no guts, no glory—no legend, no story
There is nothing in the world that can replace the way that Charlie feels when she flies. Learning to fly had been her longest running goal, ever since she had just been a little girl. She remembers how every day after her feathers had developed fully, she began testing her wings. She continued to try, and try, and try, until one day, she managed to fly.
Would she give up flight, or the way that she looks, for other traits that would make her more similar to her mother? Would that make her mother want her?
Charlie sets her jaw and tries not to think of it. She has Indy, and Aspara, and the entire world at her hooves. There is nothing the girl cannot do if she really puts her mind to it, and for that she can be okay in this moment here, with her friend.
Perhaps one day, she won’t have a choice to ignore it any longer. Perhaps that will be her mistake.
font style="color: #a54f29;">“You’re a good friend too, Apsara,” the pegasus filly responds. She will forever be grateful for the distraction this garden discovery has provided the hive of her mind. She will forever be grateful for the way that Aspara makes coming to Denocte feel like home. font style="color: #a54f29;">“I could eat,” she says with a laugh, gently bumping shoulders with the unicorn as they leave the mystical garden behind, to be further uncovered at a later date.
you and i, we're pioneers
we make our own rules