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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

Private  - pour a little salt, we were never here

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He laughs.

He doesn't even try to hold it back, but erupts in a fit of laughter. Morrighan glares at him, the frustration in her eyes matching the spark of flames at her feet. He claims he's not laughing at her, but that doesn't do much to help.

For some reason, the man is then interested in her magic. She feels flattered when he says that she's a weapon herself and her annoyance dissipates for a moment. Morr almost tells him she learned how to use her magic a century ago back in her homeland, but decides to leave that part out. There were not as many immortal equines here in Novus and therefore the idea of immortality became lost to some.

"It's the ability I was born with. I just did training as I grew up," she replies, also leaving out the fact that her magic had been stripped upon entering the portal. And that it's not nearly as strong as it was back in Ourania. He didn't need to know such things and could just continue feeling awed by her strength.

The man has now managed to clean up the table to look almost like nothing had happened. There are still bits of ash laying around, but the initial spot is cleaner. She's glad that he doesn't make her pay for the loot-thing-whatever-it-was because she wouldn't have done it anyway.

He goes on to say that he's only just arrived and is curious of the most recent news. It makes her laugh as he clearly doesn't know who she is, likely because he's so new. Well, it's about time he found out.

"Well, I am Morrighan, Warden of Denocte," she says, standing proudly. "I didn't grow up in Novus, but I've been here long enough to be in this position. I would say the most recent news is that Raum is dead. Surely you've at least heard of him? The tyrant in Solterra?" Morrighan looks at him quizzically, wondering just how in the dark the man may be. She also finds herself curious as to where he came from if he only just arrived. Perhaps a world without magic? If that's the case, she might even pity him.

"Where are you from then?" she finally asks, feeling skeptical again. He likely posed no threat, especially if he's here selling not-weapons and useless items. But if he came from another Court, she might be interested in hearing about the ins and outs. Not that she planned to stray out from Denocte's borders any time soon, but any information might end up being useful later.

@Sterling <3



Messages In This Thread
RE: pour a little salt, we were never here - by Morrighan - 09-29-2019, 10:35 PM
RE: pour a little salt, we were never here - by Morrighan - 10-12-2019, 11:23 PM
RE: pour a little salt, we were never here - by Morrighan - 11-03-2019, 11:40 PM
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