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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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Played by Offline Morphi [PM] Posts: 76 — Threads: 14
Signos: 1,400
Dusk Court Soldier
Male [He/his]  |  6 [Year 505 Spring]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 42  |    Active Magic: Aegis  |    Bonded: N/A

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
His breath came in visible huffs and puffs. Even in this strange cold climate it was necessary to stretch his muscles and burn off energy. He could feel his fitness growing. There had been no open spaces to run at home. No places like this, where it was safe, free and open.  It was a freezing winter night and the warmth of the court was a welcome one. He carefully shook a few twigs and grass from his body before stepping inside. 

The buildings of Novus continued to take his breath away.  There was much to learn about his new home. He was eager to learn more about the deity that was responsible for these lands. There was surely some connection or reason that the volcano had chosen to eject him to this very place? To this very herd? Perhaps life was more random than that, just a random connection of circumstances.  Everything Aeon knew about the world was challenged daily on Novus. There was magic and mystery at every turn. 

He had heard others praising and worshiping Vespera here. But he still wasn’t entirely sure who or what that was. He gazed over paintings, statues and art decorating the inside. Perhaps someone here would be able to help put together the information for him. He still hadn’t learnt how to read the written language that those on Novus used. He hoped that soon he would get to learn that and more!

ooc: @Odile - sorry its a bit brief! Trying not to waffle <3


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 14 — Threads: 2
Signos: 5
Dusk Court Magician
Male [He/Him/His]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  14 hh  |  Hth: 17 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

o d i l e

someone holds me safe and warm,
horses prance through a silver storm
figures dancing gracefully across my memory

The air was chilled, much to the dismay of the quiet stallion who was enjoying the late hour. Not too long prior he'd waited eagerly out on a surface of water for the moon's rays to touch his feathers, to feel the tingling sensation of the magic activating, transforming, recreating, and reforming his body. Now, the ivory stallion was practically overflowing with energy as he trotted about in circles to stretch out his long limbs, tossing the long curls from his face, his smile never ending, never disappearing. I should start deciding what to do tonight, before time escapes me and I have to eventually go to bed!

I don't like to stay up all night, though I do tend to sleep in fairly late into the morning regardless. As much time as I could muster at night is still ideal, it's the only time I am properly myself after all! Not that I'm complaining, I know there's no use in complaining about my curse, that won't break it. I don't think anything really will. Odyssey had made sure that I didn't know how that would work, just that it required something with True Love, before mocking me about Deryc's decision to not be with me, as if that would encourage me to wed him.

Clearly I chose differently, since I was here and Odyssey, that evil wizard; was not. I was safe, making a home for myself in Terrastella. I finally began to meander through the halls of the citadel, the buildings connecting to the main home of my newly appointed fathers. Liam and Bucky. How silly it was, to think that at five (I was five right? Time as a swan tends to get things pretty mixed up!) I needed to be 'adopted' perhaps that says a lot more out of me than I would want anyone to know. But anyways! I still liked having a place to call home, and I was enjoying getting to know so much about this world too with everyone here!

The small pegasus practically skipped through the area, ears perking forward before spotting an unfamiliar face. Curious, Odile approached, smile vibrant, welcoming and friendly, "Hi there, I don't think I've seen you around here before? Who are you? I'm Odile, by the way!" The energetic ivory horse asked curious, black eyes glittering with joy as he smiled freely at the stranger.

Notes: <3 <3

Lineart © Darya87 @ DA; Character/Design © Dyzzie


Played by Offline Morphi [PM] Posts: 76 — Threads: 14
Signos: 1,400
Dusk Court Soldier
Male [He/his]  |  6 [Year 505 Spring]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 42  |    Active Magic: Aegis  |    Bonded: N/A

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end

He heard the odd pattern of movement before he saw the arrival of the other stallion. He turned to face him as he was greeted. “Hi, I’m Aeon,” he replied, introducing himself. The phrase still felt odd. Not because he was unsure of who he was, but that others caring about his name was new. Everyone had been so welcoming and friendly - a stark contrast to his former home. New faces were shunned until they could show their power or worth to the tribe. Another mouth to feed was always a concern. 

