, content to stay cuddled with him for a while longer. Just a bit longer. Before he found someone truly worthy of him.


Artwork ©LupinHallow

Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 91 — Threads: 10
Signos: 0
Dawn Court Apothecary
Male [He/Him/His]  |  14 [Year 496 Winter]  |  16.2 hh  |  Hth: 25 — Atk: 15 — Exp: 36  |    Active Magic: Raven Shifter  |    Bonded: N/A

Perfectly Fabulous in every way

"Perhaps it's a caution." Coy smirked as he listened to her words. "And what if... just maybe... I want to throw caution to the wind and live in the moment with you?" He asked, grinning as she played with his mane and cuddled closer. Instead of speaking further, he found himself adjusting his frame to shelter her smaller one as close as he could. For a day that had started in utter chaos and being buried in the soil, he was more peaceful than he had been in quite some time. There was an ease to their conversation, even if she seemed to be waking enough to be less open and more shy.

"You're going to spoil me with such sweet words," Coy laughed as she tickled his shoulder and he shook his head. "I suppose I shall have to find additional ways to spoil you, little love. " As the words left his mouth, the stallion started to think about ways that he could do just that. He remembered the look on her face when he had tucked his own feather into her mane and that made him smile even more. So she seemed to prefer natural items to gaudy jewelry...

"Hey now, silly. There's nothing that could have driven me away. I like your obnoxiousness." Coy snorted. "Clearly... as you bury me and debate ways to torture me if I am annoying enough." He teased as he winked at her. This little doe seemed to be a champion at making him laugh and it was rather refreshing to be on someone's good side and comfortable enough to tease back and forth even when declaring feelings to the other being in the conversation. Some stallions might be put off by the fact that Cally seemed to be ignoring his words about his feelings... but Coy had learned that she was rather self-depreciating.

"I . . . I am sure when you find the right mare to give your heart too . . . she'll know how lucky she is to have your attention. A mare worthy of being at your side," Coy laughed. "Cally, Cally, Cally... Clearly I need to spell it out for you, little love. I have found the right female... And no matter what, you are more than worthy of being at my side. If anything, I need to make myself worthy of you and the exotic beauty and breathtaking powers that make you all the more special. You are the most special creature in Novus." He murmured, his words soft, but definitely loud enough to be heard easily. They were filled with the love that had been growing in his heart. While he was not holding his breath that she would listen and believe him, he had to explain himself so that she knew where he was coming from and what he was trying to say. "There is absolutely no one else. This I promise you, Callynite." Coy's words became fervent as he tried to make her understand and his cyan eyes stayed on her face the best that he could as he hoped that she would listen.

"You put a lot of faith in me taking care of you. I'm not a nurse-doe, you know. I'm certainly no medic, of any sort. I could make it all so, so much worse!" Coy laughed and shook his head. "I believe that we have had this conversation before... And I also believe that if something should actually happen that would require me to need assistance, you would do anything in your power to keep it up. You wouldn't let me die from poor care if you had a say in it." He teased, having a feeling that she would not actually let him die if the situation required her to care for him like that.

Coy listened to her explain her homeland and how courting worked with a smirk. Cutting into a tree would have him buried again or worse... and Cally was not vain enough for him to challenge everyone to prove himself.. nor the flowers. Though the flowers as a gift might not be all bad. When she moved on to the berries, he perked up a bit and gazed at her. "I have never heard of exchanging berries. Are they a specific type that doesnt grow here in Novus?" He asked, curiosity winning out as he found himself wanting to learn everything about her and her customs.

"I'll hold you to that promise, you know. I warn you now. I'll have you going stir crazy in a day with my demands. You can stay as close as you like . . . I . . . I don't mind. Though . . . perhaps not too close while we're dealing with the issues in the forest. I'd hate for you to be accused of anything just because you're keeping an eye out for me. Oh, let me check in with the forest, make . . . . sure everything . . . is still . . . . okay . . . . ." Coy snorted. "I keep my promises, particularly to those that I love in any form. And that number has officially grown by one." He winked before pulling her close while she was accessing her magic. The fact of what she can actually do made him take a breath of awe.

"Sorry . . . I don't want to miss something by being distracted by some pretty boy who showed up in my territory, It feels like a lot of us are on high alert . . . the forest is so ill, and with whoever is hunting on the soil . . . . It's been a rough time, and with my ability to commune, I'm being called for patrols frequently enough to keep in touch with the forest." Coy preened under her words and laughed softly. "I totally understand, little love. As long as I can be of help, even just to keep you safe while you commune with the forest." He murmured, his muzzle pressed to her nape again in a move that was mostly comfort for the pair of them.

Notes: <3
CREDIT to Maxxie for image

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