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Before her daggers find their target, the man made of mountains steps in front of her. Her slate blades carve a small path into his flesh instead of the basket. Effy turns her glare upon him, she can feel her fury building. She is unafraid of his size, nor the gruesome maw that appears to be carved from his chest up to his nape. No, she has seen far worse. She has seen the gods when they fall and become corrupt, and what terrible monsters they were. Nor did she flinch at the unsettling interest his red eye held for her. She could feel the unrest in her soul as it peered like the horrible lurking gods, the monsters they became. She had only known fear back then, now her wrath made her former gods tremble. Effy was nobody here, and she wasn't stupid enough to think that. But her fury sometimes felt like it could create whole universes with how explosive it was. Her anger had yet to turn white-hot, for now, she only simmered. The stranger who was handing out fruit, his basket had spilled upon the ground before them all. It seemed almost as though the spilled fruit was to predict the events of today. There would be more spilled than just fruit. The hungry snatched what they could as the stranger cried out about the injustices Raum had thrust upon Solterra. Efphion could hardly believe he could care about them, he wasn't one of them. But she felt little connection to this court, aside from the worship of Solis, and he only replaced Xamis.

Effy did not speak, no she was still simmering until her rage reached a boil. A brown winged beast made their appearance and spoke of peace. He spoke as though this were a diplomatic event, and that it could be salvaged. She did not get her chance to speak before Bexley replied to him. Her honeyed words were enough to make her gag, and her rage bristle in response. Efphion did not forget the blasphemous way she had denounced Solis, but continued to thrive in his court. The very place he created, and she would not have flourished here without him. But her words resonate with her, the woman who is made to spill blood.  "@Senna you are a fool if you believe no more blood will spill upon the ground today. The only questions are now how much and whose blood." Efphion spoke responded to him, though she hated the taste of acid that came in offering Bexley her support. She had heard his name fall from her lips, as she had the massive beast who had intercepted her dagger. Then upon Bexley's shoulders, a strange bird attaches itself to her withers. It emits a terrible shriek and speaks to Raum. It turns its head in a terrible manner, and Effy can feel her rage building. But this time it is because she must make a decision that is likely to change her standing in the court. The question she begins to ask herself is whether her help is better suited to help Ipomoea, or Raum. An outsider who had slowly begun to bring this court to ruin. To help Bexley, a woman who she still believed was a traitor. No better than her sister.

But still, Raum has only succeeded in dethroning a woman she did not respect. Effy had shed no loyalty to this king, for the throne of Solterra felt hollow. It felt empty, despite the body that sat upon it. Bexley next speaks to Ipomoea, she tells him that she looks forward to the song he will write in the future. He must escape alive. Efphion can feel her rage reach its peak, and she has made her decision. The Soleterrans accepted her, though they did not fear her the way that her kin feared her. Raum had no such say. He did not welcome her in from the heat as Eik had done. Even Seraphina, for all her faults, did not cast her away. Efphion decided she would help him escape. Her frenzied gaze fell upon the man from the place known as Delumine. "Run. Run until your lungs burn and ache, and remember why you got away."Efphion then turned to face Raum, she positioned herself so that she was between Ipomoea and Raum. No, the outsider king would have to fight her, and her rage was reaching its peak. It was about to burn like the sun.

@Raum @Ipomoea @Torstein @Seraphina @Bexley
<3 sorry for the wait

that tears down everything you hold

Messages In This Thread
the flowers say hello - by Ipomoea - 07-30-2019, 10:17 AM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Raum - 07-30-2019, 11:38 AM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Efphion - 07-30-2019, 07:25 PM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Torstein - 07-31-2019, 12:29 AM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Ipomoea - 07-31-2019, 01:04 AM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Senna - 08-01-2019, 01:06 PM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Bexley - 08-01-2019, 09:46 PM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Seraphina - 08-04-2019, 10:16 PM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Raum - 08-05-2019, 11:37 AM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Efphion - 08-09-2019, 04:58 PM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Bexley - 08-29-2019, 12:45 PM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Torstein - 08-12-2019, 01:38 AM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Ipomoea - 08-13-2019, 02:57 PM
RE: the flowers say hello - by Senna - 08-21-2019, 11:47 PM
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