He was so thankful for Liam and Bucky for taking him in. Claiming him in his vulnerability and taking on the burden of allowing him to stay. Aeon would strive to make it up to them. He would help by keeping his eyes on the land and by offering his strength once it returned. His own parents had left him to fend for himself due to his inability to fly, but kind strangers had taken him in. Everything about this place challenged his preconceived notions. 

“Uh, yeah I'm new here…you could say that I fell from the sky.” he replied with a smirk. The colour of the stallion in front of him was interesting. He had rarely seen anyone with this colouration.  His functional feathers were beautiful, Aeon had no doubt that Odile could fly. Maybe one day Aeon would fly too. 

He estimated that the stallion before him was older than himself. His spirit however felt free, the way he skipped on in, and spoke with such lighthearted tones. “Can you tell me about Vespera?” he asked softly, turning back to the statues and paintings in front of him. If he was to thrive here, he needed to know more. Survival and knowledge were often linked. How can you make good decisions if you do not understand the fundamentals about a place. He would also need to learn the political structure and the landscape as well. But all that felt overwhelming, it seemed prudent to focus on what was immediately pertinent.

ooc: @Odile <3


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 14 — Threads: 2
Signos: 5
Dusk Court Magician
Male [He/Him/His]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  14 hh  |  Hth: 17 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

o d i l e

someone holds me safe and warm,
horses prance through a silver storm
figures dancing gracefully across my memory

The swan-turned-stallion (Or was it stallion-turned-swan-turned-stallion) tilted his head curiously as the younger being turned towards him. His reply was simple, a greeting and a name. Aeon. It sounded familiar. Had Liam mentioned it, was this a name of a member of the courts? A name I was supposed to remember? I had to think on it a bit before my eyes suddenly lit up! It'd been mentioned in passing about a colt that had been taken in, someone that was being absorbed into our mismatched family. A burnt up colt, a stallion with identity issues, and a mare who used windows for doors. We were a bunch of misfit kids.

"Oh, so you're Aeon!" The stallion gushed with excitement, and was suddenly trotting around this new being - who despite being a good couple years younger was also a good couple hands taller. The short ivory stallion tilted his head, wild white curls falling into impossibly deep black eyes, "It's a pleasure to meet you! I'd heard in passing that you'd been included into the fold!" Okay, so it was more than just in passing. But still! It was exciting to Odile who had grown up as a single child - even if he had spent a good portion of his foalhood chasing after Deryc, the other than explained how he fell from the sky, and instantly Odile was smiling again.

"Oh, you too! I crashed into the fountain in the main courtyard! Where did you land?" He didn't add that he'd been a swan at the time, or how he'd hit a pillar in the courtyard first before tumbling into the fountain where he'd transformed into a stallion when the light of the moon had touched the fountain water - and ended up staring up at Liam from an impossibly awkward angle. It was a touch embarrassing to remember. An accident waiting to happen would be an accurate term to describe himself as.

The stallion stretched out his wings before retucking them, shaking out the feathers on his hind quarters, before perking up at the question. He turned towards the statues and paintings and tilted his head, "Well, I don't know much. I'm not originally from here, but from what I've gathered, Vespera is the patron goddess of this land. One of four, if I remember right. There's a large area at the top of the mountain - the one ALWAYS covered with snow - that has massive temples for each of them. Or so I've heard, I've never actually been. But Vespera stands as the patron of Dusk Court, and Te - uh, this land." Shoot, what was this land called again. Whatever, not important.

His ears perked forward, his smile vibrant, "There's a library in Dawn that might have more information about the gods and goddesses though!" He added with a vibrant grin. "We could always check there for more information. We're practically unofficial brothers anyways, both taken in by Liam and Bucky, so I'd be more than happy to go and learn with you too!"

