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awe and enchantment
The world was the calling of my heart and it was there for me, and for all, to explore and love as if we owned it. However, no land was truly owned by anyone other than its wonderful creator whose imagination must be vast compared to us common dwellers. I smile softly, finding a fondness for the doe as spirit sparkled in her eyes at the mention of adventure. “Directions? I couldn’t provide you with any – Just follow the path your heart carves and you’ll find what you want to find, even if you’re not sure what that is,” I let her speak and then wonder, eyes coursing the foal like, doe like, horse like figurine that she was, curiosity on the tip of my tongue. “Where do you come from?”
Mother Nature was that beautiful being I loved so much. If she did not want me to travel up the Mountains that day then it was my honour to bow to her wishes and reevaluate my exploration. Another day would come, bright and sunny and I would follow my call again and complete the feat of mastering the climb and reaching the top. I shrugged it off and had continued my merry way, still blessed to bump into a few others who had satisfied my need to learn.
I continued to watch as she paid grace to the fallen doe, quiet and thoughtful. I glanced to the burial and felt at ease that someone so wonderful could be here to pay proper respects, more than I could ever do with just my hooves. “Your duty is honourable Ah – Um, I never got your name?” I wanted to savour the memories of the most pure I met, I wanted to savour the memory of everyone I met so I could recall, think back and believe that the world is a good place. She was definitely one of the good ones and maybe one day we would bump paths again. Perhaps, whilst exploring.
ooc: sorry for trash
tags: @Callynite
with the beauty in which
nature expresses herself
nature expresses herself