an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

All Welcome  - We Are the Wanderers Who Don't Stop at Night

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Played by Offline Teal [PM] Posts: 22 — Threads: 5
Signos: 460
Inactive Character

Turn your magic on, to me she'd say
Everything you want's a dream away

Wandering, walking.

Wandering, walking.

My hooves carried me into the unknown like they had oh so many times before. Always walking, rarely stopping but to eye the scenery and satisfy my inquisitiveness. Trusty, sturdy, they were the pillars of the knowledge I had gained. Without them I’d be nothing.

And so I kept walking. Always walking, rarely stopping. Wandering, wondering. Pondering on would be’s, should be’s, and what was going to be. Slickly, silently they journeyed me without complaint despite slight wear and tear and the legs that powered them were strong, formidable. There was no halting my sturdy limbs which served me in even the most disdain of empires and raised me to the clouds. Without wings I was ground bound but with the build I had been gifted I could reach heights as good as a Pegasus might.

But I still longed for that feeling of flying.

Sailing, souring, high in the air with no bounds. I would fly to the moon, to the stars, to other planets out there in our solar system and I’d explore all them, too. One day my heart would carry me out of Novus and once it did, I was determined by any means to reach that blanket sheet of black.

I entered through pillars, ascending into great arches to form a balanced structure round and perfect. The shine of the moon guided me to steps and my hooves without hesitation took me up them. In each gap of the great columns that held the structure, I peered out of, marvelling at the height I was gaining.

I did not need wings.

I had heart, I had spirit, I had desire. Effortlessly I reached the top of the stairs to look out upon the start splattered sky from the top of the colosseum. A soft sigh left the fibres of my lips into the cool night air and I simply watched in awe of the world around me. Constantly I was fascinated, caught up in real pictures of imagination. Dreams could never look so beautiful as an actual, real and mind blowing views and, if I lived anymore in my dreams, I’m afraid I would lose track of my reality.

ooc: Trying out different ways of writing this boy:$

Under this pressure, under this weight
We are diamonds taking shape

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

that gleam in your eyes
is so familiar a gleam
The crisp night and the moonlight welcomes Lucinda as she leaves her home in the canyon to venture out for some air. Her heart feels full and alive again now that her dragon, Abraxia, has returned to her. She can tell her creature is feeling the same way now that she's free from the chains of her abusers. Oh, how Lu wishes she could jump back to The Moors and destroy them all. She is not that powerful yet, and neither is Abraxia as she regains her strength. Some day, she vows to get revenge.

For now, she simply feels the need to take a walk and enjoy the night with her companion. The dark colored dragon is but a shadow in the night, flying high above her. She hides well and, if it weren't for the soft sound of flapping wings, Lu might think she's alone.

They head to the Colosseum of the Day Court, a finely crafted building the Court used for their battles and training. The ebony mare has no desire to do so, but decides to pay a visit for the sake of the vantage point. No one would likely be doing the same on this cold autumn night (or at least, so she thinks).

When she walks up the stairs, staff closely by her side, she can hear the sound of hooves clicking on stone ahead. Her ears perk as she finds the scent of woods clinging to her nose. It seems so out of place in the land of sun and sand.

After finally reaching the top, the form of another stands a few feet away. Abraxia lands beside her, her muscles tensing. She caresses the dragon's cheekbone with the tip of her wing to relax her. There is no need for battle just yet.

The stone nestled inside the top of her staff glows, showing the brilliant colors of labradorite. Spiraling around the carved wood are tendrils that glow green, clearly from some type of magic. Lucinda smiles as she approaches the stranger, her pace slow and imposing. There is a hint of a glow in her eyes as well, matching the magic of her staff.

"Well, you are certainly quite far from your forest," she says, her tone seeming judgmental. Lucinda can't tell where the man is from, but the scent of the woods is all over him. Surely he can't be from Solterra. She raises a brow as Abraxia keeps close, her long tail moving back and forth slowly like a cat ready to pounce. Perhaps the pair are both hunting and are just waiting for the right kind of prey.

@Atlaas <3


Played by Offline Teal [PM] Posts: 22 — Threads: 5
Signos: 460
Inactive Character

Turn your magic on, to me she'd say
Everything you want's a dream away

And as I stood atop the towering creation of rough hands I imagined great scenes below me. Cheering from the crowds with the sweet smell of fruits rigging the air, bargaining to sell for the great match. In the arena the crowds would continue to chant and celebrate as two gladiators fought toe to toe to the death. The scene came alive as I closed my ears and imagined it, my hoof toppling the edge as I dared to image the scene from above like how a Pegasus might view it.

I dared and I dreamed. Lost in a cascade of wonder.

Then the sound of hooves broke me free, and I turned on my heels to spot another. Dark with horns, emerald eyes and wings. Besides her (and my eyes widened as large as the moon) a dragon, dark also with purple highlights and matching eyes.

Any other mysterious couple would have struck me with fear, but she stood and I grew curious.

