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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - [MEETING] we could be giants

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Their world was coming together, and little did she know about it. She didn't know about the sovereigns rising to claim their title, didn't know that members of the other courts were piling in and filling all the empty spaces that used to be full. She didn't know that she should have been trying to rally her own court, for there were those that still lurked in the shadows of the great Dusk Court tower. Her time had been spent wondering: "when?" When would she see those of her past that pulled her into their arms, the ones she so desperately wanted to protect? When would any step forward and pronounce their loyalty to Vespera and her Court, bringing life back into the walls and openness of Terrastella?

She was ready to face the other courts as a one man army, and little did she know there were already others of Dusk who were prepared to do the same thing.

The day was well on it's way to showing the sun through the sky, hours before dusk still, and light grey rain clouds dotted the blueness. A sun shower had already dumped its contents into the lands around them, and another threatened to do the same as Rannveig paced the spaces before the court tower. There would be no celebrations, no raucous conversations about a sovereign being chosen for the Dusk Court; she was unaware that such festivities should have been warranted, for all she simply did was try to bring the court back together. The fact that she was seen as the 'sovereign' at all was almost missed amid her worrying and restlessness. She sat at the head, surely, but the head of what?

A call to arms passed through her mouth and into the lands beneath Vespera's watch, one not too dissimilar from the one she made some suns ago. But where that was was questioning, this was a demand not to be ignored for she was ready to pull the strings of her court together and create something beautiful. She didn't want to wait--didn't want to worry--and so that day would be the change they all needed to rebuild their system.
And through the harshness of the call she sent to gather those around, she was a soft creature whose words only held a plea. "If the Dusk Court is the home you seek, let us work on fixing it together. We are no weak kind--we are able as the warriors, wise as the sages. Let us prove that we, too, can be a court to reckon with." Her broken words faded out around her as she stood before the Court's entrance in preparation to meet all those that staked a claim as she had.
And all our problems make us powerless

closed for all dusk court members!! this is a mandatory meeting, and the intent is that rann can 1. meet the members of the court, new and old, and 2. your characters can tell her of their interested role in the system. this has a one week deadline and then the ball starts rollin! <33
for all dusk court rules/positions, look here: dusk court information
for non dusk court characters looking for something to crash, try this thread: come rising up

Messages In This Thread
[MEETING] we could be giants - by Rannveig - 07-05-2017, 09:53 AM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Inara - 07-06-2017, 03:04 PM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Auru - 07-06-2017, 09:44 PM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Máni - 07-09-2017, 09:58 PM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Damascus - 07-10-2017, 01:36 AM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Morozko - 07-11-2017, 06:54 PM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Florentine - 07-12-2017, 06:25 AM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Weir - 07-12-2017, 12:46 PM
RE: [MEETING] we could be giants - by Yana - 07-13-2017, 02:47 AM
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