an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

There weren't many types of terrains and biomes that Cally had never visited before. An intense, and thorough exploration of her homeland had made certain of that, but now with her magic an aid, and learning the currents and the way different places felt and sung with the natural energy - any location felt like a new one. But there was one type of terrain she had not experienced before, even before her magic had been re-awakened, and that was the Swamp of Terrastella. A swamp - she couldn't even imagine what that must be like! Mushy ground with stagnant water perhaps? Was it fresh or salt water? What kind of critters made a home there? THings with fangs and hungry eyes? Birds that preyed on insects perhaps? Or things she'd never seen before.

Her cloak was slung over her shoulders, fastened low on her neck, and her satchel was slung around her, with her quiver to one side stocked with arrows and her bow on the other. Ready for adventure, with a small bit of berries and sweet grasses that had been gathered encase she was out and about for longer than planned. Her steps were playful and belayed her excitement to the world as she headed towards Terrastella, pausing at it's boundaries. Typically cally would try to achieve permission instead of just crossing into another's territory, but Novus seemed a touch more welcome, especially for those who just wanted to explore, adventure and SEE what the world had to offer, individuals like Cally. She headed into the terrain, settling into the natural energy currents of the land and following them to an energy reading that didn't feel like anything she'd felt before. 

She was hopeful it would lead her where she wanted; and that was to the swamp of Terrastella. She'd heard about it from others who spent their life exploring, though the name she seemed to struggle to remember. Tina? Time? Tiny? Something. It started with a T. Her steps were bouncy, her gait relaxed as she followed the currents that now seemed to urge her forward. It was easy to discover these energy currents now that she knew what to look for, seeming to settle into them with ease. A few trees greeted her warmly as she passed, offering her directions when she inquired of the swamp. Not all of the directions seemed to point in the right direction, but the conversation itself was nice, carried to her on that current strum that made her feel welcomed and alive once more.

Ahead, the terrain shifted, trees growing tightly together, and a grin touched her muzzle. She stood still a moment before bounding forward, slipping between the trees that seemed to want to gossip to her about creatures with in. She smiled lightly as they chattered in humming energy, before the sounds seemed to drizzle out, pitched lower in volume. The energy current was always present, but her powers still fluxed to keep her on the same 'channel' so to speak that plants spoke on. She moved forward as hot air settled over her, coating her pelt in a heavy residue that felt almost sticky as it did slick. So this was a swamp. The tiny doe moved further into the area, her gaze dancing from a fog that jumped into the stagnant water, to a lizard climbing up a tree. A larger splash of something else in the water echoed in her ears. So alive! She hadn't expected it to be like this.

She stood still, just looking around, watching, the deer tail practically wagging on her haunches, and the smile never leaving the face of the doe, until the trees began to whisper again, Hello. Hello. Hi. Hello They echoed from around her, but in a generalized area, even as a few whispered to her, Coming, Herd. Cally could have wept at the warning the swamp gave her, and so she stood straighter to see who might be coming, ready to sweetly explain her presence and hopefully not be chased out.

@Erd @Ard @Sparrow
Notes: Is there such a thing as over tagging?

Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

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