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All Welcome  - Just think of happy things

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The boy grew more excited by the minute, pleasure crossing his face as he imagines Terrestella in the spring.  Spring had always been his favorite time of year, when the world was being born again and the green began to replace winter snows.  Even now, the late autumn breezes stung at his coat and he shivered, hopeful for the warmth that would follow the coming months and eager to see the land as Fiona described it.  He is briefly distracted by wondering what sort of animals might call the Dusk Court home, his imagination bringing to mind fierce dragons along with woodland creatures, but the thoughts are quickly erased as she begins to discuss healing with him.  For this is where his current focus and passions were strongest.

He nods eagerly as she offers to start showing him now, following up the nods with an enthusiastic Okay! as he settles into an easy pace beside her, watching as she carefully tucks her book away, his own thick tome shifting into Oliver as the boy begins to walk.  The otter squeaks a bit indignantly at having his space taken up by the book, escaping from the bag to make his way to Pan’s withers, draping himself like a scarf around the boy’s neck.  Dancing a bit to keep up with her, the boy eagerly sniffs about and takes in the flora that she describes.

Redshank.  The first plant she shows him is beautiful and fragile, and he observes the delicate petals with all the careful attention of a historian restoring a priceless sort of painting.  Drawing out a piece of cloth from his bag, he tucks the bloom within its folds, adding a few more sprigs for good measure and rolling the filament carefully about them to protect it as he tucks it into his satchel for safekeeping.  

What happens if you need it when it’s not growing?  If I collect some now, will it stay good as a dried herb?  He assumed that fresh plants were better, but with winter coming, the redshank would fade just as the rest of Novus’ flowering plants.  Indeed, with war on the brink and winter fast approaching, they would find a need for plants now more than ever… and they needed a good way to preserve the bounty for relevant use throughout the seasons.  

Making a note to document the find in his tome, Pan turned back to Fiona with an eager brightness in his eyes, wanting to learn all she had to teach him.  I hear there is a hospital here in Terrestella.  Do you think they would let me help there, even if I don’t truly belong here in the Dusk Court?

the vagabond adventurer
character by firefly
html by castlegraphics;
image by franknsteins


Messages In This Thread
Just think of happy things - by Pan - 02-21-2019, 03:07 PM
RE: Just think of happy things - by Fiona - 02-26-2019, 11:29 AM
RE: Just think of happy things - by Pan - 03-03-2019, 04:44 AM
RE: Just think of happy things - by Fiona - 03-19-2019, 03:05 PM
RE: Just think of happy things - by Pan - 04-02-2019, 06:03 AM
RE: Just think of happy things - by Fiona - 04-07-2019, 06:31 AM
RE: Just think of happy things - by Pan - 04-13-2019, 07:03 AM
RE: Just think of happy things - by Fiona - 04-26-2019, 02:50 PM
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