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Private  - The Cycle of Life

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 116 — Threads: 20
Signos: 40
Dawn Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Fall]  |  14.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 30 — Exp: 54  |    Active Magic: Natural Energy Flow  |    Bonded: N/A

The doe smiled as the stallion laughed and shook his head, reading the honesty in his words from the way the energy flowed. Wouldn't hurt even a fly. Cally had once been like that herself - until she learned how harsh the world can be. She'd raised her weapon more than once when in the threat of a potential enemy, and no longer balked at the idea of aiming and firing it at another if her life, or the lives of others depended upon it. The carefree Cally who would do no harm had been locked away when her magic had first been locked away. Now, eve as her abilities flowed like the currents she followed, she still didn't hesitate to raise that bow in defense.

"Exploring is the worst way to destroy my satchel. Nothin's as heart-sinking as watching your provisions fall down the edge of a cliff because a seam gave out in your bag." She huffed with good nature. "And then having to end the adventure early because you grow too hungry and the area you are exploring is a little low on edible vegetation," She added with a laugh.

She hadn't expected him to be of the traveling sort, but as she thought about it, it made more sense, "What kinds of lands have you seen?" She asked curiosity, the gleam to her eye one of an individual earnest to learn new things. However the topic soon had to revert back to the doe, and as he spoke of a craft being hard to learn, she nodded in understanding, though she couldn't fathom a world were she'd be slaving away to create a doe-hide robe, even for herself, when she could be exploring the world instead. When he did admit that he was done with the body - taking all he could, she nodded.

Her smile was reassuring, "It won't go to waste." She assured. Already she could feel the energy rising up, eager to claim the carcass, for it fuel the natural world, feeding the scavengers, fertilizing the earth, being part of the world the doe had walked upon, "For when ever any of us leave - we return to the flow." She whispered the words more to the doe than the stallion, gathering her magic in the center of her chest, before wrapping it around the doe. A soft green glow surrounded the doe as she telekentically guided the body, while her personal brand of magic slowly had the earth peeling away, layer by layer until a shallow grave sat below where the doe hovered. She gently lowered the creature, "Be at peace, your energy has returned to the currents" Her words felt ceremonious, but the energy that clung to her hide seemed to sparkle in joy at her actions. The earth slowly returned to it's point, folding back over the hole, surrounding and filling it around the pelt-less carcass. As the grass itself was once more placed down, seamless merging with the remaining foliage - as if a hole had never been there; did he turn back to the stallion, "Rest easy now. Nature has a way of making even the parts of a body left behind useful." She stated with a warm smile, even as she felt some of that exhaustion sit in from moving such a large bit of earth. Nothing that she couldn't handle, but enough of a reminder that her powers weren't at the level they were before.


Let's jump on the sun and ride it to tomorrow together, where everything is brighter and sure to be better.

Messages In This Thread
The Cycle of Life - by Atlaas - 10-24-2019, 12:18 PM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Callynite - 10-25-2019, 04:23 PM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Atlaas - 10-26-2019, 06:59 AM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Callynite - 10-26-2019, 11:29 AM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Atlaas - 10-27-2019, 03:41 PM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Callynite - 10-29-2019, 09:20 AM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Atlaas - 10-29-2019, 05:58 PM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Callynite - 10-30-2019, 09:33 AM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Atlaas - 11-02-2019, 07:26 PM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Callynite - 11-17-2019, 07:25 PM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Atlaas - 11-19-2019, 07:16 PM
RE: The Cycle of Life - by Callynite - 12-08-2019, 12:55 PM
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