Notes: <3 <3

Lineart © Darya87 @ DA; Character/Design © Dyzzie


Played by Offline Morphi [PM] Posts: 76 — Threads: 14
Signos: 1,400
Dusk Court Soldier
Male [He/his]  |  6 [Year 505 Spring]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 42  |    Active Magic: Aegis  |    Bonded: N/A

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
It was easiest for Aeon to stand and simply listen to what Odile had to say. The stallion spoke with more words than what he found available to say. Odile was graceful and beautiful, with fluffy functional wings. How freeing it would be to just be able to fly wherever you wanted to go. “Yup that’s me, I landed in the fields after falling down an erupting volcano” he confirmed as recounted the simplest version of his arrival story. 

He tilted his head at the next set of words Odile spoke. Not from here. “Where did you fall from?” he asked softly, his curiosity piqued. He looked nothing like his homeland herd so there was no way they were actually related, or had fallen from the same place. All the same it was interesting to encounter someone with a similar experience. At least it seemed like their cognition hadn’t been shaken or ruined. It wasn’t unusual for a flying warrior to fall in his homeland and lose their ability to speak sense. It was all very tragic, and the herd did not tolerate any burdens…

The mention of a mountain also held his interest. Maybe there was something enlightening to be found on this mountain. Maybe it would have some sort of clues about how falling from various places resulted in horses arriving at Novus. The concept that gods and goddesses were actually a real thing wasn’t entirely new.  But it was novel that they would be accessible to him. The elders and ancients of his clan were exclusively for those that could visit them in the higher volcano tunnels. 

“Please tell me we can get to this mountain without having to fly. Surely there’s someone here who can teach us some history, without having to go all that way” he said with a sigh. Realizing that he might once again be stopped from ascending heights due to his lack of flight.  

He listened to the words Odile had to say. “We don’t have to be unofficial brothers, Odile you are my official brother.” he said plainly, closing the distance between them and aiming to rest his large forehead gently against Odile’s. He was unused to such feelings of affection, of open warmth. But each day he was learning something new, he was well and truly open to having an official brother.

ooc: @Odile <3


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 14 — Threads: 2
Signos: 5
Dusk Court Magician
Male [He/Him/His]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  14 hh  |  Hth: 17 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

o d i l e

someone holds me safe and warm,
horses prance through a silver storm
figures dancing gracefully across my memory

I won't lie, I'm curious about this new stallion, new member to the family! It was fun, exciting, and while there was sure to be a gap from age, I could only hope we would be able to be good friends. I tilt my head, briefly having to shake back the abundance of ivory curls that fell into my dark eyes, smiling warmly at this sooty looking pegasus who still seemed to have so much growing to do. Did I look like this as a colt? Well, no, I was probably a lot more gangly. An ugly duckling that had to be given time to flourish into a swan. Unfortunately, the swan part stuck pretty hard, huh? Oh, right. Keep focused, Odile. Focus.

I blink in surprise, it's hard not to be surprised when you hear something like this. He fell . . . from an erupting volcano, where had he even found a volcano to fall from? Where there any in Novus? Yet, he landed in the fields of Ter . . . . er, whatever this land is called (please don't ever ask me the name of the fields, or the swamp . . . I think the cliffs are like 'Amigo Cliffs' or something? Great heavens, I definitely don't remember. But, I don't remember there being any volcano around here?
The stallion is clearly confused, his gaze searching the windows around the pair, as if trying to find the volcano he spoke of, "There's a volcano around here?! Where? How have I not seen it yet? Am I really that oblivious." Then the colt - the much taller than he was colt, asked where he had fallen from, and once more the swan-stallion was confused, head tilting to the side, with wide blinking eyes, "The, uh, sky? I was just tired I think . . . Kinda fell out of the sky from wariness. But I had been flying for a very, very, very, very long time! And I was just super tired! I'm not usually that clumbsy . . . well, I am, but that is besides the point." Odile added with an almost air of desperation to not look like the sort who couldn't take care of himself (spoiler alert: he really shouldn't be allowed to.)

