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All Welcome  - The Sky Ocean is Flooding!

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Played by Offline Dyzzie [PM] Posts: 214 — Threads: 26
Signos: 260
Dusk Court Battlemage
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  Immortal [Year 498 Summer]  |  15.2 hh  |  Hth: 30 — Atk: 50 — Exp: 88  |    Active Magic: Hydrokinesis  |    Bonded: Yukime (Ice Serpent)

Below Zero

my frost philosophy will put no curse on me

Bel's head snapped up, silver horns glinting through the rain as she heard the sound of stones hailing down, what surely sounded like a loud avalanche of snow - though there was no snow - perhaps of rocks of the mountain? WHERE THE MONSTERS IN THE SKY STARTING TO DESTROY THE WORLD?! Oh, she couldn't watch, she didn't want to watch, and her head was quickly buried beneath one lean limb as she tried not to imagine everything being destroyed, and flooded. Not once did the thought of the flood being water, and she being an aquatic creature cross her mind. In a flood she'd easily swim through it; but instead her fear haze had conveniently forgotten that fact. She instead huddled closer to the brush and tree she'd found to shelter her from the worst of the rain.

She never heard the trot over the sound of the storm whirling around them, though could one blame her when she felt fear as she did? A new kind of weather phenomenon that she had never experienced before. Hello? The voice was pitched over the angry sound of the monsters fighting in the sky, and she hesitated, wondering if someone really was around. And then a muzzle touched her side and she startled, both at the touch and the much closer male, Are you okay? Her head snapped up, the folded fin against her back flaring up as her two set of eyes stared at him first in shock and then in nervousness. Where had he come from, why was he here? WHY WAS HE ASKING IF SHE WAS OKAY? Hadn't he heard the monsters in the sky ocean fighting? Another angry growl ripped through the air and she flinched closer to the tree she was hiding by, even as she watched him cautiously.

What was she supposed to say though? "I am . . . uninjured." The words were stiff, almost formal as the eel electricity jumped through the clouds, "But . . . the monsters in the sky . . . seem determined to drown us with the Sky Ocean." Different culture, different understandings, and for her first thunderstorm with no frame of reference for what thunder and lightning was - it wasn't too shocking she'd amounted them to monsters of the heavens. She didn't say anything else, her head dipping with uncertainty as her gaze (both sets of eyes) turned to the sky once more, her fin fidgiting before flattening once more, her expression frightened. She wan't one for Thunderstorms.



Notes: Thanks for the reply <3 <3

i feel no cold, i feel no fear inside my mind

Now I'm full of energy

[Image: i-jTNwWx8.png]

Messages In This Thread
The Sky Ocean is Flooding! - by Below Zero - 10-22-2019, 08:00 PM
RE: The Sky Ocean is Flooding! - by Atlaas - 10-26-2019, 05:10 PM
RE: The Sky Ocean is Flooding! - by Below Zero - 10-30-2019, 09:47 AM
RE: The Sky Ocean is Flooding! - by Atlaas - 11-02-2019, 01:39 PM
RE: The Sky Ocean is Flooding! - by Below Zero - 11-17-2019, 01:41 PM
RE: The Sky Ocean is Flooding! - by Atlaas - 11-19-2019, 07:48 PM
RE: The Sky Ocean is Flooding! - by Below Zero - 12-07-2019, 06:34 PM
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