an equine & cervidae rpg
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Private  - Flurry of Orange in the Morning - Bel

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Played by Offline Chaosy [PM] Posts: 77 — Threads: 21
Signos: 35
Dusk Court Sovereign
Female [She/Her/Hers]  |  11 [Year 500 Spring]  |  17 hh  |  Hth: 12 — Atk: 8 — Exp: 24  |    Active Magic: N/A  |    Bonded: Neema (Maned Wolf)

Pure of Heart
"Uzuri! Can we go out hunting today?" Neema called as Uzi woke up. The blue roan splash mare yawned and stared at the young canid. Always full of energy. The orange hued creature was cavorting about and it made it challenging for the barely awake mare to follow her movements.

"Hunting..." She yawned again, shaking her body as she stretched her sleep stiff muscles. "I suppose we could do that." She nodded, following the maned wolf automatically as Neema led the way toward the fields. They were one of her favorite places, always bustling with life and lush with grasses. An excited yelp escaped the canid's lips and she raced off in a rush.

"Seriously... You expect me to keep up this early?" Uzi mumbled softly, flicking open her wings and releasing from the soil in a flurry of powerful flaps. It was the easiest way to keep up with the quick creature that had become her companion. It took less time to travel the same amount of distance on wings than on hooves and Neema was just so insanely fast.

Landing in the fields, Uzuri searched for the characteristic orange and black pelt of her companion. "Neema?" She called, unable to locate her with just her eyes. "Did you run off to a new friend or something? Why cant you be patient and wait for me!" A momentary laugh bubbled in her chest. Neema was just as impulsive as her bone head brother and was a point of amusement for Uzi and irritation for Neema. "Neema! I am going to call Coy and have him find you!" She yelled, taking a stand in an out of the way area and waiting for the maned wolf to reappear.

@Below Zero
Notes: and crappy starter #2 XD

Messages In This Thread
Flurry of Orange in the Morning - Bel - by Uzuri - 11-18-2019, 08:18 PM
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