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Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

It was cooler here, or perhaps that was simply the virtue of the night. Perhaps the new heights they had reached, in the most literal sense of the word, was another contributing factor.

Of course, it also meant that they were required to move at a slower pace due to the thinning air, such was the fate of one hornbill to deserts and sea-level lands who now walked among mountains.

Although, the cooler temperatures also sapped less energy from their form, their coat of dark hues allowing them to be far more at ease with the chiller air than among the blistering heat of the desert sun. So in a way, they felt more energized in that they didn't feel as though their soul was being bled out through their sweat. They were both less and more energized by the change in climate and atmosphere, so would that's not render them to be in possession of their usual energy levels?

Hmm... questions for the sages and all the noble minds of the courts. Perhaps they ought to deviate from the path towards home and set out for the Dawn Court, if only to ask the court of the greatest sages this question of utmost importance.

But to be so close to home only to turn away? Later, perhaps they would take the journey later.

For now, hooves the color of mosses, of evergreen grasses as the more poetic might claim (were evergreen grasses even a thing? Another question for the Dawn Court), clattered against stone as they hauled the form they were attached to up and over that mountain that impeded their path.

They were far from an experienced climber, but they were determined, as well as creative and willing to explore atypical methods of climbing. (Or were they truly atypical? The equine with the crown of antlers was not one to know.)

There were more than a hooffull of incidents where they found themselves on ledges too narrow for their build, and it was only quick thinking and the refusal to let themselves fall that kept the equine of dark hues from succumbing to an early demise. Perhaps the most curious aspect of the situation was simply the way they seemed to take their situation, even as the crested the most difficulty part of the climb so far and found themselves looking down upon a relatively gentle decline that, while with the occasional obstacle scattered here and there that should make for an easier descent, it did not stop the echoes of their laughter from ringing throughout the mountain pass.

The sound of gay and carefree merriment were fading as the sounds ceased to spill from their lips like a bubbling brook, but the impressions were still upon their face, and the laughter could be read in their eyes.

It seemed that their current dance, a gentle waltz in the mountains, with death, was over for now. No longer pushing the limits, no longer daring to take the path least traveled for the certainty that it would be more expedient, even if it came with a hint of danger. Their eyes still glimmered with the joy of the game, the dance, but they bid their partner farewell and set off down the slope, finding themselves headed deeper into the territory of the Night Court, shining eyes curious as to what they may encounter in this new venture as they headed home.


OOC: Phone post.

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:


The borders of the Night Court were often a well guarded, impassible barrier, keeping the song and dance of the Night Kingdom hidden within their vast and comforting embrace. However, there was the matter of the pass through the Arma Mountains - it was, really, the only way into Denocte, unless you braved swimming in the Terminus. Reichenbach had made it a habit to scout the borders at dawn and dusk, more for his own peace of mind than worry that another court might try to infiltrate their lustrous territory. He travelled like a wraith through the night, a shadow made of smoke and jasmine, silent and graceful as he had always been - as if each slip of limb was dancing to some unearthly song, in tune with the quiet of Calligo's night. 

So he was unnoticed as he nestled into the crooks of her embrace, silver gaze sharp as he watched the figure meander from the pass - though already a smile tugged at the corners of his ebony lips, silently begging to laugh with the stranger, to share their mirth and joy. So he did. Emerging from the shadows silently, Reich smiled - a glint of teeth and gold in the night, warmth emanating from his muscled frame. 

"Lo Stranger!"

His voice was deep and welcoming, a sonorous song that melted the bones. His long lashed gaze lingered upon the slick antlers for a moment, then slid to their sable skin before finally coming to a halt upon the pleasant emerald eyes. Silence fell for a long moment, the shadows clinging to both of their flesh - welcoming them home. 

@Seree <3 your table is so pretty! 


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

A voice joined theirs, and while for some, such sudden sound may have been reason for fright, for a surprise, the voice was laughing, and the antlered equine felt their smile break into a wide grin at the answering call. The laughter was deep and pleasant, so very much a welcoming boom, rich and dark but holding no ill will in its depths. The equine of dark hues slowed their pace, but did not stop completely as they turned to find the source of this joyous voice, one whose depths reminded them distantly of the melting taste of some dark, sweet substance beheld in their youth as a gift from some far off land, one that was rich and spread over the tongue like a warm kiss.

Coming from the hidden places in the shadows was a stallion, a little taller than they, although they did have some height over the other, in a sense, with their crown of points. The color of the approaching man so very much reminded of the substance as well, his coat the color of that dark, sweet substance, such a wonderful match for his voice. Hooves like sugar crystals that only served to accentuate the sweet connection already formed within their mind, already bestowing a positive impression of this stranger who approached.

It helped as well that his grin was just as bright as theirs, and although neither knew a thing of the other, there was something pleasant in the atmosphere between the two. Not delicate and light, for emotion was no fickle matter. 'Twas an atmosphere that was thick, but was not suffocating, only the soft weight of some shared willingness to laugh because life was worth the smile, a presence that was felt but only in the way as a thick blanket, soft and familiar in its comfort. Decadent and homely.

"Lo Stranger!"

He seemed to bear no ill will in his voice, his greeting truthful but not seeming to pass judgement in its words. They were strangers, yes, but there was nothing wrong with that, it was only the truth.

The antlered equine met his gaze without fear, smile crinkling their own emerald gaze deeply as it met that of liquid silver with no meaning for disrespect, only the gaze of an equal greeting another. Greeting a friend. A friend unknown, but a friend nonetheless. For only a friend would join the laughter that was only meant to revel in the extraordinary feeling of life without fear, without hesitation for why the strange equine was laughing at nothing, for it was not nothing. It was the most extraordinary reason to laugh above all.

