The mare's eyes drifted to every new arrival with quiet judgment in the back of her mind. They were all strangers, for the most part; some she had seen at Maxence's rally, but was far from an opportunity to familiarize herself with any of them. To be truthful, Avdotya bore not even a shred of interest for most, but it sure would have been nice to know their skills in combat now that she was to fight alongside them. Nevertheless, she would make do with what was given.
Eventually her focus fell upon one mare in particular among the group: Bexley, the insolent thing she had encountered back in the capitol. She met her gaze with cold indifference, then left it to linger for a moment more until the unmistakable screech of a Teryr bird tore through the silence. It sent the woman's ears flat against her neck and drew a sour look from her face. The sound was awful, but it seemed it even that was not quite as awful as the onslaught they were suddenly facing. Avdotya leapt back instinctively as the bird razed through some of the others, crushing one of them and rendering her already useless. Her mind only required a fraction of a second to calculate her next move, and while their target was busy focusing on the first few, she sprinted 'round to position herself behind it. From that point, her teeth viciously grabbed for the wooden shaft of her spear. After having established a firm hold of the weapon, Avdotya waited only for a moment to rifle it into the base of the Teryr's tail. To damage the tail meant to hinder its ease of flight (perhaps by striking a nerve in the spine), and with some of the others honing in on the wings, this would simply be another nail in the coffin towards their goal of grounding it. |