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Private  - . skies are blue, haven't been for a while

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i'd rather be spitting blood,

"It goes to show the heart of the people you lead, to allow those from outside into their guild as their leader. I think, if you don't mind, I would very much enjoy a lesson or two from you, Reichenbach. One trip out is more than enough for now, perhaps in time I will get to know your people as well as you do."

Reichenbach smiled broadly and ducked his head, warmth blooming in his chest at her flattering words — it was soothing to hear, what with all the drama surrounding The Night Court lately. Most of that drama... perhaps all of it was due to his actions. Yet... they still loved him. Still smiled at him in the streets and came to drink with him in the taverns. 

"I'm flattered," he said honestly, his voice a musical baritone, then dipped his head as he casually corrected "— our people."

"They are my family and they are nothing like the freedom you offer. It is a collar and leash, a noose made of love and tradition and all that is stagnant. Here... There is so much more here."

At that he remained silent, his argent eyes solemn as they searched Moira's face. Being an orphan, Reichenbach couldn't help but feel that any family would be better than none.. though admittedly he had not been alone for long. His band of Crows had seen to that.. and then the family that had taken him in, with children Denoctian born and bred to be his siblings. 

"You can tell her that she has a friend,"

"I shall." 

The moment his lips spoke Estelle's name the rouge girl stumbled — not physically, but the light that had been shining so brightly within her dimmed noticeably. A pang of regret went through him.. he should not have asked about Estelle so quickly, not when his keen eyes had picked up how important the girl was to Moira. 

"Tell me of Denocte, my king, a story you love?"

His black lips perked into an easy smile, glad to move past the tense topic. He cocked his head, asking "Have you ever heard of the Darkbringer?" assuming she had not, he continued, gesturing for Moira to walk with him as he headed casually to one of the windows set into the stone walls, "Before Caligo chose to leave our domain behind, she had a daughter — pitch black with skin like a ravens wing... as beautiful as the night sky. She was named Ulla." Reichenbach glanced to Moira, silver eyes bright against the ebony of his lashes. He flashed her a smile before filling the air with his sonorous voice once more.

"Ulla lived with her mortal father and knew nothing of her mother but the stories she was given. That did not spoil her nature though, for she was a sweet girl with a strong heart. Ulla grew more beautiful by the day — and soon her beauty began to attract attention...

...though not as much attention as the powers she was beginning to discover. Caligo had left her daughter with the gift of taking away light — whether it be spiritual or physical, Ulla could remove it from someones life."

Reichenbach paused, letting silence stretch between them for a long moment. 

"The rest of Ulla's story has many different endings... but I favour one in particular. Would you like to hear it? It is not the most popular choice of endings."

@Moira gah sorry for the wait!! bit of a bleh ending sorry!


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RE: . skies are blue, haven't been for a while - by Reichenbach - 04-26-2018, 09:40 PM
RE: . skies are blue, haven't been for a while - by Reichenbach - 05-07-2018, 05:47 AM
RE: . skies are blue, haven't been for a while - by Reichenbach - 05-16-2018, 04:08 AM
RE: . skies are blue, haven't been for a while - by Reichenbach - 05-28-2018, 06:28 AM
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