The topic moved onto the mountain, and the goddesses and gods that are supposed to have large effigies up there. At the younger stallion's words, he had to laugh, "Yes, we could reach it with out flying! There's a path that leads up it. I remember seeing the path when I was flying by it! We could totally walk there. Well, we could but it would have to be after dark. Anytime we wanna do things, it'd be best to wait after dark, otherwise, I'll have to work around my curse, and that's not easy, or fun." It felt odd admitting it out loud, but . . . Aeon was family, which meant that he could be told (or that was Odile's thinking - his family could know the truth about him, of his affliction when the sun rose.

"But we can also look for someone else to teach us history too! Or even visit the library in . . . uhm . . . De-lune or what ever the Dawn Court place is called! I bet there is all kinds of books in there!" The princeling swan stated with a reassuring smile, only to pause at the other's sudden words. He blinks up in surprise at the larger, but younger stallion, as he rests his much larger forehead against Odile's much smaller one, before the swan-cursed stallion grins brightly, "Alright then! Brothers!" He agreed with all of the warmth and affection he could push into those three words! He's already a whole lot better, and nicer than Asta!

Notes: <3 <3

Lineart © Darya87 @ DA; Character/Design © Dyzzie


Played by Offline Morphi [PM] Posts: 76 — Threads: 14
Signos: 1,400
Dusk Court Soldier
Male [He/his]  |  6 [Year 505 Spring]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 42  |    Active Magic: Aegis  |    Bonded: N/A

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
“Those are questions I do not have answers to. All I know is I was falling for what felt like eternity then I landed here. It’s a miracle I'm alive. If you find the volcano let me know” He was as puzzled about his arrival as Odile was. Unfortunately Aeon knew nothing else that could explain the situation. Not knowing did stir an uneasiness within him. At night when he slept he had nightmares that he fell through the earth back to his own home. That his kin would continue to sneer and ostracize him for his failings. Or in this case his fallings?

“I can’t fly, I'm too heavy and my wings are too small” He sighed softly. It needed to be said, there would be no flying adventures for the pair just yet. “Maybe it was destined that we were to fall from the same spot. My ancestors believed in fated meetings, but they also believed in a lot of other rubbish that turned out to be not true.” He rambled slightly thinking out loud. 

Aeon felt naturally drawn to the mountain. He had been searching for mountains in novus since his arrival. As though getting to the top of one might shed the answers of his rocky arrival. He had been back to the grasses where he fell and looked up several times; he had never seen any floating structures or volcano in the sky. It all continued to be a mystery.

“What’s a curse, and what’s that mean exactly?” Aeon asked, tilting his head to the side. His ears swivelled as he listened to wait to hear what other secrets Odile might know. Nothing could be taken at face value on Novus. 

“I’ve been to the library, it’s a wondrous place. However it’s useless as I cannot understand a single thing that’s written on the pages. I am waiting for lessons on how to understand it. Getting to the library would be easier than climbing the mountain. But the mountain may have secrets we could find” He said, wrinkling his nose at the frustration of being unable to read.

ooc: @Odile <3


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 14 — Threads: 2
Signos: 5
Dusk Court Magician
Male [He/Him/His]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  14 hh  |  Hth: 17 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

o d i l e

someone holds me safe and warm,
horses prance through a silver storm
figures dancing gracefully across my memory

 The sometimes Swan was confused by the idea of how little Aeon seemed to know.  Odile couldn't blame the younger stallion , though. He also had no plans to battle a Volcano himself, he liked his feathers pristine and beautiful. Odile did snort playfully at the idea of the younger stallion's comment on not being able to fly, "Just because you can't fly yet, doesn't mean you can't fly ever."  He stated with a firm nod of his head.

Odile ughed, "I wouldn't really call it a fall, more of a crap it's sort of a crashed landing. But I had also been flying for a rather long time at that point." He explained, "I don't much believe in fate and such. I hate to learn my situation was faded."  His ears fell black slightly, his expression troubled, "I don't know the best way to describe a curse. Grab a curse. I guess it's bad magic that is designed to hurt or upset someone." The 5 year old explained with obvious discomfort, he was surprised to learn Aeon couldn't read however. "Books tell only the writer's side, I think the mountains would be the most important to learn something from. But if need be, I can read out loud if you would prefer to start with the library."