And it seemed their friend understood. But ah, was it not good to know the name of one's friend?

Their eyes slid shut for a moment, smile never fading as they bowed their head ever so in greeting, before opening once more as words flowed from their lips.

"Lo indeed! But I find that I would much prefer my name to such a prestigious title as 'Stranger', and as I say that my name is Seree, Seree Quyi, born to Day Court but wandering in search of a home far more suited to my, ah..."

They cast a momentary gaze over their shoulder, looking at their body of dark hues and skin, before returning their gaze with a glimmer of laughter in their eyes.

"Climate preferences one might say, I believe that with my words the title of 'Stranger' now falls to you! Might I know the name of whom I speak to?"

It was all said with a smile, a light, teasing tone interjecting their words every now and then. Not disrespectful, but not overly casual. Simply a greeting without formality, meant not to introduce two individuals unknown to the other in a manner befitting of politics, but in a manner of a simple greeting, a greeting from one who held no ill will to power and hierarchy, but who lived unburdened by such care for it.

A greeting meant to be friendly.


OOC: Ah, thanks! 'Twas actually made for me by a friend, but was winter-themed and for whatever reason I decided to do some editing and make seasonal ones. But thanks, I was super excited to get a moving table! :D

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:


The newcomers elegant bow only served to propel the warmth and welcome in Reichenbach's argent gaze, feeding his sanguine smile as he subtly memorised the look and feel of them. The Night King was not the smartest in Denocte, nor the strongest, nor did he have much training in politics or in ruling a Kingdom - but he had been selected from amongst many, plucked from a crowd because he was joyful and good, chaotic and wild, he burned with wildfire and smouldered with embers of the night. He was also  a kind Sovereign, considering his people before himself always. It was this mentality and his natural inclination toward laughter that had him welcoming Seree, brimming with life as he grinned and dipped his own rugged head in response.

Seree's voice was something peculiar and lovely, foreign to Denocte but also not entirely belonging to Solterra and the Day Court. They were in between, mingling between sun and stars equally. Reichenbach followed their gaze silently, his eyes bright with amusement as he listened quietly to the languid, relaxed words falling from Seree's mouth. He smiled once more and gave another small dip of his sable head, the melody of his voice floating like something fresh and sweet in the air.

"Welcome to Denocte, Seree Quyi - It is an honour to have you."

There were no words truer - Reichenbach welcomed any soul that entered Denocte, even more so if they wished to stay.

"Reichenbach, Sovereign of the Night Court and Denocte, at your service." The Night King, The Star-blessed Son, Leader of all things wild and free. "I believe, Seree, that your search has ended."

Another smile blessed his black lips, his gypsies grin wild and passionate as he added;

"In Denocte there is a place for everyone - no matter what lives they have led before arriving here."

@Seree !! They're so cute!! 


Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

"Welcome to Denocte, Seree Quyi - It is an honour to have you."


They had been traveling for a time, but it had not quite fully sunk in that they had crossed borders as of yet until the word sounded. Of course, they had logically known from the moment their emerald hooves began to search for traction on the slopes of the mountains that this was no longer Solterra, and had known from the first kiss of cool, night air that they could wander without fear of the dreadful burn of the sun on their dark back, but it had not quite sunk in.

It did now.

"Reichenbach, Sovereign of the Night Court and Denocte, at your service."

Green eyes lit up as their ears perked in excitement upon the delivery of the name. They heard the title, and knew where he stood among the many that lived here, yes, but their interest lay more in the word that was more personal to him, that had been his from his birth and would be 'till his death, come what may.

They rolled it around in their mouth for a moment, tasting it as they let him continue to speak, not wishing to interrupt.

"I believe, Seree, that your search has ended."

He was smiling.

The name seemed to suit him.

"In Denocte there is a place for everyone - no matter what lives they have led before arriving here."


Strong. Dashes of harshness thrown in some of the more hissed syllables. But with a brightness to it.

Yes, suiting indeed.

But there were other statements to address as they tilted their head slightly, not questioning but only moving, so that they did not remain static for too long.

"I have little to hide or run from in my past, but I appreciate the intentions behind such a policy. Admire it, in fact."

It sounded almost like something they themselves would come up with. How could they not approve?

"I would be most honored to join the ranks of the Night Court, especially with a leader who seems as candid as you and customs so free. The strict rules of Solterra were never meant for me."

They'd fortunately left before they were in a position that would put them in conflict with those of higher powers. While they had no qualm with challenging something they did not believe in, they would rather simply avoid the troublesome combat that would no doubt ensue in a land that seemed fueled by self-righteousness and testosterone-driven aggression. Even in the women.

Truly fascinating but also far from the place meant for a pacifist.

Their hooves were light against the stone as they strolled forwards, graceful not from any intrinsic beauty, for they were nothing special to look at, but from the ease with which they moved through the world as a whole, simply taking things as they came. It lent a fluid serenity to their movements, but was coupled with the natural energy that thrummed in their veins, always inviting them to pick up their hooves and dance. The whole picture gave a sort of grace to their walk, the serenity and humming music under their skin in equal measures for now.

They paused momentarily as they came to the side of the Sovereign, leaning slightly to bump their shoulder lightly against his with a friendly upturn of the lips, an inquiry dancing in their eyes and spilling forth with their voice.

"Say, would you happen to be in need of any to care for those who always seem to wind up with some sort of injury, be it from fighting or not seeing the log in front of them until they were already on the ground. I have many capabilities,"

They were not any genius, but their intelligence was not lacking either. And when coupled with their refusal to leave any task half-done, they could safely say they were more than capable of learning any new tasks they might need. They were also more than capable of pulling their own weight in a round of dance.

"but it's always better to do what calls to you the most, no?"

The worst he could do was say no.


OOC: Hi hello this is not late

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