“Far from the forest, yes,” Not only did I think of my residence in the Dawn Court, but the magical days I’d spent alongside my father. Next to him, I was truly home. “But, despite my love of the trees and forest, I am glad to be here,”

Yet their stances shifted and I felt the tension zooming through my muscles as I took on a more sturdy pose, compared to my rather relax stand earlier. I cleared my throat and began attempt to take the conversation somewhere other than the rattling of anxiety I could feel brewing in the settlement of my stomach. “Have you both seen the view? It’s rather magical, especially from atop such a great monument of history,” A weak smile tugged at my lips, feeling rather defenceless if the pair had any ill intentions. I stood on timber pillars with a heart of courage, and I remained in my ground, steeling my face to appear un-intimidated by the surely intimidating duo. 

ooc: <3
tags: @Lucinda

Under this pressure, under this weight
We are diamonds taking shape

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

that gleam in your eyes
is so familiar a gleam
The stranger turns around immediately after Lucinda makes her entrance. He claims to love his forest, yet he's glad to be here. An interesting response indeed since she's sure he's not referring to being here with the mare and her dragon. How could one so used to the comfort of shade and tree sap enjoy themselves out in the harsh desert?

She is interested to know, but the man clears his throat and changes subjects. She watches him with a brow raised, still with suspicion but also amusement at the way he attempts to hide his anxiety. He offers a weak smile and speaks of the view, which Lu follows her gaze to. She agrees it's not a bad view and yet, it still doesn't quite fit together with an outsider.

"Yes, a rather stark view compared to your lush greenery, I presume," she replies with distaste. The ebony mare takes a few steps further until she's at the edge of the rooftop and looks down. There is a significant drop below and several scenarios run through her mind.

"Have you ever seen a battle fought here?" she asks, her tone curious. "They are quite the spectacle. Some say they're a wonder to watch, yet deadly. After all, the red on the stone isn't merely the color, but the blood spills of the fallen." Lucinda would be lying if she said she hadn't fought here before, but it had been very brief. Still, there is a small part of her that wouldn't mind spilling more blood onto the Colosseum's floor. Who knows how much might spill if one were to fall from this height. She refrains since it does not yet seem appropriate. For now, she studies the man and wonders what would lead him all the way here. Surely there had to be more to it than simply the view.

@Atlaas not sure what kind of word vomit this is, I apologize < / 3



Played by Offline Teal [PM] Posts: 22 — Threads: 5
Signos: 460
Inactive Character

it's hard not to stand in
awe and enchantment

“Stark” seemed a gross understatement and did not honour the beauty which met my eyes. Though dry and bare each grain of sand, each rock and every lone unclad tree that stood, had a story to tell that was as great as the next forest or ocean. The world was adorned with treasured secrets kept by Mother Nature which we may never be told and if she were their keeper then who was I to undervalue her beloved creations? Her work was the beating of my heart and I stood, passionately, by her legacy, daring to uncover her truths.

“Stark? Maybe. But if everything were forest and trees then there would be nowhere that stood out, nowhere new to discover and love for what it is,” My ongoing passion for the world was evident, and as I spoke my lips stretched into a slightly more assured smile, almost confident that my tactics had worked and that she wasn’t about to pounce.

 As she stepped to the edge I turned my rump and did the same, a pillar separating us. I craned my neck to the stars as if I were touching them and my eyes closed whilst the winds whisked forelock from between my eyes and back across my nape. I didn’t turn to her as she spoke, listening and dreaming of the battles that did and do take place. The sheer thought sent a tingle through my spine and into my limbs, summoning a rush of adrenaline as if a fight were taking place right now.
“I have not but, I imagine it to be spectacular - Are they regular?” I reopened my eyes, unbothered by the idea of blood stains on the ground and my head turned to her although I doubt she could see much of me due to the (protective) pillar. My curiosity wondered and I’m sure she is thinking similar. “What brings a lady and her dragon here so late in the night?” The world was everything but people, people were just as strange and interesting. My loins had been called here by the spirit of adventure and I wondered if her heart carried her here like mine.

ooc: <3
tags: @Lucinda

with the beauty in which
nature expresses herself

Played by [PM] Posts: N/A — Threads:

that gleam in your eyes
is so familiar a gleam
The philosophical nature of the man makes Lucinda quite bored. He isn't entirely wrong in his statement, she just doesn't have such a view of the world. While some may look out and enjoy the beauty of it all, she would much rather go and cause chaos. To her, there is beauty in destruction and drama instead of how things look day by day through peace.

She does not dare destroy such a monument though. Solterra is as close to a home that she'll ever get and its inhabitants like Vendetta keep her safe house and work hidden. She knows when to keep off and wait for better opportunities. Whether it's this man or something else. Although, he would not make a very satisfying target the more she thinks about it. A snack for Abraxia, maybe, if he became too annoying. The man has strategically aligned himself with a pillar to protect himself. In reality, it would do nothing to stop the dragon from getting through if Lu gave the word.

He asks about the battles and she smiles. "Quite regular," she answers. "The Day Court uses this as their training ground. Even now I'm sure the peace won't stop them from preparing for the next war." She didn't know much of Raum since his downfall came shortly after Lu arrived. She did know that the Court were still recovering from his reign and throughout history were known for being a strong military unit.

The man then asks what they were doing out here and it's quite ballsy. Maybe she underestimated him. She merely raises a brow and rounds the corner until she is near him again. The pillar doesn't do much to keep them separated.

"Hunting," she replies simply. "There is more to find late at night." Even though she is equine, she feels the hunger in her dragon companion. It drives her forward and she shares the adrenaline rush of hunting prey. She sees it in herself now approaching others and her mind is always calculating. Maybe a part of her has always been like a dragon and that's why her ancestors were so close to the beasts.

"And you- do you wander so far at night just for the view?" Lucinda asks, tilting her head. The concept is so foreign to her and like a waste of time.



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