Notes: <3 <3

Lineart © Darya87 @ DA; Character/Design © Dyzzie


Played by Offline Morphi [PM] Posts: 76 — Threads: 14
Signos: 1,400
Dusk Court Soldier
Male [He/his]  |  6 [Year 505 Spring]  |  23 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 10 — Exp: 42  |    Active Magic: Aegis  |    Bonded: N/A

I'm ready to bleed to make amends
And sleep in this dirt we call our bed
So tell me your secrets
And join me in pieces
To fall and rewrite the bitter end
He considered carefully the words of his brother. Aeon liked thinking of Odile in that direct fashion. A brother, he’d never had someone to consider family. This was a new bond, but they would build it strongly; he felt certain of it. There would be adventures ahead and they would share them together!  

“Maybe one day we will be able to fly together.” he said with a soft sigh of longing. What a vision they would be in the air, he was certain they would be fast and dangerous. Oh how exciting it would be.  How much easier it would be to explore by way of the sky.

He thought for a moment after hearing the description of the curse. Thus far he’d only encountered helpful magic that existed to seemingly make life easier for the wielder. But this magic sounded dark and was obviously hurtful. “Maybe there will be answers at the mountain about the curse too. If the gods are there. There is bound to be something magical.” he said softly hoping that they would be able to find answers for all their questions. “Is there a way to undo a curse?” he asked curiously.

“Maybe one day they will write a book about the adventures we are sure to have, brother.” he said, trying the word on again for size. Feeling a warmth growing deeply inside of him. He had never felt so welcome and content. He had a place in the world at last.

ooc: @Odile <3


Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 14 — Threads: 2
Signos: 5
Dusk Court Magician
Male [He/Him/His]  |  9 [Year 502 Fall]  |  14 hh  |  Hth: 17 — Atk: 3 — Exp: 21  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

o d i l e

someone holds me safe and warm,
horses prance through a silver storm
figures dancing gracefully across my memory

The older stallion tilted his head curiously towards the much younger, his gaze calm as he considered the possibilities of where to learn, where to explore to learn the things that Aeon wanted to know. The longing in the younger pegasus's voice had the ivory man laughing with a shake of his wild curls, coal eyes softening as he nudged the larger, but younger beast with one of his ivory wings, "We all grow into our wings at our own time, and you also have to grow your wings, considering you're a little charred in place, and missing feathers in others. But don't worry. You'll get there in time!" The sometimes-stallion stated with a bright laugh, his wings refolding against his side, graceful, agile.

The sometimes-swan tilted his head as he explained his 'ailment'. Yes, Ailment, he liked the way that sounded (better than curse). But he frowned gently at the idea of the mountain having a place to help, "I doubt it. This is not magic of gods, it's the magic of a magician. And I doubt the gods would have books on how to do such horrible things. Further, these sort of spells are rarely out for display, from what I heard. They're usually special to the family or person who casts them - like guarded secrets. As for a cure . . . Kinda? I mean, like he told me it had to do with true love, and then laughed that it'd never happen though. But he didn't give me details, because he was an ugly, mean jerk and it's not fair." A small hoof slammed into the ground before Odile sighed, and shook his head, "It's pointless. My true love doesn't even love me. But I've gotten used to being a swan during the day. So it'll be okay. I'm fine.

"Let's just focus on how to get to the mountain first. But we should wait until spring is under way so it will be warmer, and less slick!
" He stated, "I bet Liam and Bucky would have a good idea of what we would need to get up the mountain! Let's go ask!" He added, using this as a means to avoid talking about how he knew he'd never break his curse, as he turned to head deeper into the Citadel to search for either of the two stallions.

Odile just didn't want to admit how he'd already given up on Deryk.

Notes: <3 <3

Lineart © Darya87 @ DA; Character/Design © Dyzzie


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