an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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Played by Offline kealie [PM] Posts: 74 — Threads: 16
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Dawn Court Soldier
Female [she/her/hers]  |  9 [Year 501 Winter]  |  15.3 hh  |  Hth: 11 — Atk: 9 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: Emotion Transference  |    Bonded: Vradara (Small Dragon)

she was powerful not because she wasn't scared,
but because she went on strongly despite her fear.
On that sultry day in mid-summer, the lake was as smooth as any mirror. It extended without a ripple in its silver-blue, emitting a sensation of symmetry and tranquility that was not reflected in Novus' politics and wars. Around the borders of the lake were pines, turbulent in their spacing but never more than a few feet without a tree. The only racket was the delicate susurration of the earth's breath through their leaves and the subtle tweet of birdsong. 

Maerys' mauve eyes sank to the water where they met the reflection of her own face. Though she was still youthful, it'd been quite some time since she'd seen herself so explicitly. It wasn't childhood that peered back at her now, but the summit of puberty and the consequent rise of maturity. The fluffy, wispy locks that had once ornamented her as a toddler were gone now, substituted with lustrous fur and tresses of the daintiest silver and snow. She no longer had the appearance of a daughter, but rather, she had the face of a mare warrior. 

The image was only disrupted as she pulled her eyes up from the surface and plunged her fleshy lips into the water, leisurely sipping the cool liquid. It tasted pure and refined which left her sorely craving more - she stepped into the water, then again, and again. She was reluctant to wade in at first, uncertain, but it didn't take long until the water was striking against her mid-flank, drenching her underbelly and sides while also managing to moisten her silvery-white mane and tail. The freshwater moved over her skin alike to silk, wiping her soul of tragedy and diminishing the dirt on her coat to a sparkle. 

The world felt hectic more so now than ever these days. There was always the faint sense of worry and panic among Novus as if nothing could ever truly rest in harmony. When one issue subsided, another arose. It was much like the head of a hydra here; one problem would become two then four and before long it was intensely overwhelming. It was pleasant to sneak away and bask in the lake with the air a comfortable cool and the large pine trees providing shade on this cloudless day, but Maerys would not stay long (she never could) for her duties were in Delumine and she would surely begin to return before the shadows grew and morphed into nighttime. 

Enthralled with the scene, the girl did not notice the proximity of another.

code created by kaons and modified by me

[Image: maerys-pixel.png]


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the spaces in your sentiments - by Maerys - 08-04-2019, 11:17 PM
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