an equine & cervidae rpg
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Novus closed 10/31/2022, after The Gentle Exodus

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Queen of Seduction
Baphomet had woken that morning with the desire to run. To stretch her legs and fly over the sands of her home. And Solterra was truly beginning to feel like home for her. She had a place where she belonged, a world to learn about and people to meet. The seventeen hand tall, sooty bay and chestnut chimera mare had flourished in the heat of the desert, her white dipped legs strong and sure and her body trim of any excess flesh as she had taken to going to the desert to stretch her long legs. The normally ornamented mare had left her golden accessories at home, not wanting them striking her as she moved. It was a lesson that she had learned the first time she had decided to do this.

The golden bangles had left her pasterns bruised and sore for days, something that made her loathe to try again. The only accessories that the newly named Champion wore were those that she had been born with. Her cross marking on her chiseled facade gleamed with health and seemed to glow in the morning sun, as did her white stockings. Ebony tresses kissed her richly hued pelt. Golden eyes took in all that were around her, head held high and with a self possessed confidence. She felt strong and beautiful as she moved through the shifting sands with purpose. If anyone wanted to talk, she would gladly stop her journey and introduce herself. Since coming to Novus, she had become less hard headed and independent. Baph would still flirt with anyone that caught her attention and she had a weakness for equines with power. But at the same time, she was learning to be more open to the citizens of Solterra and felt herself craving the connections with them.

Reaching a stretch that was fairly flat and even, Baphomet leapt into action. Her straight legs flashed as they ate up the ground beneath her and drove her faster and faster. Every time she ran, she pushed herself to be faster, stronger, better than the time before. The mare could feel her locks flying behind her like twin banners, her tail rippling as waves of air caught and twisted the hair. At the end of the stretch, Baph slowed to a rocking canter and then a trot, turning and heading back toward the Court with a smile on her face. She always looked more approachable when she was through with her gallop, the exercise making her feel a wave of satisfaction and happiness.


@ -
Notes: Open to anyone <3 Trying to get miss Baph more active and out there.

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Sands of Change - by Baphomet - 11-18-2019, 03:14 PM
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