a king walks among us
If only he knew enough to know what that change of tone meant, it’s all the same to him, the animal, the child, bear cub, bare club.
To worry for others—
A mad king—
It’s like a fairy tale.
This new world hurt so much to be born in to but this is almost interesting, yes, the mad king, the soldier, a fateful meeting in the night. His eyes are black as a night so polluted with light it looks starless. Covered in lies. He wouldn’t know what they were, no, he can’t even see them.
”The soldiers of Denocte are here to protect you and your fellow citizens.” For a moment he is gone, gaze boring a hole in this antlered man but so very somewhere else, thousand-yard-stare, gone, gone gone.
Knights and glory.
”Do you know more about the mad king?”
”in blood the blade, to its golden hilt, I’ll drown,“
I pledge you now, to death they all are bound,