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All Welcome  - [FALL] my tower isn't very grand

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hold infinity in the palm of your hand
and eternity in an hour

Pravda had decided to travel to Denocte under the recommendation of a significantly older stallion who he bumped into—literally, not figuratively—while feverishly searching the Deluminian library for stories on the Night Court. It was simply a matter of Pravda’s routine search into the more intricate histories of Novus as a whole, but the older stallion had proceed to chastise him for being such a “book worm” and that it was no way to live life.  

Pravda supposed, then, that the only way to truly live life was to travel several miles to the city of Denocte and experience their current harvest festival firsthand. It was a moist fall day that bled into a chill fall night, one where the leaves shook on the trees. Pravda may have gotten lost on more than one occasion, which accounts for the amount of time his journey took, and he was loathe to admit the fact the only reason he found his way at all was due to Prigovora’s guidance. It was something the raptor would not soon forget.

He is quite fatigued by the time he reaches Sideralis Prairie, and when he discovers a number of tents and caravans he is pleasantly surprised. After asking around, he discovers they are Novus residents who have travelled to attend the Harvest Festival. He finds a willing vendor selling hot, spiced cider and some sort of sweet pumpkin bread before, on the vendor’s recommendation, travelling to the maze. 

Pravda is reluctant to admit his ignorance on the topic. He does not want anyone to laugh. But when he arrives, he realises that he does not know what a maze is, and staring at the towering opening to a complex system he finds himself at a loss… He stands off to the side, working up the courage to ask one of the other equines as they enter. Finally, he finds the courage. “Excuse me? Would you like to… ah, accompany me… into the maze?” His face flushes sheepishly. “I’ve never been in one before.” Or heard of them. But he decides not to add that. 

Pravda thinks, after a long moment, he would have preferred his books. 

@Pravda | "speaks" | notes:

Messages In This Thread
[FALL] my tower isn't very grand - by Pravda - 10-03-2019, 12:29 AM
RE: [FALL] my tower isn't very grand - by Sloane - 10-03-2019, 03:42 PM
RE: [FALL] my tower isn't very grand - by Pravda - 10-20-2019, 08:12 PM
RE: [FALL] my tower isn't very grand - by Sloane - 10-27-2019, 05:33 AM
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