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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus
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While many would imagine a prairie to be entirely flat, the Sideralis is far from that. Hills are plenty along the southern coast and the grasses that grow atop them nearly give the illusion that they are alive with every push of the wind; but it is not the sashay of the tall grass that these prairies shine, it is instead the endless skies that paint picturesque spectacles. On a perfect day, the sky is a bright shade of blue untouched by haze or cloud - come the night, it is a canvas for the stars to put on the real display. Colours of all kinds spread overhead, even the dancing borealis have been known to exist here… but only with a stroke of luck do many witness them.
It is as though someone placed an enormous mirror upon the ground and called it a lake. The calm waters of Vitreus are a beautiful blue that reflect the surrounding landscape with stunning precision. It is only when an adventurous fish finds its way to the surface that the stillness rushes away into a ring of ripples, sending out tiny waves with even the smallest movement. The wealth of plant life that flourishes at the shores of the lake make for a lovely contrast, melting from blue to green with ease and allure. Vitreus is a well-loved land, and it is not difficult to determine why.

Go your own way by Aeon
18 threads / 111 posts
Acting as the barrier between the Night Court and the rest of the world, the Arma Mountains are an important piece to a nation of defensive horses. Very little can get through such hazardous conditions, with steep climbs and precipitous ledges, it is truly a wonder how any being enters or exits the land. In fact, there is only one established trail the winds it way through the mountains, but even it has its perils and those who call Denocte home tend to keep a very close eye on this pass. It is best to tread carefully, for one wrong move can send any being tumbling quite a ways before they may reach stable ground again.

up&up by Caelum
28 threads / 125 posts
Settled in the southeastern corner is the Court’s grand keep. Built mostly of unyielding stone and brick, it stands tall and mighty against the wears of time. The foyers regularly flicker in the dull firelight of torches lining the walls, leaving it just bright enough for the eyes to see yet still dark enough to pay homage to their beloved Demi-Goddess of the Night. The light of the sun is not as significant to those of Denocte, and so their representative building reflects such ideals. The night is where they thrive- where light cannot go, Caligo’s family is at home.

the help of a friend by Jane
43 threads / 142 posts
Rumor has it the Night Markets started with Caligo herself, another way the demigoddess brought her people together. The Market crowds the streets of the Denoctian capitol, made of cobblestone and moonstones and iron. Here is where you can find the greatest gathering of Night Court members, and where the Court truly comes to life--with music, dancing, exotic food and products, and most of all: passion.
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