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All Welcome  - I Was Lost But Now I Am Found (Yet I Don't Know If I Want To Be)

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The swamp she seemed to frequent more and more often opened its arms to her once again. The unfamiliarity and cries of creatures she didn't know was a reminder that the swamp was not hers; she wondered if any, save Yana, had actually managed to call the wetlands home. She owned none of the lands in Terrastella--they belonged to Vespera and she merely upheld belief in the Goddess, and practiced the ways in which she lived. In return, the Goddess was sure to grant the Dusk Court the numbers and protection they needed to rebuild themselves. Though she had never seen the divine figure of Dusk, she had put faith with every sunset that their Lady was with them all, that she would rise to catch them from falling should the threat exist. It was her people, after all, that Rannveig fell in love with and sworn herself to. Was it really such a stretch to hope that Vespera would swear herself to them as well?

She was well wet with her own perspiration by the time she reached the same clearing as he, a solitary mass of earth in the middle of murky waters. It held upon its back the opposite of all she had crossed through: vibrant grasses calling hello, flowers of slight shade variances nestled neatly in patches placed around. It was the area she most often found herself whenever she crossed into the swamp borders, a long trek made worthwhile to see the beauty held within. She had yet met Yana there, and could only remember the eerie silence the night held when she found Pan beneath the blanket of stars.

She wasn't entirely sure what she was supposed to do with the lands under her control; she was not one to keep others out simply in fear of them posing a threat, for she believed in the innate goodness of strangers. Yet it posed the question of how she was to keep track of visitors in Terrastella were they not required to meet with a council member beforehand. Those were the thoughts that plagued her as she moved, unknowingly, toward one of those very strangers.

She saw his form as he was disappearing between the underbrush of the trees that protected their swamp, head low in search of something. She had not seen him before and, such, had no previous interaction to help guide her into an introduction; she stayed some distance behind and gave a tentative call, "Can I help find something?" Her accented voice fell flat in the dense air, but her lips held a smile to show that she only meant good-will.
And all our problems make us powerless

holy god this is so late, im so sorry ;;

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RE: I Was Lost But Now I Am Found (Yet I Don't Know If I Want To Be) - by Rannveig - 07-24-2017, 09:39 AM
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