an equine & cervidae rpg
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Played by Offline Mouser [PM] Posts: 34 — Threads: 10
Signos: 855
Dusk Court Soldier
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  9 [Year 501 Winter]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 10  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: N/A

Phoebe never would have guessed she would actually be excited to set foot on a frozen, snow-blanketed plain. She stopped and took a second to look out across the expanse of level earth, coated in an even but thick layer of powdery white that nearly blended in with the clouded, overcast skies along the horizon. Not a creature in sight, the next hardy tree a ways off yet, and chilly as every other region she'd so far walked upon this winter. It was a barren, lonely, drab landscape...and yet she sighed with legitimate relief at having reached it.

"No more mud!" The excited phrase was accompanied with a giddy laugh and an excited whip of her long, multicolored tail, a few prancing steps made in place. Her travels through the swamp, while eventful, hadn't been the most pleasant or easy, and she half suspected the land itself had tried to hold her there by force. But, thankfully, she had both survived and escaped, and now found herself in this new, empty territory with a much easier path set before her.

Or at least she hoped. It was one thing to have overcome the physical barriers that the earth put in her path, but another entirely to divine a purpose out of what she considered to be a "gut feeling" that just sort of happened inside of her. Still smiling, her eyes bright, Phoebe took a second to still herself, to listen both within and without, for any indication she was on the right track. Silence greeted her, but the certainty she'd initially harbored when heading in this direction didn't waver.

That had to be a good thing, right? She wanted to believe it was, and so, in spite of the cold, the sunset-colored mare began to walk forward across the barren, snowy plains, feeling a sense of renewed hope and optimism for whatever lay ahead of her.


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